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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by DougPhresh

  1. I can vouch for AFVs behaving oddly. Tanks in the WW2 titles as well as IFVs etc. in the modern titles will pop smoke and reverse even if hull down, sometimes even if under fire that can't possibly damage them like 20mm. It's frustrating to babysit units every turn to make sure they aren't pulling back, even moreso in realtime where I have to pause constantly to cancel reverse and pop smoke orders.

  2. 2 hours ago, Cobetco said:

    I think we'll need to wait for an Italian Unit pack before we see that, tons of stuff to give the Italians that FI doesn't have, like flame assault units, Paras, ground based AA and solothurn. and the M14 of course. but none of these where in Sicily in 43, so did not wiggle into the initial FI release, well maybe the flamethrowers and AA where there but CM at the time didn't support them.

    There was a fair bit of variety to Italian forces in Sicily that still isn't represented. Captured equipment was fairly common, French machineguns and Polish Wz. 35 anti-tank rifles off the top of my head.

  3. If (When ;)) the Canadians get added, get ready for a flurry of posts about our uniform situation! I don't think I've ever seen two CADPAT combats the same shade, and that includes tunics and trousers on the same soldier! Add to that the three or four patterns in circulation with different pockets, flags, collars and more and there's quite the kerfuffle. Nobody is even sure if our boots should be black or brown so both are allowed!

  4. Running from trenches is a big big problem. Even more so in CMBS where a BMP3 can destroy an entire company by making them run from cover and then hitting them with airburst 100mm. I'm often left scrambling as I have dismounted and dispersed infantry to attack the treeline, or wherever I spotted the enemy, but by the time I get there, everybody has taken off. This is an exercise in frustration as in a hour and a half QB, most of the time is spent regrouping infantry to their transport and planning and executing yet another attack into thin air.

    Any scenario with dug-in Italians in CMFI is a no-go right now, no matter how well their trenches are designed. They could be behind double wire, a minefield and in connected trenches and a mortar platoon will make them head for the hills.

    e: I know I joke about "Artillery conquors, Infantry occupies" but if it really was this easy to just shoot the enemy off position, there'd be no need to press attacks, ever.

  5. I'm remembering the old Close Combat games where a flamethrower would make a building uninhabitable, that's something I'd like to see here.

    e: and grass catching fire in the x1 series! Dry conditions in CMBB didn't just mean dust clouds and easy going for tanks, it meant that those wheat fields and tall grass could go up in an instant, especially with the Ampulomet!

    Also the lack of flamethrowers for Italy when Italy has a specialized assault engineer formation is pretty funny.

  6. On 2017-04-15 at 3:42 PM, Cobetco said:

    huh would ya look at that. never would have guessed. probably because the model wasn't updated to show the mortar in the HT like it is in Final Blitzkrieg. kinda irks me now that they are firing an invisible mortar, but eight tenths of a good thing is still a good thing =). maybe BF can update the model in Rome to Victory

    I hope so too! The M21 is working fine though! (Mortar crews still don't visibly reload but come to think of it, neither do tank destroyer crews :P)

  7. On 2017-04-12 at 3:41 PM, akd said:

    Vehicles can't be single purchased under Infantry-only because it is infantry-only.  If you want a CW infantry battalion with carriers, go to mech infantry, purchase the Infantry Battalion [lorried] and select the dismounted option for the rifle companies (second "dismounted" option in list due to small bug).

    US Infantry-only formations can purchase trucks and jeeps, and they are included in the TOE.

  8. Quick Battle Commonwealth carrier platoons in Sicily do not have carriers since they are infantry and not mech. Not a big deal, but they can't be purchased as single vehicles either!

    As with the other titles in 4.0, infantry are too eager to leap out of trenches and foxholes and run when under even light mortar fire. It changes how some scenarios play out since you can just shoot the enemy off position and don't need to assault.

    8 hours ago, Cobetco said:

    i think i might have found a small TOE bug? maybe?  brit/can/Nz infantry companies snipers will be assigned a No.4 on typical and average equipment quality (ie default) but the rest of the company will be armed with No1mk3*s i dont know if this is correct, but it wasn't that way before.

    There is (and was historically) a mix of No. 1s and No. 4s. ANZAC made No. 1s all the way through the conflict but after 1942 the Brits started slowly equipping No. 4s. Thanks to American production and the famous Long Branch in Toronto, Canadians had No. 4 rifles from their combat debut.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Sure, here it is:

    Everything changed!

    Seriously, we spent the better part of 3 months overhauling the TO&E.  There's almost no formation that wasn't touched in some way, even if not apparent to you the customer.  There was no attempt to track the changes as that would have probably derailed the whole effort (i.e. I would have thrown myself out a window!).

    But I can tell you that some of the biggest changes were made to the German Pioneer units, Panzeraufklärung, US Airborne Demolition Platoons, Commonwealth Lorried infantry, and more things that I want to remember.  In fact, just asking me has set back my therapy sessions several weeks.


    Redoing the TO&E was not as dramatic as all that, but it was kinda traumatic.  It wouldn't have been such a big deal if it weren't for the fact that doing things wrong would mean existing scenarios would crash.  To keep things backwards compatible was really tricky.  Plus we had to blow the dust off of Italy specific research that hadn't been touched in 2-4 years.  Which is why CMFI Upgrade 4 is out in April instead of in December with the rest.

    Well worth it though!


    Thank you for all the work!!

    Right off the bat, I'm seeing a lot more Luftwaffe troop selections (although I still can't see if it's Field Divisions or HG after fall '43 ;)).

    I also see a lot more options under appearance than shorts or greatcoat, could you speak on that a little? What is late camo, for example?

    I'm also glad to see ground conditions independent of weather so there can be snow on the ground on an overcast day!

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