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Everything posted by dragonwynn

  1. Thanks for the AAR so far. I made the hill tops touch objectives so you would not need to occupy and you can continue to move all available forces to the next objectives But the points are important.
  2. Here are a few more screens from the campaign. http://postimg.org/gallery/l8dxm140/ Michael
  3. Yea there are a few missions with bunkers and the bug kind of messed me up since I started the design with the previous version of CMBN. However there were bunkers involved in the real life operation so I needed them in. They still can be quite bothersome to infantry however despite there vulnerability.
  4. Thanks I am sure you will be on top of the list for testing. It will require all modules and the vehicle pack as well as latest patch.
  5. Any thoughts on this campaign so far? Did the additional assets in the first mission seem to balance the things needed? Michael
  6. It's progressing well. 8 scenarios completed so far. I tried to upload some more screens last night but says I am at the limit. What is the deal on screen shots anyway? I am making this in CMBN because I needed the British forces who took part in this campaign as well as the vehicle pack for some of the specialized armor. However I did import some terrain features as well as some of Worgherns terrain mod from CMFB. Hopefully it will be ready for testing in the near future. It's a huge campaign that will cover every major engagement of the operation. The map making is what's time consuming as I tend to add a lot of little details in for immersion. Thanks for inquiring. Michael (dragonwynn)
  7. Ok here is the updated and probably final .cam file for this campaign. The first mission now has artillery and limited air assets as well as some sniper sections added in for the Russians. Hopefully this will give a better balance for this particular situation. https://www.dropbox.com/s/83tdxwsojyjw34a/The%20Mountains%20of%20Allah.cam?dl=0 Use the previous thread for the download with the mod and just replace the .cam file with this one. Michael
  8. Ok sorry Euri. You may be referring to the stock Russian Campaign and not mine. I had a river crossing mission also. My bad lol
  9. That's interesting Eure. I've never even tried to design a H2H mission so the thought had not occurred to me. I think that could be a possibility.
  10. Thanks Erwin. I should have the final updated. cam file link up sometime tommorrow before I go on vacation. If anyone has any additional thoughts on any of the other missions now is the time to let me know. Unless something really ugly pops up this will be the finalized version of the campaign.
  11. The campaign has quite a few core unit which are listed at the beginning of this thread. Each plays a role at different times during the campaign. In the script I gave a very high replenish and recovery factor that should help offset some of the losses. Some of the core units are used as reserves and some non core units are in the campaign as well. I have added in a battery of mobile arty, a attack helicopter section with limited ammo (thanks kinophile for that idea) and each company of airborne has a sniper section in the first mission. A FO and Air Controller unit has also been added to control those assets. Hopefully this will balance the first mission to everyone's satisfaction. All the other missions already had some of these assets except one which is a covert mission with the Spetsnaz guys. All of this will be in the final update. Michael
  12. That's a good thought also. And yes you did make that suggestion lol. I'll put something in on the final update for you guys to make some thunder with.
  13. Yes I will look at putting that in. Waiting to hear feedback from any of the other missions.
  14. All good points. I originally had mobile arty assets in this mission. I removed them based on this being a airborne operation with limited Intel on the exact strength and locations of the enemy forces. In other words we know the valley will be defended but poor weather is not letting us see exactly what. So not to send a mobile mech brigade into a unsecured area I wanted a surprise airmobile operation to secure the route and open the door so to speak. However your observations make perfect sense. Guess I've been doing to many WW2 missions lol. I will look at adding the arty or air assets back in on a final update. Thanks for the input. Michael
  15. Ok. May the briefing Gods grant me success!! Here is the updated links to the adjusted .cam file and the full campaign download for those who dont have the mod folder. The briefings are from the RED side only and worked fine in my testing of the campaign. The original problem stemmed from the fact I was in a hurry to get to work and I accidentally put the briefs and maps on the BLUE side. This should fix that. However for the ones who are already into the campaign it will require starting over for the briefs to appear. A pain I know guys and I'm am quite sorry for this goof. I also made a adjustment in the VP points in one mission for better balance. Nothing campaign changing so if you continue with the older version it will be ok. The link to just the .cam file (for those who already have the mod folder) https://www.dropbox.com/s/hqq6i1a8p49xydn/The%20Mountains%20of%20Allah.cam?dl=0 The link to the entire campaign (mod folder and updated .cam file) https://www.dropbox.com/s/4vrkcpcr3q5tkei/The%20Mountains%20of%20Allah.zip?dl=0 Please ignore all previous links. I hope this will fix the issue of the elusive and sneaky briefs. (I still say the Chechens had something to do with it.....) Michael
  16. Awesome job on all of these. Really takes a already great game to another level. Michael
  17. All of these are fantastic. Great work as always. Michael
  18. OH ok sorry for the misunderstanding. The broken link was the file I thought was fine. I tested it in campaign mode and it worked correctly for me. HowMuchForYou the file I sent you had the same briefs and maps for both the blue and red side to see if that would solve your issue. But it will require you to restart the campaign which I know is a pain. All I can do is put up the link to that one and wait for some one to say it is ok. It works fine on my end but I really want it to be right for you guys. I will post the new link ASAP. Michael
  19. Ok that make me feel better lol. Sorry for the inconvience. I hope the rest of the campaign is going well.
  20. Thanks GruntGI let me know if the briefs don't show up from mission 2 on
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