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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. There is interest detail - our soldier at the end of the video shows a holes in the road and says "here was our IED"
  2. They already again entered to Skadovsk. About 30 vehicles. But reportedly they just going to stay here at the night and move further. This part of Kherson oblast hasn't any operative or strategiacal sense, so Russian occupation probably will be here more soft
  3. There was update - this is MTU-72 not MTU-90. The difference 18 m lenghth bridge instead 24.
  4. This is not door-to-door control. This is door-to-door robbing. This happened in occupied Hostomel, Bucha, Irpin', Borodianka, Ivankiv. Russians burst in the appartments and houses, rob the phones, but mostly a food. They terrorized citizens, beat the men and sometime shot them - to the death or just make wounds. There were several rapes. Citizens, evacuated from these towns in last days via "green corridors" tell horrible things.
  5. This can work during column passes or until Russians completely keep the ground and rarely works in enemy's rear on occupied territories. In Kyiv oblast occupied villages you CAN'T go out from your house if Russians stay there. You have a risk to be shot out immediately. In occupied villages Russians often take away the phones from a locals. Not only for security reasons, but just because they want to rob. But even if you was a lucky and kept your phone, you should be real partisan to walk in unknown place to search Russian troops. If some in the forest Russian command center of SAM battery are deployed, you can't walk there and make a shot for FB. Command centers are guarded. You even can't transmit your picture if you will lucky to sneak and make a shot, because often GSM netwok is jammed. So, uncovering of command centers is a work of our SIGINT, recons and SOFs. Civilians via FB make great work too, but to say all recon work is making farmers with the phones is deeply mistakingly.
  6. Soldier on the video says it was direct hit of artillery shell in BMP-3. There was IFV - became a model kit for assembling %) CM model of artillery effect on vehicles should be upgraded )
  7. UKR troops ambushed Russian convoy (on the second photo at least KAMAZ and some armor seen on the background) and captured MTU-90 bridge layer. Jusdging of the writing "For Okhtyrka" on the vehicle, made by our soldiers, this is Sumy oblast around this town MTU-90 is adopted in 1997. It maintains a passage of 24 m length for vehicles up to 50 tons of weight
  8. One more photo of more tall Serpent Ramparts in Bilohorodka area or some southern, which can be obstacle for enemy vehicles
  9. Russian occupants: "We prohibit any demonstartions" Ukrainians in Kherson and Melitopol: f..k you!
  10. In conditions of Russian air superiority, I think we can't move large units by the roads at least at daylight. Though units of 10th mountain-assault brigade, which appeared in Zhytomyr oblast tip that there is no any impossible. Our strong and deadly artillery, equipped with modern targeting means is main force, which can maintain success of our counter strikes. Also all will be depend from moral conditions of Russian troops. For example, now their units forced to maneuver under our artillery fire and sneak in the vilalges around Bashtanka town area near Mykolaiv. They are squezzed between two small rivers and hadn't enough place for maneuver. But our trrops don't attacj them, just shell with artillery, attack with small groups to disturb and demoralize them.
  11. Burning Russian T-90A of 27th motor-rifle brigade (Mosrentgen town, Moscow oblast) of 1st Guard Tank Army. Probably Sumy direction Remains of pontoons, special engineer tugboat (?) and abandoned engineer vehicles in Hostomel area. Probably this is in the place, where Russians crossed the Irpin' river two days ago and tried to hold bridgehead in Moshchun village, but were thrown back
  12. @The_Capt I think, you judge mostly of territorial defense footage, so you might get the impression that we are fighting only with light infantry, heavy armed with modern toys. But this is because there is too few footage from our "line" units. But they fight hard with all own equipment from the tanks to BMP and artillery, though in conditions of cities defense, even these units often use "light infantry raids" tactic. Yes, territorial defense actions are making outstanding controbution and their shoot and scoot actions release our "big army" for more hard tasks, TD work is winning a time for Reserve corps brigades and "second waves" of existing brigades deployment.
  13. The help of our ancestors. It's became knowingly, several days ago Russian forward groups, searching the ways couldn't overcome ancient Serpent Ramparts (ukr. Zmiyevi valy) near Bilihorodka village,west from Kyiv. Theese ramparts were built in 10-11th centuries against steppe nomads attacks on the base of more early fortifiacations. They girds Kyiv outskirts from the west to southern east in several lines. This was huge alot of work in that times. Now many of them plowed up, but theese save itself and came useful again since 1000 years
  14. Abandoned Russian TOR. Maybe old one, but already looted on the metal State Emergency Service recovers next unexploded OFAB-500 bomb, which hit residential building in Chernihiv. The writings claims this is third unexpolded bomb for the day.
  15. Situation on Donbas still very hard for our troops. - Russian and DNR forces launched assault of important Avdiivka town. Since the night they heavy bombarded and shelled the town and APU positions around. Reportedly our troops shot down a jet two hours ago - Heavy clashes around Vuhledar town. Units of 53rd mech.brigade withdrew there from Volnovakha, but Russians and DNR forces have big personnel superiority. Also right flank of Russian southerth group (58th Army) is advancing from the left bank of Dnieper in NE direction. Simultainously Russians trying to crush our defense in Izium area to move in southern direction on Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. If this two groups will meet, our Donbas group can be encircled. - Russians hit with a missile Karachun hill in Kramatorsk to disable TV tower. Outskirts od Sloviansk was bombed. Reportedly Su-34 was shot down yesterday over Kramatorsk. - In Luhansk oblast Russians are heavy shelling, bombing and assaulting Siverodonetsk city. But looks like on this direcion mostly LNR troops involved with Russian air and arty support and all waves of this zomby-rush sucсed to repel for now. - Mariupol. Despite the desperate situation, our troops still stand and even partially pushed out enemy form some eastern city blocks. Reportedly just Azov claimed they destroyed for last day 6 tanks, 2 BTRs, 1 Tigr and captured 12 Russians. On the photo KORD special police serviceman guards captured Russians in Mariupol
  16. Next Stugna-P hit Russian jet shot down over Izium, Kharkiv oblast. Claimed today morning, but more likely this happened yesterday, there is also was claimed about shot down jet. Two pilots ejected, probably Su-30SM or Su-34
  17. Our AD already intercepted dozen of missiles, especially over Kyiv, which most protected with AD. Probaby our comamnd reduced AD of other cities to hold sky over the capital. Russians many times tried to hit critical HQ buildings and imlitary facilities in Kyiv, but thanks God anf our guys in S-300, all missiles were destroyed. But I afraid 30 missiles salvo at Kyiv can be hard to repell...
  18. This night Russian strategic bombers probably from Engels airfield, Saratov oblast launched 30 cruise missiles from Black Sea area. Part of missiles were intercepted, but part hit Ivano-Frankivsk airport and military airfield and 8 missiles hit International Peacekeepers training center near Yavoriv town in 25 km from the Polish border. 35 KIA, 134 injured.
  19. I update Kraze post about captured Russian EW asset. This is one of vehicles of Borisoglebsk-2 EW complex, Russian modernization of Soviet R-330 EW complex. This is SIGINT means and the jammer of HF and VHF military communication systems 10th mountain-assault brigade units, which captured this thing, appeared several days ago in Zhytomyr oblast and on the boudary of Zhytomyr and Kyiv oblast. Russians now have to distract some forces to maintain own flank and rear
  20. Yellow tape is traditional since 2014 for all, not only TD. Though, in Mariupol now our troops use blue tape - probably there is defficite of yellow %) There is information appeaed that Russians sometime also put yellow tape on the arm and on the leg (or troops put only on arms arms and sometime on the helmet).
  21. T-64 tank was developed in Soviet times in Kharkiv, so we can say this lineage of Soviet tank is our and we can produce and upgrade it as well as T-84 -> BM Oplot -> perspective tank We have own developments in combat vehicles BTR-4, BTR-3DA and light armored cars - Kozak-2/2M series, Varta, Novator BMPs, some big number of BTRs still Soviet types or upgrading like BRDM-2, which became main vehicle for new-formed motorized infantry brigades. Small-arms also still mostly Soviet or upgraded like AK-TK. Own production of PKM clones (KM-7.62) exists, but it can't supply all needs. Bullpups like Vulkan-M (other name Maliuk) is only for SOF and some recon units, also not mass weapon. UAR-10 rifles, based on Zbroyar-10 (AR-10 based) now in most cases substituted old Soviet SVD ATGMs. NLAWs and Javelins are very useful, but we have own heavy Stugna-P and light Korsar, which alredy are in enought quantity Artillery still all Soviet, but its capability significantly increased by adopting of digital integrated reckon&targeting system, developed by civil vilunteers. Also there is some developments in heavy MLRS guided rockets (Vilkha/Vilkha-M) - analogue of HIMARS.
  22. I think, US, of course shares some information, but you some underestimate our EW and SIGINT capabilities. We have own developments in this brach, which not worth than western examples and they already several years in service. We have own EW and SIGINT/ELINT units subordinated to Operative Commands as well as such units on brigade level, in recon battalions, recon companies etc.
  23. Commerciall. As I know, our SOF has a "privelege" to buy any uniform and gears for real work to own taste (of course in some limits inside own unit)
  24. But black market price of USD already about 350 RUB.
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