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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Ukrainian resistance in Kherson сonducted attempt on mayor of State penitetniary service Yevhen Sobolev, the chief of local correctional facility №90. He betrayed Ukraine and of own free will maintained deployment and food supply for occupation forces. IED was placed on the tree and activated, when the traitor drove in the car nearby. Despite on recently claims of Sobolev's death, he just got heavy injuries of legs (some sources say about amputation). His driver wasn't injured
  2. Except 30 mm gun this is the same BMD-1 with all problems of "almost one-off vehcile". Russians during upgrading works after 2008 just mounted turrets of decomissioned BMD-2 on relatively new hulls of BMD-1 and changed radio and NV capabilities.
  3. I wrote about this yesterday. Key words here "That is mathematical estimations we can make". Our officials either don't want to think by own heads what they say and how their words can be interpreted or this is government "victim position" for pressure on West.
  4. Even their airborne "shock troops" not all equipped with BMD-4M/BTR-MDM, still using old BMD-2/BTR-D
  5. No, just most part of Lyman and Izium groups are units of Eastern military district, which have enough old equipment. The same 35th brigade or 5th tank brigade, equpiiped with BMP-1 participated in offensive on Kyiv in initial phase of war
  6. About training of LPR conscripts: Translation: On Luhansk direction so-called "reservists" and volunteers are trained during 4-6 days. They practice shooting with AK, SVD, RPK and AGS. But how! Without zeroing the same AK on 100 m range! Radios - are new R159, produced in 1985 [likely means new, not-used radios of Soviet times from storages]. No any words about cohering of units. But before sending to frontline they have solemn prayer service. As a result, on of "barses" [joking name of conscript battalions derived from "BAtalion of ReServists"], even not engaging, lost diring the march 3 KIA and 8 WIA because of IEDs explosions. And since a week was disbanded because of 15% irretrivible losses and the same number of refuseniks, incuding their commander. We were different. Several days they have been gazered a group of mobilized and volunteers in HQ company [probably of regimnet]. All this time all combat training there was bulkhead of rotten potatoes. Then we were dressed, giving out, what was in storages and not in size [in UKR army we often have the same problem, so soldiers or their families often buy own uniform in size like reserve]. Then we were moved to Rubizhne. There novices spent 2-3 days in the rear on chores and night duties as "watchers". Then all were sent to 1st and 2nd lines - to the front. Concerning the firing pravtices, starshyna said us: "checj your rifles and shoot inside the yard on thst 9-storey house. We three went out and shot per a magazine each. Through five minutes on positions of our neigbours started a coomotion - they tought enemy diversion group sneak here and there is a battle in the rear"
  7. Donetsk administration claimed most of shelling were with 152 mm caliber. French howitzers as I know on other direction. Donetsk area is relatively calm place now, so no sense concentrate there 155 mm artilelry in large quantity.
  8. Indeed our 152 mm artillery all 8 years could reach theese targets. Just wasn't political will. Also almost all DPR and Russian artillery moved to Popasna and Siverodonetsk directions. Minimum of counter-battery fire, so our artillery can operate more free.
  9. @sburke @Kinophile Lt.colonel (retired) Dmitriy Savchenko. Veteran of SOBR special police, participated in wars in Chechnya and Dagestan. Last place of the service before retirement - UFSNK (Directorate of Federal Service of drugs control). Likely was a member of volunteer unit.
  10. We have already a criticism of this from our military expert Konstantin Mashovets: The methodology chosen by our government to convince the Western public of the need to build up military-technical assistance to Ukraine by reciting "real needs" and "terrible losses" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine DOES NOT WORK. Because, it does not impress anyone in the West, from the word "absolutely". It is not at this "point" that you need to hit. They need to explain what the BENEFITS are for them from such cooperation. And also, tirelessly explain that it will be BETTER for them if you help Ukraine than not help. Moreover, it is desirable VISUALLY, with figures, maps, diagrams, etc. The mentality of the "transverse" Western citizen is arranged in this way...
  11. Russians already have a lack of operative-level UAVs, so forced to "mobilize" such class drones from civil service. UKR forces about week ago already downed Orlan-10, belonged to Emergency Ministry. In that time newest drone S450 Supercam of the same service was jammed and landed. S450 can fly 8 hours. Max. range of flight - 560 km, but videotransmiiting is possible only on 80 km.
  12. @Battlefront.com I've found full interview and something strange in theese numbers: https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/6/15/ukraine-to-us-defense-industry-we-need-long-range-precision-weapons Think about this: one brigade occupies around 40 kilometers of the fence line. That means that to cover the active combat conflict we need 40 brigades. Every brigade is 100 infantry fighting vehicles, 30 tanks, 54 artillery systems — just for one brigade, and we have 40 of them. I'm not going to talk about the anti-tank guided missiles or anti-tank guided weapons for now. I’m just talking about heavy weapons. As of today, we have approximately 30 to 40, sometimes up to 50 percent of losses of equipment as a result of active combat. So, we have lost approximately 50 percent. … Approximately 1,300 infantry fighting vehicles have been lost, 400 tanks, 700 artillery systems. That is a mathematical estimation we can make based on the length of the frontline and the intensity of the conflict. So, I'm giving you this estimate just for you to understand how significant the requirement is based on the intensity of the conflict. So, this is just estimated, not real number of losses? And another form of presure on West "give us much more wepon"? And "Trukha" twitter just pulled from context theese numbers and for the sake of hype "born" sensation. Damn, I figure out, what a level of "everything lost" will fly in next days in social networks...
  13. UKR artillery has struck several targets in Donetsk in second time for this day. Reportedly ammunition storage of "Kalmius" DPR artillery brigade hit (but there is no such devastating detonation like in Rrasnyi Luch yesterday) and several other vehicles/ammunition depots inside the city Locals also write about several hits in Makiivka and Horlivka. Looks like at last political decision allows army that, what we want all theese years - strikes at military units and storages in the deep of occupied territiory, even if they located close to residental areas. Recently this actions was very limited and conducted mostly at the targets on the outskirts of the towns and cities. But now probably there is a task to reduce capabilities of LDPR artillery, so we are seen series of strikes on ammunition storages
  14. Polish "Krab" SP-howitzers already in action
  15. Naval forces had own TB2 already before a war. They participated in sinking of Moskva, they hit targets on Zmiinyi island and hit several boats around the island. At least one naval TB2 was shot down over the sea
  16. British Mastiff and German MG3 in UKR marines service
  17. T-64BV mod.2017 also equipped with Nizh ERA, but packed in Kontakt-1 boxes
  18. Oppose side during 2014/15 several times claimed in propaganda purposes that UKR soldiers sell ammunition for LDPR %)
  19. UKR 152 mm artillery from Pisky area struck some targets in Donetsk. Reportedly hit the building of former Ukrainian emergency service unit (there is DPR military unit now there as weel as emergency), enlistment office and hotel "Dominik", where Russian officers usually live Emergency service building area .. And other two places of hits Also the third strke on Nova Kakhovka, Kherson oblast. Locals say furniture factory was hit again, where Russians deployed own vehicles repairing unit. From Russian side, reportedly, in this morning more than dozen ballistic missiles were launced from Alchevsk town area in Luhansk oblast Two cruise missiles hit something in Mykolaiv this morning
  20. UKR Naval forces hit with two missiles newest Black Sea Fleet resque tug "Spasatel' Vasiliy Bekh" (brought to service in 2017) of 145th BSF resque vessels detachment, which sailed to Zmiinyi island with cargo of ammunition and supply, also carring TOR on board either for deployment to the island or for self AA-protection. TB2 Bayraktar maintained tracking of the target "Spasatel' Vasiliy Bekh", pr.22870, 57 m length, 1670 tons displacement Also there are photos were issued, on which two tugs tow damaged Russian small missile corvette pr.21631 "Buyan-M" class on Volga river. Maybe this is corvette "Velikiy Ustiug", belonged to Caspian flotilia, which was deployed recently on Black Sea. There is a lot of shell-holes are visible. There is unknown were this ship was damaged. Maybe this a that case, when UKR Grad hit some target in the sea near Odesa in the night at the beginning of war, but that ship was burning, but this one hasn't traces of fire "Velikiy Ustiug" before...
  21. R18 can carry 2-3 RKG-1600 HEAT bombs - reworked old HEAT hand grenade RKG-3, adopted in 1950. Depending on modification (RKG-3/3E/3EM) grenade can penetrate 150/170/220 mm RHa under 30 degrees angle. So if the bomb falls vertically, penetration can be much more.
  22. Digest of "Aerorozvidka" UAV unit R18 drone-bombers in action. Looks like this "deadly snowflakes" are more effective, than Bayraktars
  23. More longer video with Russian helicopter, shot down near Rivnopil. They flew by pair, first was atatcked by MANPAD missile, but missile hit flare. The second tried to avoid missile on extreme low flight, but couldn't
  24. The second strike was today on Nova Kakhovka, Kherson oblast. This time furniture factory was hit, where Russians establised vehicles repairing base. Yesterday strike was conducted by Tochka-U, engine was found And some results of yesterday strike...
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