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Posts posted by danfrodo

  1. 1 minute ago, kimbosbread said:

    Oooooo, I get to be disagreeable. Let’s talk about women’s sufferage, and entrance into the workforce en masse.

    Several interesting symptoms, across many countries, from Central American Kleptocracies to Western Democracies to everybody else, pretty much:

    • As women get educated, less children
    • Twice as many workers, and thus many things cost twice as much that have an inelastic supply such as housing
    • Fewer meals prepared at home cause no home-maker (otherwise known as the Elizabeth Warren Diet), with the second order effect of less healthy eating habits
    • Women are not locked into marriages, and thus a higher divorce rate
    • Women prefer not to date down, thus with more women going to school, there are fewer desireable eligible men, hence lower marriage rate

    All of these together reduce the number of children being born, which over time will cause major social upheaval. Obviously the ramifications of aging societies haven’t been fully explored yet, but it’s going to be exciting.

    Do we not think there is going to be social collapse in at least a few countries?


    as far as more babies, I'll assume you mean white babies.  And women should definitely not have choices, especially not voting and working outside the home.  Society was great before women became actual people,  like legally actually people, ya know?  It's like when we ended slavery, everything downhill ever since.  

    Ya know maybe the divorce rate is because men are generally such f--kheads?  And when women aren't physically and economically trapped they will sometimes choose to leave the aforementioned f--kheads?

    Maybe the real problem is letting men vote?

  2. 1 hour ago, acrashb said:

    And yet, civilizations do fall.  Just because they didn't with the last moral panic doesn't mean that the structure isn't under attack and/or failing.  Just like with financial statements, past performance does not guarantee future results.  Complacency is fatal.

    Values like patriotism, religion falling out of favor among Americans: poll (nypost.com)

    The best weapon systems / war fighting structures in the world don't matter if there aren't enough 'patriots' willing to man them.  Or if there simply isn't anyone to man them, as the interest in starting a family drops precipitously.  Also, culture is largely transmitted through family structures.  No children, no cohesive belief in 'good' culture (broadly defined as the values of the Enlightenment), no West.

    So get out there and make some babies :)  Find yourself a thirty-year-old with wide, child-bearing hips and start over (if you haven't already created a significant brood) ;)  


    I suspect that patriotism, like christianity, has falling poll numbers for the same reason:  these concepts are being polluted by scoundrels.  Young people are less likely to be religious because the religious have given religion a bad name.  Same w patriotism, where extremist, ignorant, monsters claim the mantle of patiotism.  But I bet that if the US were attacked, these same young people would sign up in droves to fight.  Just like in Ukraine, where all these allegedly sissy-fied young people are now cold-*** killers.

  3. What's interesting is that those that are constantly harping about democracy and freedom being destroyed are the ones actually destroying democracy and freedom, at least in the US.  In 2020 (and coming in 2024) we faced the end of american democracy.  A giant mob of these brainless idiots even attacked and captured the US capital!  First time in over 200 years for that!  And what is said of this on the right?  "oh, was a little dustup!".  And these same people generally think religion should be more in charge in the US, while at the same time constantly harping about the constitution which very clearly says "hell no" to that.  

    The enemy of democracy is ignorance and demogogery.  Fox news in the US being the primary source of this.  Fox news viewers have no idea what's actually happening.  It's news & infotainment for people that literally can't handle the truth.  They think the 2020 election was stolen, yet have no evidence other than "some black people were seen.."  (do they even know that Fox CHOSE to settle out of court and pay out ~$750M in a civil suit because of their election lies??)   They think climate change is a hoax despite their own thermometers.  They think Trump didn't didn't do anything wrong while the rest of us have actually seen the indictments and the mountains of damning evidence.  They think Jan 6 was everything except what it actually was -- a mob induced by Trump to try to overthrow the duly elected govt of the US -- it was an atttemped coup.

    So western society is not being destroyed by gays or transgenders or atheists.  It's being destroyed by ignorant, nationalist, rage-filled fools who listen to rightwing propaganda to the point where they can't even stitch two thoughts together about reality yet think they are saving america while actively trying to destroy it, through their utter stupidity.

  4. 13 hours ago, CarlXII said:

    That he is far more intrested in posting in the Ukraine thread compared to sharing some progress information is pretty obvious to most people...

    I saw your response to my little rant and wanted to recant..... except that you said the above?  Steve almost never shares any info, so saying he's taking too much interest is not really the problem.  The problem is that he never says anything with or without the UKR war forum.  He didn't before the war.  And he doesn't during the war. 

    We agree, I think, that we sure wish we had some news.  And some new battles.  I'm currently back in CMFB for my annual pilgramage back to Belgium, but sure would love for some new stuff though.


  5. 1 hour ago, Haiduk said:

    FPV drone of 11th public security brigade of National Guard has destroyed T-90M on left bank of Dnipro in Kherson oblast. This is the second T-90M destroyed there for 3-4 days. First one was destroyed near Pidstepne village, when it along with T-72B3 tried to attack UKR bridghead


    Well, at least we know that Dnipro crossing have led to a couple RU tank losses, if nothing else.  I always have high hopes for these crossings but they always turn out to be minor operations.  Meanwhile, UKR seems stuck on the entire front, while RU is burning resources like there's not tomorrow.  

    What does it all mean?  Is UKR planning on continued attrition then a fall/winter push to finally break the deadlock?  Or is UKR simply stuck?  RU seems to be able to stuff the rat holes w rats as fast as needed and wherever needed to stop UKR advances.  Tree lines parallel to advance that must be eradicated rat by rat and hole by hole.  

    The rasputitsa is starting, hurting vehicle movement.  But the leaves are falling leaving it harder to hide for the rats.  And long nights favor the side w more & better night vision (UKR).  

    I just have no idea where things are headed now.

  6. 2 hours ago, CarlXII said:

    That he is far more intrested in posting in the Ukraine thread compared to sharing some progress information is pretty obvious to most people...

    I can agree with this...But thats not what i said. I said that it "might be a good thing"...


    So if Steve spends a two or three hours each day looking at what's happening in UKR war and writing a few posts of a few paragraphs each, then he is doing nothing else the rest of the day?  And also this war informs any CMBS games going forward, so it's not like it's off subject.  This is fascinating.  I watch ~10 hours of football each week, plus play some CM, plus play some guitar, cook, clean, do laundry, etc.  Therefore I can't possibly be doing my 40+ hour per week job.  

  7. 13 minutes ago, Phantom Captain said:

    Ahhh!  Now I remember...  I played this one H2H against my regular PBEM opponent and I was the Soviets.  It was an absolute bloody mess at the end as I tried to assault a couple of his positions and I got smoked.  I do remember though, one of my T-64s (or was it a 72?) literally had about 19-20 rounds just bounce right off his front armor.  Crew deserted the tank after about shot 15, and still even empty, another 5-8 rounds came in and bounced off the beast!

    exactly!  That's why I want CMCW 1988.  Where every shot from my abrams is a kill on a T72!  Some might say 'where's the challenge in that".  I say, well, then play as soviets.  I do love the looks of the M60 but it is so outmatched in firepower.

  8. 59 minutes ago, cesmonkey said:


    This guy is  disgusting overall, a full-on MAGA stolen-election fascist, at least in his words and actions, gawd knows what he actually believes because it's near political suicide to actually say sane things on his side of the aisle.  But let's judge him on this one item: I interpret his words as "I support UKR aid.  I just gotta go thru some motions to make it look like we are more responsible w that aid than before to placate those of my colleagues who are on Putin's payroll".  So I like what he said, I think it bodes well.  And if he delivers I'll have to swallow my pride and thank him, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, just like I did w Sen McConnell.

  9. 4 hours ago, George MC said:

    I like it when a plan comes together! 
    I was rather chuffed that this close assault by my SPW mounted panzer grenadiers worked.
    Took some previous suppression fire and ensuring I'd KO'd any enemy AT guns, then drive at full speed onto the position, all guns on board blazing.
    It does not often go quite to plan like this...


    That's the assault of my dreams.  I always have one crazy ivan w a ppsh that just won't quit that kills 5 of my guys

  10. Well, here we are at the end of the summer campaign season and RU, sadly, still owns the landbridge and Luhansk.  I was definitely wrong about how summer would shape up.  Now I am looking at where we're at wondering about reasons for hope in kicking RU out of UKR.  

    UKR has seriously degraded RU capabilities, of that I think we can be confident.  Maybe that degradation will yield some operational gains in the coming months.  The UKR operations across the Dnieper might yield something but only if they are going to put a lot of effort into it -- infantry supported by lots artillery & drones.  Even then it will take a lot of time since it's a foot mobile force for a while.  

    Still no real movement in the south, east, or north, sadly.  Maybe loss of leaves and long nights will help UKR.  Maybe decreasing RU morale and effectiveness with the cold, wet weather will help.  I sure wish there'd be some cracks somewhere.

    Meanwhile, RU is doing its best to destroy its own army for nothing in pointless attacks.  So maybe there's hope for something to break somewhere, soon.

  11. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Maybe the Soviet era preference for riding on top of IFVs to be safer from mines might need to be reconsidered.  That FPV would not have done the same thing against infantry riding inside.


    You are missing the point.  RU is using the soldiers as energy absorbing extra armor layer to protect the BMP.  Very clever!  and a good use of resources since RU knows that its people have zero value while BMPs are in shortage.

  12. My epic rampage through the soviet rear areas went rather poorly.  I ran into three ZSUs and a T72 over the crest to my front, while also getting hit by T72s that were hidden along a tree line to my left.  Of my 5 M60s, two destroyed, two immobilized, with only one ZSU to their credit.   Disaster, as seen here from soviet view.


    So now we make the best of a tough situation.  I head onto track in the woods w a squad, an M113 and the remaining M60 a couple minutes behind.  After a small arms firefight I approach the hilltop (an objective) and soviets respond with ZSUs and various HQ elements, all of which are smashed.


    Meanwhile, on my side of the valley there's a zerg rush on the hill at my center.  The M60s you see are knocked out.  I'm engaging from the left with small arms and from the other side of the valley with M60 & M113-50cal fire.  Goal is to pin the soviets long enough for my 107mm mortars to come crashing in. 


    Success!  Say hello to my big mortars, commies!


     Now need to deal with the 4 T72s & a couple BMPs that are hidden the tree line.  I use some M60 smoke to approach, looking to get into a close range fight with my 5 M60s vs a couple T72s at a time.  The smoke fades and I get two of the T72s right away.  Charge of the M60s!


    After losing two M60s, I finally clear the final T72.  Nasty close in fight.  I had engineers closing in from woods on the enemy right but didn't quite time it right.  I was hoping to have the infantry engage while the T72s were busy with my M60s.  But ended well overall.  All enemy armor destroyed and I can advance with armor & infantry.


    And a Total Tictory!  Each side lost 21 tanks but soviets lost more AFVs.  My losses in personnel were terrible, though.  What a fight.  I'd love to do the same battle with M1s instead of M60s.  Quite a challenge when half my tank & most of my TOW hits fail to penetrate.



  13. 30 minutes ago, Kinophile said:



    W RU burning up lots of what would be operational reserves, maybe this can work?  Put light forces across on wide front, supported by arty, with relatively few roads for RU on which to move in mobile forces.  So becomes infantry/artillery fight.  Interesting.  But if we can see this so can RU, so can UKR do this before RU pours in the mobiks?

  14. 21 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

    An idyllic country scene, if it wasn't for all the bullets flying around...


    There is nothing like CM.  The micro battles within the battles are absolutely riveting and at times even more memorable than battle itself.  Here, our last turn ended with two hardened enemies, facing off at almost touching distance, neither team intimidated by the bullets flying past, and the grenade is in the air...

    Every meter I take, every new ridgeline or clump of trees, every direction I turn another group of these guys pop up to ambush and harass our attack.



    I can't believe you did a cliffhanger here!  That's cruel!  What happened????

  15. 1 hour ago, dan/california said:

    Perhaps we will get to see that nice new Abrams unit come in to bat clean up. It would be terrible if the Russians wound up a a kilometer or two behind their start line when it was all over with.

    That's been the case for lots of these RU operations.  A lot of RU casualties, a little advance, then UKR counterattacks/probes into these smashed RU units and pushes them back to the original start lines or a little further.

  16. 4 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

    We are now under the 30 minute mark.

    These men were victims to a nasty ambush from a PPsH squad of @FlammenwerferX Soviets.  C'est la guerre.


    Columns of smoke rising from burning vehicles marks the path of the German advance.


    Panthers prowl on that deadly deadly hunt...




    ugh, nothing worse than running into ppsh at short range.  Nothing better than being the ambushers w the ppsh.  

    What nationality is that smoke?  German or russian?  

    Great pics, as always, thanks much

  17. I am still wondering how long nights and loss of leaf cover is going to affect operations.  Mud would normally be the problem, but w UKR's tactics maybe not a show stopper.  I am pretty sure UKR will have more infantry/vehicle night/thermal vision and more drones w same.  I'm hoping RU soldiers find themselves severely underequipped for night ops w no concealment.

  18. 1 hour ago, The_Capt said:

    Think unsexy thoughts.  Think unsexy thoughts. 

    This is exactly what I was looking for…so it is probably just a raid.  Oh, my but if they can achieve operational level breakthrough…

    I keep getting my hopes up when I see these cross-river raids and I know it's so impossibly hard to supply it, so much risk, as in 'arnhem' level risk.  But wow, it sure does present RU w some tough choices.  If it is real, RU is facing probable annihilation of their land bridge defenses, so RU has to respond.  But with what do they respond?  They just burned up their 'reserve' army at Robotyne & Andiivka.  So they'll have to thin the lines somewhere, move some artillery & support, etc.  If they don't respond strongly they'll be at risk of UKR actually making a bigger move.  Good timing, w RU now fully committed at Andiivka and having burned up a huge amount of shells, men, & vehicles.  

    Maybe UKR is looking at this as being a nice place to ambush RU reinforcements out in the open with artillery as they coming rushing in w orders to wipe out the bridgehead.  

    There was talk of option space recently here in the thread.  This crossing definitely reduces RU option space, and makes the options they do choose that much more risky.  I like it.  

  19. Playing a 1979 CMCW scenario that so far is one of the best of any CM title that I've played.  Large meeting engagement with lots of options for offense & defense.  So far things going pretty well for the US.

    Set up: advance mech infantry & tanks through possibly observed area using smoke to get to some of my objectives.


    Saw 'em coming and got into good firing positions across the valley.  M60s & TOWs had hard time but finally knocked out RU tanks:


    BMPs used terrain to mask movement but got caught by another group of M60s w TOWs I had rushed to the RU side of the valley on the right of the battle:


    With those threats mostly dealt with, time to begin my big flanking operation.  But to do that I first have to knock out the reverse-slope ambush-roadblock in the woods.  Fortunately my scouts heard the BMPs so I knew it was there.  Organized a big infantry-tank attack from three sides, and it worked .



    One last thorn in my side needs to be handled:  Four T72s(64s?) have been sitting at the edge of some woods in overwatch position the entire battle.  My artillery knocked out two, but two were still stubbornly constricting my ability to poke my head of the slope on my side of the valley.  But with the roadblock gone, I could come at them from behind, from the woods.  Lost one M60 but knocked out the bad guys.  Four lovely smoke plumes.


    Now forming up for what I am hoping will be a rampage through russian backfield on their reverse slope.  Takes time as my forces all thread their way along single forest track.


    Russian infantry with some tanks still moving on my side of the valley in dead ground, but hard to engage them so will have to wait until they crest the ridge.  Gonna be quite a shootout at that point.  

  20. 1 hour ago, The_Capt said:

    Ugh, can we not.  Unless we can see some hard evidence that links these two events, then we are basically in “bio-lab” territory.

    A tactical counter offensive in Ukraine somehow linked to the largest terror attack in Israel’s history (might largest since 9/11) is just too much of a stretch with what we do know.  It opens up the door to all sorts of pro-Russian, or pro-Ukrainian conspiracy theories that have no grounding in facts.  

    This is really irking me right now.  First we  see the nonsense that Ukraine war & terrorist attacks by Hamas are somehow part of some scheme, which is of course true because .....they are contemporary in time?????

    I see idiotic, imbecilic new narrative being built where somehow aid to Israel precludes aid to Ukraine.  Israel already has 10,000X the military power of Hamas.  Maybe they'll need to be back stopped on shells, but not at anything close to the level that UKR goes through.  Could people just use their damn brains and not just swallow these obviously absurd narratives without question?  Jesus, this is infuriating.  It's like watching the pied piper hypnotize children.

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