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Everything posted by Kinophile

  1. Nicely put. Not getting at The_Capt, just a succinct description of something we all fall into from time to time.
  2. Exactly. Against what advancing ZSU forces? In 2025?
  3. K, I'm gonna start spamming with relevant stuff to poke this dead horse back to life.
  4. I remember that clip. I remember thinking - "The Ukrainian Army isn't f**king around. Pucker up, Rebs".
  5. The "you guys" repetition is a oh so subtle attempt at triggering, as you well know. Isnt there a bridge you should be under?
  6. There's something about Syrsky that feels somehow more 'modern'. I'm not concerned (not that I've any right to be and my opinion of ZSU staffing is worth less than zero). But of the two, I suspect in my bones that Syrsky could pull off transforming the front line from how the Russians want to fight into how the Ukrainians can and should fight. That is, I suspect that he will shift the tactical structure on the Ukrainian side from orienting on Lines (trenches, cities etc) to dominating spaces/volumes, avoiding static fixed points for RUS artillery to pound. Currently, while RUS has the initiative I think its because the ZSU is fighting in the way that Russia needs it to in order for Russia to be able to get the initiative. The ZSU's current configuration values the same things as the Russians - lines on maps, place names, etc. Geography and overlayed political mapping, islands of resistance joined into a web of linear static priorities. If the ZSU begins to fight in a different ways, like say around Kiev, valuing different things from the RUS and willing to trade what it values less for what it now values more, then they could achieve operational balance before unbalancing the Ivan. Part of this idea is that the ZSU could deepen the front line zone, ignoring trenches, never staying put and constantly moving within a much broader battlespace. Flowing instead of standing. Utilizing C4ISR to constantly outflank and corroding the 1,2,3 echelons of Russian front lines all at once. IE simultaneously conduct attack-defence in the same zone, at the same time, where attack is defence and defence is attack, in contrast to the simplistic Russian approach focused on progressive subjugation of a series of points and lines. Mobility would not be forced into or on the Russians but provided to the Ukrainians within their own "side" of the battle space. Blur the operational contact area between the forces and rapidly corrode tactically. Zaluzhny can see the value of drones and their danger, within his existing viewpoint of military force. Sysrky, I hope, can see a new paradigm - or at least the need and path to one. I think he will initially focus very heavily on the training funnel, shifting to a smarter, more responsive and intuitive process. This will cost him time and space but provide him with better forces in the medium/long term, forces that can handle and expand a new tactical and operational mindset.
  7. Beevor is very good and his numbers are good. It's well documented in both state and personal records on the Russian side that the Soviets threw bodies as ammunition, and the statistics reflect it.
  8. Probably the retaking of Mariupol would be the true signifier to the Ukrainian and Russian publics that the Feb Invasion had finally failed. It's a simple geography and narrative to relay and understand, but with the city familiar to all sides immediately involved and of great political significance. All other cities (bar Sebastapol) are part of the military narrative (we need this to do this) but Mariupol is intensely emotive and puts the UKR armed forces back on the Sea of Azov. I'm really curious what a Crimea-equivalent air campaign against Mariupol would look like.
  9. That has been my impression lately too - slow to accept (normal German caution), but once accepted it becomes entrenched (and hence the initial caution).
  10. hOKAY. Well, Steve, there's your bait. Byebye dummy.
  11. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukraine-and-sweden-agree-on-a-new-batch-of-cv90-infantry-fighting-vehicles/
  12. https://maps.app.goo.gl/cq2D4QSGAyCCcS3X9 Ninjad by @Carolus
  13. Sniff sniff sniff. Whats that gross smell... Troll? Definitely a stinky little troll. Back under your bridge, little buddy. Off you go now.
  14. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ecuador-plans-to-deliver-osa-akm-sam-to-ukraine-through-the-united-states/
  15. Mostly friendly fire is a Russian through-line to imply UKR are incapable of higher level tech. There have been a few FF incidents but in reality it's mostly UKR.
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