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Posts posted by Sulomon

  1. I think Erwin is specifically referring to recon vehicles such as the BRM-1 and some of the WW2 German armored cars.  Recon vehicles do seem to have limited use since other vehicles but mainly infantry can accomplish the task of recon.

  2. I don't really roleplay at all.  But I don't use cheap tactics like sound exploits to find unit locations.  Despite this I do think roleplaying is better gameplay.  A standard formation with real life tactics is probably going to do better than say a blob of of Brummbars and fanatic stragglers fast moving across the map.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    So, now you are saying that BF and Steve etc are so incompetent that they misunderstand...  You should write them a proposal making your case to them and pointing out what they misunderstand and maybe not waste your time beating a dead horse on these forums.

    Simples...   :blink:

    This is extremely spicy.  I understand you don't know things such as computer basics so I won't blame you for not having good reading comprehension but that couldn't be more wrong.  I'm obviously referring to the people who don't like steam running on startup, lan play etc.  I've made no hint that Steve keeps away from steam for trivial misunderstandings.

  4. 3 minutes ago, SgtHatred said:


    I keep trying to avoid the primary debate here because I think it is meaningless. Steve's made his decision and this has all been hashed out before, but you guys keep coming up with these crazy arguments. Valve (the company that runs Steam) is no more a parasite than the guy who collects my garbage, delivers my pizza, or any of the other products and services I buy. Valve provides services in exchange for money to the publishers of various games. Given its popularity with publishers who haven't spent the time to create their own distribution system, I imagine at least some think that it is worth it.

    Yeah much of the anti-steam sentiment seems to come from misunderstandings or trivial issues.

  5. 7 minutes ago, sburke said:

    If you can’t understand why a steam supporter would be more likely to vote you need to take a few UX classes. And how sure are you? Based on?  I deal with a lot of UX folks and have been exposed to the whole psychology of surveys, how you ask questions, what can be leading questions etc.  I know you’d like this to be cut and dried especially as the small sample size is already in favor of what you want.  Unfortunately if you really want an honest appraisal versus vindication of your own opinion, you’ll need to work a bit harder at it.  Just saying. 

    As to the stats,yes they are pretty clear. Again they don’t support your theory so you are well prepared to discard them.  You are clearly operating from bias.  Not that your response is totally invalid, but in both cases you immediately defend the position you want to be right versus agreeing that that particular piece of data doesn’t support your argument. 

    My response to the stats isn't really biased.  They're one set of numbers and the other sets to compare against would be helpful.  Also is there a basis for that the majority of players don't support CM on steam?  

  6. 8 minutes ago, sburke said:

    You aren’t factoring in those that think your straw poll is a complete waste of time and aren’t voting no like I would if I thought it mattered. 😁. When formulating a survey it is important to know how your question weights the result. Players who want steam are more likely to vote therefore your poll question is skewed from the start.  

    Why are players who want steam more likely to vote?  And I'm sure there is a proportionally similar number of people who support steam but also consider voting a waste of time.

    7 minutes ago, sburke said:

    Oh crap, you aren’t going to bring real facts into this discussion are you?  Oh geez there goes the neighborhood. 

    These numbers don't mean much without stats for Combat Mission.  Or stats for these games on and off steam.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Yah... 12 people.  Obviously a huge majority of all customers of BF.  Clearly we doubters have all been wrong about this and BF should immediately sign up to Steam.  How could we be so stupid as to think otherwise.

    Do you realize only 4 people said no? And there's now 13 yes votes too. You can stop with "the silent majority supports me" and acknowledge you're in all likelihood wrong.

  8. 21 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Still can't understand why some folks care so much to keep pushing Steam on and on... and on... when it's so clearly not wanted by BF or most players on these forums - just the same 3 or 4 people.   Is there an agenda here?

    As of now the results are 12 yes, 4 no, and 3 neutral.  Erwin I think you might have been a tad off when saying most players on these forums don't think Steam would be beneficial.  Most people it seems support it.  And of the people who don't like steam it seems to be in part at least from trivial problems they have had with steam.  Such as people complaining about Steam running on startup which isn't a steam problem but a not knowing computer basics problem.

  9. 58 minutes ago, Heirloom_Tomato said:

    How many of you Steam users can make a single purchase through Steam, install it on multiple computers, and play the same game, at the same time, on those machines? 

    I have never been able to do it and I think it is impossible to do.  I purchased two new laptops just shy of a year ago and installed all my CM games on both laptops. My daughter and I can play LAN a match anytime we want with CM. We can't however play a LAN game with any of my Steam titles as they are installed under one user name on both laptops.

    For this reason alone, Battlefront should stay away from Steam like it is the plague. I have ZERO interest in purchasing multiple copies of each game just to be able to enjoy a battle with a family member.


    I've done this in Civ 5 with friends.  Just put steam to offline.

  10. 8 minutes ago, sburke said:

    None of this matters.  It is a BF business decision and they have said no, repeatedly.  We do not get to have a say in that.  Whether you agree or disagree is up to you, but our opinions are not going to change Steve's mind.  :D 

    I know I'm just curious.  Personally I think more CM players would say that CM on steam is beneficial than say it is not beneficial.

  11. 30 minutes ago, SgtHatred said:

    This may actually be the least rational thing I've ever read on this board.

    Yeah, I just checked the Steam pages for Gary Grigsby's War in the East and CMANO and neither are FPS games yet.

    This.  Numerous niche games on steam do good and stay niche, Gary Grigsby isn't turning into HOIV.

  12. 5 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    The main reason why i like this forum is that it somehow always manages to find the right balance and it has the ability to 'clean itself' so to speak. Probably because there's a lot of good will and genuine love for these unique games around. That's why i think it will never come to what you fear.

    Cleaning would be easier if down voting was an option.

  13. 1 hour ago, Erwin said:

    In addition, there is probably a serious chance that CM:ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE or a SCI FI topic eg CM:ALIENS would be a big hit.  It's just that any type of fantasy product is probably not something that BF wants to get involved in.

    I'd play CM with zombies I'll admit.  Would be neat if it was extra content like a zombie module for Black Sea, Final Blitzkrieg etc.  But yeah this will never happen.

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