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Posts posted by TheForwardObserver

  1. Sure could @kinophile.  I know I'd use cyber to disorient or delay decisive action in the short term, and create an atmosphere of discomfort and diminished productivity amongst my opponent's population over the long term.  Obviously there are passive and active sides to cyber but I assume we're talking about active measures.

  2. That's certainly a viewpoint held by many smart people.  If the arguments revolving around Cyber drop people into two camps; Cybermageddon and Cyber Pearl Harbor, I'm in the Cyber Pearl Harbor camp.  I can see cyber kicking off a big one and doing plenty of damage to a population and it's critical infrastructure but I'm not yet ready to pronounce it as the nail in the coffin of large scale kinetics.

  3. If the theatre of operations is narrow we could probably do the job with our current numbers, despite 3 to 1 favor going to the Russians-- we wouldn't be able to do it though without changing our policies on ICM/DPICM and integrating other types of munitions (thermobaric for example) and guidance systems.  

  4. Be a real shame to get outgunned in the early days and find our artillery unable to meet ground commanders' expectations in the subsequent weeks beyond that.  Unfortunately those concerns are constantly shot down by confidence in air, despite glimpses of the future being provided microcosmically elsewhere.  Mark me down as being in the 'skeptical of glaringly obvious over-reliance on fickle air power' camp.  ISW does some good conflict mapping work and it's been pretty wild watching them chart RU and CN anti-access/area denial hubs blossoming over time.  Clearly attention is being given to countering American air capabilities.

  5. 3 hours ago, PanzerMike said:

    Somebody has been eating the wrong kind of mushrooms and this time it's not Emrys...

    The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him.  Sancho Panzer dear-- admirable that a lowly squire such as yourself should break from tilting at windmills and re-fitting your corset to ride to the aid of your Lord Emrys.  It will be a shame to fell you second.  

  6. @VladimirTarasov They do.  I think the stated reason for operating at that capacity in-game is to avoid cross-loading dances.  With that said the above pictured seats have since been replaced by bench seats so you can more easily squeeze dismounts inside and 9 isn't unheard of-- certainly not normal but not unheard of.  If you're packed too tightly inside you just end up falling asleep anyways so doesn't really matter how cramped it is.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Splinty said:

    You must be talking about the M2A3s with the bench seating. Try spending most of the Desert Storm ground war stuffed into the old M2A2 seating arraignment. Talk about sardines in a can!

    We did actually have the horrible old seating.  The ridiculous folding seat consoles.  I think we removed a fair number of them at the time to save space and preserve sanity.

  8. 21 minutes ago, panzersaurkrautwerfer said:

    I thank god that in all my limited Bradley time, I was only obligated to actually get in the back all of once, and I was by myself.  I think this is common with all APC/IFV designs, but all the same, you'd think there was at least a way to do it less worst.  

    Alone is the best way to ride in the back.  Splay out some rucksacks and pusspads on the floor for bedding, add a little ambiance with some glow-stick lighting, open up some MRE boxes and get to pilfering.

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