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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 1 hour ago, Artkin said:

    you would see that many fields have walking paths which

    And having just done my setup turn in 'Battle for Chaumont Second Round' against Dave, that is a very good point. 

    I tried, but the map is a tough one for LOS issues.

    Which is another way of saying, it's great.  Edit: Or that I'm not.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Lucky_Strike said:

    My thought is that most lost their schurzen pretty quickly

    Yes for sure.  Whether or not this was also true of 'non-Jagd' Panthers is a question though, as there are lots of photos of them with schurzen - more of them were there of course.

    I'm curious about the caption on the picture - is there any further indication of what the interesting feature/weakness may have been?   Looking at it through the hatch would seem an odd way to investigate it, but there may have been other things inside putting the sunbather off from entering for a closer look.

    No doubt it's just journalistic license as I doubt linked notes/records would be available.  Let's make up a story around a photo kind of thing.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Lucky_Strike said:

    Ain't she purdy.

    She sure is Mark, great find.  Although I prefer fully functional models, without enemy soldiers sunbathing on top.

    EDIT 1: I'll save you the trouble of an 'ooh-err, missus'.

    EDIT 2: Am I right in thinking 654 was the unit involved in the 'famous' battle where three Jagdpanthers take out erm quite a few British tanks, subject of a CM scenario which I quite liked?  I think they dumped them afterwards so that picture may be one of them?

    EDIT 3:  I can see traces of your Hedgerow Hell mod in that photo 😉.

  4. Going back to the discussion in the other thread, I'm going to open a ticket reporting a bug in the censorship software.

    How can shaking my *** (that's my rear end, just to be clear) be censored, but someone calling me a wanker is not?  That's a bug right?

  5. 41 minutes ago, Artkin said:

    I sure hope they do. I've whined about bugs like the 85mm 52k anti-air gun from cmrt firing at the base, and that was fixed in CMFR I think. None were as game breaking as this, so I hope this gets the special treatment. We have also been deprived of new content for too long, so it's about time we get a new round of virtual stuff.

    Not having a good day my friend?  I realise I may be risking the latter part of that 😬.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Butschi said:

    no rocket science involved. The script does nothing you couldn't do yourself

    Ahem, yes of course.  I can create a map or edit another person's work and have done so as a fun exercise.  You just have to read the manual 😉.

    8 minutes ago, Butschi said:

    performance hit: I uploaded a the btt-File for the winter map a few posts above. Look for yourself.

    Sorry I saw that and missed the significance.  Thanks 👍.

  7. 4 hours ago, Tommo said:

    I think I may continue with CMBFN for a little while and then inevitably I will succumb in the not too distant and get FB, maybe in a month or so.


    I think you've correctly interpreted how this works 😉.

    I was in your position just a couple of years ago, starting with CMRT.  Then added CMBN.  Then CMFI.  And finally CMFB.

    Anyway, CMFB is a great title.  Obviously it's not hugely different to CMBN but it does somehow 'feel' different to me, and has some different assets to play with. The maps, scenarios and campaigns are great even if there are fewer scenarios in FB.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Grab all the spare ammo out of them during the Set-up Phase when movement within the Set-up zones is free.


    Anyway, to me having vehicles available is always a bonus.  Jagdpanthers if possible, but Jeeps if not.

  9. 1 hour ago, Modernrocco said:

    How would you use bloke and wanker? 

    You could say 'that bloke is a wanker'?  If you weren't that impressed with the said bloke of course.

    I'm surprised that the forum censorship programming does not activate itself over the w word.

    I also think we're straying from the thread's focus.  You should perhaps start a new thread?  If you call it 'Wanker' we will all be able to find it.

  10. Hi (I would say welcome but you've been here a while).

    1. What use are Jeeps? 

    In-game of course, but just like real life 🙂.  They can move people/stuff about (quickly).  They often (always?) carry additional ammo.  They can be (fairly expendable) recon.  Being a bit sanguine, they have a driver who can be useful.  They sometimes have guns.  Or radios.

    2. How to use jeeps with radios?

    Thats a good question, which I can't really answer but think the following.  If such a jeep is manned (i.e. not dismounted or destroyed) the radio will 'automatically' be active in the C2 command/communication structure.  It will therefore help to maintain comms, at least between units within the same command, if not beyond.. How far this goes I don't know, but I'm sure some more knowledgeable folk will.

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