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Posts posted by Sulomon

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mord said:


    Harken well, dear Sulomon, for there is a moral to this tale I tell to thee. Sometimes, gentle Sulomon, a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes games and patches are delayed because they just need more time. Let not the demons of rumor and despair take thee. Seek enlightenment, reach for the truth, for if ye don't ye may just end up with a Waffen SS manikin in your boudoir and a penchant for dunking baby cats!


    The End.



    Exactly what me and many others have been doing only to hear silence.  But now as of several hours ago Steve said he will say something so we may finally have enlightenment.  


    Brave Rinaldi, Miller and others have long battled against those who think the lack of communication and fixes is acceptable!  Fortunately many others have come to their aid as more forum posters grow restless after months and months of nothing.

    I didn't put anyone specific for the orcs but they represent the people who think the current situation is reasonable (of course they can believe what they wish but in this video they're shown to be wrong) and in general represent steve's lack of communication and fixes.

  3. 17 minutes ago, sburke said:

    No actually it is not literally impossible.  Are they fabulously rich, no.  Are they making a decent living enough to make this worthwhile when they could be making a lot more working for someone else.  Yeah.  And they still make the best tactical combat sim out there and haven't sold away the rights. And limping along for 20 years?  Small businesses don't "limp along" for 20 years.  That statement alone shows how little you understand the subject you are discussing.   So yes I will standby my statement that the longevity reflects they know very well what they are doing.   But hey if you have anything more than "they don't tell me enough info or they haven't yet released a patch for an issue that took months for anyone to notice" as a evidence that they don't know what they are doing, let's hear it.

    Actually let's not cause it doesn't really matter.  I'll still buy the next release and it doesn't bother me that Steve waits till he feels he has something substantial to say before posting. 

    Good lord - the new era where "what I believe" becomes the replacement for I don't really know so I shouldn't say.  Where the f**k did that theory come from.  Oh wait yeah I can smell it now.....

    I believe climate change isn't happening so I can ignore all the freakin science.  

    Small businesses do "limp along" for 20 years.  Existing for some time doesn't mean they are prosperous just that they aren't bankrupt failures.  The theory comes from nothing being done for months and that the thing they were working on was the NZ game.  Something is holding BF up.  Yeah there's not really any hard evidence but it sounds more likely by each day of no communication or releases.

  4. 44 minutes ago, The Steppenwulf said:


    Now if this hasn't impacted on the progress of SF2 and the v 4 patch in some way over the past 12-17 months then....





    I increasingly believe in the theory that NZ backed out of the contract or asked for a patched version which is yet to come so BF is in a tough spot right now.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Ivanov said:

    Nope. I was just disagreeing with judging BW state based on the look of the soldiers from the video. I've been also trying to turn this exchange into more constructive discussion about the real reasons, why German army has become what it is today. So thank you for the recent comments of @panzersaurkrautwerfer @DerKommissar @Rinaldi and @Saint_Fuller

    Then you should have quoted Erwin.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Ivanov said:

    Ah the magic of statistics... With the massive GDP Germans don't need to spend 2% on the defence. Even with their 1.3%, they spend little less than UK and only 30% less than Russia, which  is suffocating itself with an unsustainable military expenditure. Also keep in mind, that unlike those two countries, Germans don't need to maintain nuclear forces or a big navy. Sure Federal Republic could spend a little more, but IMO their current problems don't originate from an insufficient military budget. As to the equipment expenditure, they spend less because unlike the Baltic states they have the equipment. If you compare German APC's, tanks or helicopters to what Poland has ( 2% of GDP spending on the defence ), it's like comparing modern army to a museum exhibition. I'm not saying that Bundeswehr is in a great shape, but you have to look a little further than the raw statistics or press articles with a clear political aim. 

    And you need to look at the posts and evidence that keep getting posted instead of glancing over them and ignoring them.  It would also help if you bothered to post any info or evidence outside of saying other people are wrong.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Raptorx7 said:


    Are you sure we want C3k to play Gandalf though, I think he would tell Frodo and Sam to run straight through the Black gate ;)

    The audio edit at the end bleeds over to gandalf so I just picked someone from this thread to be gandalf.

  8. 33 minutes ago, DesertFox said:


    Most people don´t care anymore. And frankly almost 18 months for a patch...pfff. Shows that the developer doesn´t care either for one reason or the other. Don´t get me wrong it´s their business, they can do whatever they want. But the average customer expectation is to get stuff fixed within a reasonable amount of time and to communicate with the customer. Since neither is taking place here everyone has to draw his own conclusions.

    Yeah, battlefront said soon and the problem is probably fixed yet it's almost the end of April and no more communication on the issue.



    Oh yes!  The Engine 4 patch.  That should be out fairly soon.  Testers have indicated the running away problem is probably fixed so we're just making sure of it.  I'd like to have the patch out much sooner than later.





  9. 33 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    So all the other people who are scenario designing, map making, playing and testing the game right now are wrong and you are right?  :lol:

    I'm beginning to wonder if you are a loony TBH?  :mellow:

    Yeah he's right.  As stated numerous times by numerous people, the infantry bug simplifies winning as the attacker into "fire arty barrage on defending enemy units."  It's not hard to see the problems with this.  

  10. image.jpeg.bcb13e5db3319b1053734b99e37e3e6f.jpeg

    For whatever reason the BMP-1 look appeals to me a lot.  But not as huge a fan of the way the BMP-2 and BMP-3 look.  

    Image result for T-62

    As for proper AFVs I like a lot of Soviet tanks in general.  I like the green color scheme they have a lot of the time and the way they look with and without reactive armor and other equipment on the tank.  T-55 and T-62 look the best of the major Soviet MBTs imo.

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