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Everything posted by stealthsilent1

  1. ok let's say it's a us vs us scenario. If one side has an obvious advantage, it's not much of a fight.
  2. Yea but is there a dedicated stealth scout unit? I know that this game is about sacrifice, but I don't like that, there has to be a way around sending my two man scout team to die everytime I want to know who's around the corner. yea you got some cool jokes, they are kinda cute kinda funny Yea but I thought in the day, your surroundings are as hot as you are. Maybe not under the canopy, but definitely in urban areas. Yea, but uav's don't work if they have anti air units which they keep on the back lines. How else are you doing to scout? You're going to be walking into an ambush everytime you want to move a unit.
  3. ok so what if you're in open ground with the hide command. How does that work? I know it's a concept, but the concept doesn't always work.
  4. thats what I'm saying, night attacks are going to be hard to sneak up on the enemy and it's going to be about who has the best positions. The guy who was first in the building is going to have a big advantage over the guy coming around the corner.
  5. yea but it's just different, it's not like cmbn at all. It's a different approach. Night approaches a day approaches are going to be completely different. And scouting at night is going to be hard.
  6. i just have a problem with the reduced situational awareness on the hide command. It doesn't make sense in all situations.
  7. yea but in the game, you would move them in and out of that spot, so they don't get hit. And just get anti air for the uav's
  8. yea but you can't count on that. The best way would be to have a lot of scouts, with each scout looking at a slice of the ground, with his flanks covered.
  9. yea but that's my point, put them where there are no other troops. But yea, I mean, they wouldn't be useful walking. I'm not sure, but I'd just crawl them through the forest youre probably right.
  10. youre probably right about the swat tactic, but I like the assault command because I could keep firing while my support guys and still shooting from behind, and I don't get suppressed. If I split the teams up, one team suppresses the other team, and the assault command doesn't do that That's my main thing, is that if I could use the assault team, and use the assault command with the assault team, they would suppress each other, and I can get close cover with automatics (maybe it doesn't matter in cmbs, but it did for cmbn) and grenades without suppressing my troops. But I like your technique of waiting 10 seconds ouside before going inside.
  11. but you're just writing off things that don't make sense to the abstraction layer. Maybe you've got a point, but I can't see it. But that's exactly what you said right now. "It helps to know where the enemy is when you're crawling" or whatever. That's Exactly what I said in my hiding post. That when they hide, doesn't it help to know where the guys are around you, instead of hiding without looking. Maybe the mechanics aren't important, but the results are, especially if they don't make sense in the bigger picture. I don't see the bigger picture, I'm just tripping along in the dark, but I want to see it.
  12. i think you're right, they are useful because there are a lot of light vehicles and buildings. And it is a tool, just like everything.
  13. yea but a normal unit would just get spotted, isn't there some kind of long range hidden observers? Or just something where it's not as obvious. Because I'm trying to think a way around the infrared vision. Sure you can't use it in the day, but in the night, how do you scout anything when everyone can see you from a mile away?
  14. i mean the advantage it has is it could get into buildings and light vehicles. I'd still say MMG on foot is more useful
  15. totally. But seriously, I need a bush unit. Scouting without wasting units in a 270 degree area is almost completely shot because of the infra red scopes. A scout only troops with a guille suit would be good.
  16. dude they get shot down like nothing, I mean, just change the level of stealthiness on a sniper unit, and change the model a bit.
  17. no taking shots, just a guy who looks like a bush, and is hard to detect with infra red. Use those guys, crawl them up to the Forrest, and just stay there for the whole game, unless someone flanks me. Also, how do normal snipers eat and drink? Where do they get the food and water?
  18. 1, what's the point of a sniper if he is not hidden. That's all a sniper is. To shut up, act like a bush, and tell me where everyone is. I couldn't care less about his gun. I need guys, who are invisible. That's the whole point of. A scout sniper. I don't care about the sniper, I want some sentry that stays relatively invisible. I mean, you trade in being able to shoot, to being able to stay hidden
  19. 1, the guille suit blocks infra red a bit 2, they are extremely useful for in the bush scouting. 3 why not
  20. Or you can dig it so that there is a long trench for the gun nozzle so you protect the sides
  21. dude I will use the hell out of barbed wire. It's so useful.
  22. so wear a guille suit. Why don't we have scout snipers in cmbs?
  23. no way, you're joking. That's a lot more useful then.
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