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Everything posted by Kinophile

  1. Russian Imperialism, old and new. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/10/27/russia-colonization-alaska-ukraine-00123352
  2. And this: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/10/27/7425995/
  3. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/germany-hands-over-sonobot-5-surface-drones-to-ukraine/ Interesting design.
  4. A New Dig Has Revealed Bodies From a WWII Massacre in Ukraine New Lines Magazine Reconciliation of old wounds in an honest and open manner is vital in progress to true friendship. It sounds pat, but it's true. I say this as an Irish boy who grew up in the shadow of a vicious sectarian war to the North. I remember vividly when someone explained "kneecapping" to me - and why the IRA had been done it to a boy of 15, the same age as me. Later as a young adult I observed the slow, tortuous and seemingly intractable process towards peace. For the longest time it was deemed impossible by a huge majority and yet here we are - the IRA functionally dead, the British Army gone and an actual democratic system in place (however dysfunctional it can become). Shifting eastwards and backwards in time and place, I learned about the end of WW2 in eastern Europe, a shadowy and unspoken coda of horror that echoed the greater horror in a fractal manner - smaller but perfectly replicated in its violence and vileness. One thing that always struck me was how Soviet Russia made a point of turning Polish & Ukrainians violently against each other, fanning the flames of ethnic hatred in an utterly cynical and brutal manner. My Ukrainian-born mother-in-law (although she now identifies as equally Polish) has told me of what her father went through, how the Russians stood aside or stepped in as it suited them to the murderous detriment of families on both sides of the "border". The key take-away from this article is in the fourth paragraph: And the last few: Russia loves when its victims fight each other. Denying that is an act of power.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cytkl5mPEUX/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Multi link flying drone that can change its shape midflight. Couple this with AI and who knows, man, who knows. Really, only The Matrix has envisioned what the next war might be like.
  6. I wonder if he'll last longer than a head of lettuce...
  7. https://twitter.com/moklasen/status/1716880103618326996?t=FRxW1UANWM5KmYbAIj-aCw&s=19
  8. https://frontelligence.substack.com/p/avdiivka-russian-losses-from-october
  9. Remember what we discussed, about how to avoid detection? Underground was one option, little discussed. However:
  10. I havent paid up but I might. He's rock solid.
  11. https://frontelligence.substack.com/p/from-impact-to-assessment-the-luhansk Tatarigami has a substack. It's quite decent.
  12. https://kyivindependent.com/proving-our-worth-ukraines-female-soldiers-and-their-fight-for-equality/ Any of our Kyiv friends familiar with this statue?
  13. @Haiduk The guy holding a bowl of borscht, lol
  14. That is questionable. The lack of ZSU SHORAD is what enabled the RUS helos. But when UKR got a counter tactic in place (I believe they pushed MANPAD teams further forward, plus (I assume) better integration with local ISR and mech AAD), the KA slowly backed off. RUS however has a much stronger tactical AA/AD envelope. Unless ZSU does an focussed anti-AD campaign similar to the HIMARSing of RUS arty then UKR helos will die like flies in a furnace.
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