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Vet 0369

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Everything posted by Vet 0369

  1. The U.S. developed an APC for Airborne and AirMobile infantry in the 1960s and 1970s that were made of aluminum to reduce weight. Too bad Russia copied the concept, at least too bad for them.
  2. I call BS on this one. Why would a Russian Woman “plead the fifth?” Does the Russian Constitution have a “fifth” that protects from Self-incrimination? Maybe she’s trying to say she doesn’t know where she is because she drank a fifth?
  3. Let’s get away from the “Middle Ages” terminology. They are rural farmers, crafts people, mechanics, blacksmith, etc. calling ANYONE a peasant, implies lowest social stature, usually without the ability to better themselves, or even leave the land. Let’s can the Stereotypical comments about anyone.
  4. Unfortunately, I have to say that some one actually reading the text in question surprises me. When I worked for the U.S. Government, I used to write rules and regulations that had to be published in the “Federal Register.” That meant they had to pass constitutional muster, ac conversely, we had to be pretty familiar with the U.S. Constitution. What stuns me is all the people who state, “this, that, and that other thing violates my constitutional rights!” The most surprising were the Politicians, media, and talking heads out of Hollywood. You’d think that before they opened their mouths, they’d actually READ the Constitution, and not just the Preamble. My 73-year old Sister is taking an online class on the Constitution (I guess our arguments regarding certain “rights” as actually being in text in the Constitution, and some that actually aren’t, actually triggered her to want to understand it, and we both went through school when Civics were part of the curriculum. If you don’t know what Civics Classes were, you are probably younger than 60. Any how everyone, make sure you’ve actually read the pertinent documents before making comments that can embarrass you.
  5. I can definitely support a no-fly zone if it’s initiated and patrolled by the Peoples Republic of China. That would actually be a win-win for Ukraine and PRC, but a lose for Russia.
  6. Any action that Putin can goad NATO into other than sanctions is a win for him. That way he can say”See, I was right all along, NATO is a threat to Mother Russia!” I hope everyone has the sense to notice that despite his threats, there have not been any cyber attacks against any NATO member. That speaks volumes right there. NATO is virtually begging him to use a cyber attack against any member!
  7. Most likely effective against small arms fire penetrating their radiators, but nothing more.
  8. Note the sandbags on top of the bed frame. Obvious attempt to defend from top-down munitions.
  9. How do we know he was the pilot? Was he questioned and said “I’m just the driver. Another of the crew who didn’t survive was the one who dropped the bombs.”
  10. Probably does, but that doesn’t mean anything. Take “Ponce De Leon (spelling probably incorrect)!” It means Ponce of Leon. A very common thing among European countries, where Nordic, Baltic, and Slavic cultures used son (or sen) or dotage, ski, sky, or ska or something similar to indicate son or daughter.
  11. The German anti-tank units in Market Garden weren’t using “just panzerfausts and panzershreks. They also had AT guns situated at specific cloak points along the roads. It’s really difficult ti protect your armor’s flanks when you can’t run your infantry far enough out on the flanks without overexposing them. I taught my regular opponent a very valuable lesson about using infantry to secure the flanks of your armor advance by wiping all his Soviet AT teams with infantry clearing buildings in a CM1 mission called “The Library.” He has never forgotten, and that was about 20-years ago.
  12. Wow, look at that guy’s RED beard! I guess he’s one of them “ethnic” Chechens! Just how do we tell who are ethnic Russians, and who are ethnic Ukraines?
  13. Yup, I assume the use of the term “blood feud” means he’s fighting against the others.
  14. Yes, I guess this is very different from Allied carpet bombing turning Axis cities to so much rubble and fire bombing Dresden and Japanese cities. At least we can acknowledge our own sins.
  15. Why are you so surprised? The basic difference between this invasion and Operation Market Garden is that mud is forcing the columns to stay on the roads, and in Market Garden, they had to stay on the roads because of the flooded terrain. Same basic premise of extremely unrealistic pie in the sky planning in both.
  16. This +1! while this former military man has a war dog inside struggling to get out, I understand my country’s position. One really great line in an online game I play goes something like “Control your hatred. A warrior is like a finely forged weapon. Once you lose your temper, you lose your effectiveness, and you are no good to anyone!”
  17. Very, very powerful “interview!” While the possibilities remain that it was coerced, they look to me to have injuries that can be consistent with battle wounds. Sure, they might be trying to save their own hides, but they were very convincing.
  18. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately depending on your point of view, in order for the U.S. and NATO to “hold the moral high ground,” they can’t do that. Perhaps you have noticed the absence of Russian cyber warfare dispite their claims they would “destroy” western economy with cyber warfare. Perhaps NATO stating that cyber attacks on any member would invoke “Article V” or something like that has something to do with it. What it looks like to me, is that SOMEONE in the Kremlin is still conscious and thinking.
  19. Personally, I consider that “preparation” vs. “panic.” When you live in a forest in the Pacific North West, packing a “go bag” in case of a forest fire is preparation, if you live in the desert, it’s panic.
  20. In reality, the Soviets didn’t back down on anything. John F. Kennedy made an agreement to deactivate the obsolete Hercules ballistic missiles sited in Turkey before the U.S. were intending to do so. So, the Cuban missile Crisis served it’s purpose for the Soviets.
  21. Look at his history. Every time he started feeling his grip was being weakened by economic or social conditions, he has slapped a neighbor to increase his public standing. I know that coincidence doesn’t equal causation, but it’s a mighty solid trail.
  22. LOL, possibly, I don’t know the band, and couldn’t understand a word they were saying!
  23. I don’t think “taking” Ukraine was ever the main reason Putin invaded Ukraine, keeping Putin in charge was.
  24. I assume that the militaries and intelligence services of the USA, UK, and Sweden assessed those possibilities and decided that the Russians already had either actual Javs and NLAWs, or at least detailed plans and specs for them, especially since the UK and Sweden began developing the NLAW 20 years ago in 2002. It’s really difficult to keep something secret for that long.
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