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Posts posted by DougPhresh

  1. As part of a combined arms team, also consider not only the effect on target but how the fits into your general plan. If you have a long fire plan, what are other units doing while they wait for the fire to lift? Firing on enemy positions before an attack is great, having your units sitting idle while they wait for the mission to end makes them targets for enemy fires.

  2. If your BMPs are taking fire from anything that can kill them, you've made a mistake. In the ww2 titles, you use mortars to take out AT guns before exposing your tanks, the same applies here. Use firepower to shut down ATGMs and keep your IFVs out of the AT weapons organic to an infantry squad.

  3. I run it out of the playbook. As a gunner, it's somewhat cathartic and CM games are much more enjoyable than the Indirect Fire Trainer!

    As a rule of thumb, I never use unobserved missions, fire by platoon, and only use emergency for FPF (being overrun).

    As for the mission, I would use 1 tube for a team or single soft vehicle, platoon for a squad or a defended point target, and a battery for a platoon.

    I can go into more detail later but I'm heading to work! :)

  4. The problem with many of these systems is that nobody thinks about the grunts that have to carry them. We had some contractors working from DND come by the unit to show us the new Automatic Grenade Launcher they were planning on issuing for battery defense. It had thermal and night vision sights, a ballistic computer, laser rangefinder, the whole shebang. It also weighed a tonne, was complicated as hell and had to be stowed somewhere. I don't think they ever left the weapons locker. Better to take out the ancient C6s that weigh a fraction as much as the new wondergun. Maintenance is brushing dirt off the sights and coating everything in CLP vs. well, who knows!


    Just my $0.02CAD

  5. 13 hours ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    I can't reproduce this. Do you have a save game file? The commander has to disappear down the hatch in order to man the remote weapon station.

    Scenario 2 of the Ukrainian campaign is where I first noticed, although there are the same tanks in scenario 1. 

    Tank is ordered unbuttoned and to target light in real-time. Commander disappears down hatch but hatch stays open, weapon info for tank keeps toggling between aiming and firing for both gunner and commander, but no mg rounds fire.

  6. I don't think anyone here is anti-Ukraine so much as we can see that the mighty and glorious Ukraine couldn't stop a Russian field army driving for Kiev, and cannot be admitted into NATO while having a frozen conflict with Russia. Western countries might be willing to send winter coats and put some sanctions on Russia, but the risk posed by the Baltic counties to NATO is already huge, and that pales in comparison to the risk of admitting Ukraine.

  7. You can see this is almost any scenario with an attack against dug in defenders. You can just shoot them off position. In even Fortress Italy I'm losing maybe a handful of guys in scenarios that were previously very hard fought because I can just wait for the enemy to break and run under relatively light fire.

  8. 4 hours ago, LUCASWILLEN05 said:

    Sometimes people will do strange things when they panic.I am not saying what is happening is right but do you by any chance have a video of the circumstances? Was this squad in cover and of what kind? How close were they to the enemy? These factors could well make a difference

    People do strange things, I agree. Having been in a few tight spots in my time in, I've never seen anyone truly panic let alone break and run. Keeping in mind that this is a game, and I have no idea what would happen had we been staring down a Motor Rifle Battalion, I can still say I don't think modern western armies would have guys rout after a few casualties and light indirect fires.

  9. Without getting into OPSEC or leaning to heavily on personal experience, I wasn't impressed by the Ukrainians.

    We had to show them how to use the most basic counterbattery equipment and techniques. Not that something like that is modeled in CM, just my $0.02CAD. I wasn't surprised to read after we got home that their batteries were getting whacked because the Russians hacked the phone app they were using instead of a proper CP.

  10. This is a recurring problem since the engine update. Even light mortar fire will cause troops to break and run from buildings, foxholes and trenches.

    To test this behavior, a company of BMP-3Ms was able to rout a Ukrainian Battalion Tactical Group just by using those 100mm airburst shells on area fire. They didn't kill many Ukrainians in their trenches, but once they broke and ran from cover they were cut to pieces.

  11. Infantry staying in cover would be great. Too many scenarios are thrown off by infantry running out of trenches and foxholes to get smoked by a BMP-3's 100mm ABHE.2779_12-auto_downl.jpg

    As an aside, is the BMP-3 ERA supposed to have turret ERA under the spaced armour?

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