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Everything posted by FlammenwerferX

  1. Doesn't make sense that someone can be here one day and gone the next. All that experience, knowledge, wisdom, potential...lost. Of course, Stuka, didn't have most of those, but still..Sucks. F•ck it dude, let's go bowling.
  2. If your philosophy is Quality over Quantity, that's fine, no problem. But, why not just say that, instead of saying, you don't really need all those scenarios because they are just variations on X, Y and Z or multitudes of well made scenarios are your father's Oldsmobile compared to the fancy new QB generator. I get it, not questioning or criticizing your business model or cm2 in general, just the editor and lack of content available. I'm not sure why you went off on that tangent, to be honest, but hey if you need to vent, fine by me. You mentioned Balance. All I can do is keep tossing my 2¢ pieces onto the scale. The fact that I'm still here after all this time is some proof that I care and root for yalls.
  3. Exactly! And if someone pours you a cup of coffee that's not black - do not drink it.
  4. Do people still use saccharine, for their coffee, I mean?
  5. Steve, Just curious, if CM2 had the same amount of user made content that CM1 had in its heyday, with all the accompanying buzz and interest on this forum and other fan made websites, like the scenario depot and others, that were producing high quality battles, maps...etc, would that increase sales to any significant degree?
  6. Design intent and results are two different things. The proof is in the pudding. [That expression kind of annoys me, to be honest]. :-) Where are all the 'Barkman's Corners' ? Quantifying the amount of effort over cm1, only shows that the new engine was more complex, as you said, and not necessarily that the editor was high priority. I guessing you ended up spending much more time on the editor than you wanted to. Imho
  7. Go easy, bro...it's all good. :-) I was just being literal, not having used the word Easy in reference to making scenarios for cmx1. My mistake, I meant User Friendly Style in reference to a scenario editor that seemed to have been purposely designed with the end consumer in mind and not just Beta freakers.
  8. Yes, I was around in the heyday of CM1 and created many scenarios. If you were around back then, I'd bet you played at least one of them. And NO, making them was not easy, as Combatinhat said every elevation tile needed to be checked one by one. To make a good battle required time and effort. I remember back then the phrase was the scenario editor WAS the game. No one has ever said that about CMx2. There was a whole community of designers and websites buzzing with activity. Good times, people. Fun was had. The editor was clearly not a priority for the new engine. Remember the lack of triggers and the Chinese-puzzle road tiles...etc
  9. Did I say it was easy!? Go back to my post. I think it was Mr. sburke that said it was easy.
  10. Huh? I'm only one person. Never claimed to be representing anything but my point of view. Is this your way of dismissing my comments instead of arguing on the merits.
  11. Hello sburke I think you misunderstood my post. I'm not knocking QB, the generator or those that prefer them. My post was all about Scenarios and those that prefer them, and most of all, miss there absence. Are we outliers? Are we outside the norm? Demanding the devs fulfill our esoteric requests. What I think you (and maybe Steve) are saying, is that everyone has different taste when it comes to Well Made Scenarios so probably better go with the QB. I completely understand that this is a business, and thus we will be sold on the gadget which the developers spent time and money on, but please don't paint me as being just one voice making demands outside the norm. I mean the issue of Lack of User Made Content (and participation) is frequently brought up on these forums. As is the decision not to attempt a user-friendly, CM1 style scenario editor. Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry[ campaigns]. I believe that even 'the casual gamers' like chocolate. Do you?
  12. Quick battles are only a solution of last resort, if you like well made scenarios. Currently, if you love 'Barkman's Corner' type battles you will be hard pressed to find another. I disagree, the more scenarios being made the more buckets you will need to sort them by type.
  13. Hey Mike. Is this strategy any different than the one of the past ten years?
  14. Some people are going to defend the game, regardless of evidence shown.
  15. My guess would be difficulty, as in cash money, for content that is not widely desired.
  16. You can always work remotely at the local Starbucks, and ogle any hot chicks.
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