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Everything posted by Kinophile

  1. I dunno, a more limited mission is what Ukraine ended up with ref Kharkiv. The war gaming possibly identified sustainment of the offensive as an issue past a certain time point. To NATO eyes they might emphasize /prefer more emphatically successful operations (eg actually hit the eastern border). It must have been very apparent to NATO and ZSU that they (ZSU) could achieve an initial breakthrough, but NATO was not convinced that it could lead anywhere decisive. But for Ukraine achieving a breakthrough at all would be a decisive morale breakthrough in-and-of itself , completely turning the assumptive portrayal of Ukraine from the defensive victim to a highly dangerous peer-opponent, in both the Russian eyes and their own people, and crucially, The West. It was now easy to point to the ZSU and say - look, that's what they can do with just their own stuff. Imagine if they had NATO stuff...! And There is now a direct line of thought traceable in Ukrainian and foreign media from Kharkiv to the arrival of Leo 2s. So I'm not really convinced that there was some high level shenanigans. It always seemed a bit of a wishful overlay (look how much smarter Ukrainians are than Russian fools). It could just as easily have been as mundane as differing concepts of the utility of a "limited" victory.
  2. Ukraine hasn't forgotten how to use MCLICS... (UR77)
  3. https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1643146753078706178?t=XbRck4gV2egJC5aYhilLmw&s=19
  4. This is a lot more like what I'd hope to see....
  5. Ahhh but he did get close though... That was the whole point of Oops My Dagger Slipped Oh Dearie Me There It Goes Again And Again And Again... They were terrified he would declare himself King or similar. Not out of some dear love for the Republic but because then he could officially do whatever the heck he wanted to any of them. So they definitively applied the First Law of Monarchy*. En Guarde, sir! *If you strike at the King you better not miss...
  6. A great thing about that guy is he's probably given the Western agencies a very detailed insight into how Putin communicates. Not just the systems but his process, methodologies, routines, rhythms and habits. Those kind of patterns can really break open a system. The beauty is that Putin will now change some things, his people will change a lot of things, but the underlying mindset will never change and once you know what data points to look for any pattern becomes obvious. And patterns are always a weakness, because they're predictable.
  7. Hacking a Dildo's account to buy Dildos instead of Drones.
  8. Highly charged incident. I touched on this subject myself many pages ago, about how/if the UOC or similar will affect the peace, using the Catholic Church in Ireland,, after our civil war, as a parallel example. There does seem to be a strong social push against the Moscow backed church, but I'm not there. Any of our UKR friends able to elaborate? Or is it a too-tricky subject just now?
  9. Yup, but comparison to Russian losses its an excellent trade, if we think without emotion.
  10. https://kyivindependent.com/i-work-then-i-cry-exhausted-medics-near-bakhmut-fight-for-every-life/ Within it notes - (This was mid-late March). This seems to be a brigade level triage center. With the forces left within the city at the time the 30-45 figure matches up with OS estimates for the same time period of c100-150 wounded a day. Using our unreliable old friend, 3:1, WIA:KIA, UKR permanent losses were possibly about 30-50 (on the high end). For 1 week mid March, that suggests 420-210-350. Average that across 4 weeks of March gives possible estimate 840- 1400 permanent UKR losses. Even if we grossly round up to highest values (1000-2000) that still implies a very favourable ratio for Ukraine. Of course, these are not numbers, but real people with families and now-destroyed dreams, memories and hopes. My heart goes out to them all. Please take apart my numbers, I welcome it.
  11. https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/australia-ukraine-cardboard-drones Cardboard supply Drones, Ikea flatpack style.
  12. https://taskandpurpose.com/tech-tactics/army-green-berets-test-silent-arrow-gd-2000-cargo-delivery-drone/?amp 1500 Lbs sent 40km,,accurately. Seems like a winner.
  13. https://kyivindependent.com/ukrainian-soldiers-criticize-changes-to-combat-bonus-pay/ Hmmm.
  14. I saw this a month ago, pointed to that Ryan Hendrickson guy, @thetipofthespear on Twitter. He was interested.
  15. @chrisl and @The_Capt - ref GPS dependencies https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2Zyb20tdGhlLWNyb3dzLW5lc3Q/episode/NjA2MDczZTctMjBmZC00OTgxLWE5MGUtMTE2NzMwZjY0NmJm?ep=14
  16. There's a mirroring parallel in my industry, TV Film. By mirror, I mean direct opposite. For years A cinematographer (Director of Photography ") would almost always have their own video Camera, at high cost. This was recouped by rental to Production for shoots. The release of the RED cam, despite its teething woes, drastically reduced the entry cost and was quickly followed by similar offerings by the usual big players (notable Arriflex). But, funnily, it didn't mean that DPs suddenly could have a bunch of personal cameras. Instead, Rental Houses could now have a much larger quantity of bodies available to rent, for much cheaper. DPs didnt have to deal with the headache of maintenance or availability. If a body broke on set the Rental House could easily send out a whole new one, pronto (it would be unlikely a DP would have two bodies). Also, the sudden rapidity in upgrade cycles and product development meant that DPs couldn't keep up with the newest trend - but RHs could. Soon there was also a whole lot more "DP"s. The parallel here is that the Military are trying to track tech trends that are accelerating, with procurement systems and mentality that aren't. In Film Tv there was no barrier to DPs shifting their model in response to tech jumps in their equipment. They faced no beaurocracy, vested interests or politics to stop them Adjusting. They weren't held into a lock-step, hierarchical organization. How can an institution as solid as a Military flow as smoothly as a single operator, in response to technology jumps? It's oxymoronic but how else can a military adapt and implement as quickly as is going be needed? AI, AI, AI, sure sure sure. But it's humans working humans, so I'm leery how much impact AI can have on that. Interestingly, now most DPs have their own easy rig, a sort of basic steadicam without the steadi. The rigs are personal to them and are considered defacto requirements.
  17. Guys, guys- Warhammer 40k solved this already.
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