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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. No. Izium, Lyman, Siverodonetsk and Popasna groups are acting in one scenario. I will write about this later, but I need to gather most important things about this from long analysys of Mashovets and translate this.
  2. Southern front is Terra Incognita for news. UKR keep tough OpSec, Russian side just often hasn't insiders or military corerspondents there, so information about warfare on wide front from Kryvyi Rih, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Velyka Novbosilka. UKR soldiers in twitter sometime hint on some things, but most information still on RUMINT level. Though, there is semi0official confirmation, UKR troops pushed back Russian or DPR troops from Pavlivka village and as wrote DPR sources keep fighting on Yehorivka village outskirts. Also General Staff reported Russians today shelled neighbour Shevchenko village, so it's also probably contested. There is unknown either this just some tactical move, or something bigger. Further to west UKR troops reportedly pushed enemy forces and approached to Polohy town. If our troops will manage to libarate this town they cut roacade railway supply route of whole southernm front on the left bank of Dnieper.
  3. If on Izium - Sloviansk axis we have some success, on Popasna - Lysychansk axis we have more troubles in this day. Reportedly Russians moved on this directions one more BTG. Today Russians forces captured villages Loskutivka, Rai-Oleksandrivka and forces of DPR from 100th brigade (so-called Repubilcan Guard, somethig avarage in DPR between National Guard and VDV) captured Mykolaivka village, which was under dozen attempts of assault in previous two weeks. In Loskutivka Russians claim they captured 16 UKR soldiers. So, for Ukrainain troops of 24th mech. brigade in area Zolote - Hirske remained narrow corridor to withdrawing through Vovchoyarivka. There is no clear info about theese towns, but some our sources on RUMINT level say all heavy equipment and main part of troops withdrew to Lysychansk as far as in weekend, and in towns only screen forces remained.
  4. Captured Russians on Izium - Sloviansk direction. Krasnopillia village area
  5. Translation: Izium area, Kharkiv obvlast, Ukraine. Our troops tried to attack with new-formed forces. It's turned out fu..d up. Those, who have seen yesterday numerous of helicopters from Valuyki toward Izium [means evacuation of heavy injured] - yes, this is it. No proofs [in sense "don't expect from me official confirmations, videos, sources, names etc"] Translation: So, what was it in the end? Kantima [Kantemirovskaya division] in big trouble Several days ago UKR volunteer Roman Donik issued in own twitter documents of killed or captured Russians from this division - all 2001-2003 years of born. Looks like "elite" tank division replaced losses with very young soldiers.
  6. Ukrainian civil volunteers funds are coming to new heights Serhiy Prytula fund, one of largest in Ukraine after Back ad Alive, after successfull gathering money for strike version of PD-2 UAV, now accumulating donates for 3 TB2 Bayraktars. There was an objective to crowdfund 15 millions$ USD within a week, but un first day it's managed to get 10,4 millions $. Most bigger donate - 5 millions UAH (141000 USD), though as Prytula write, most donates is 100-500 UAH If somebody want to join, here is about international payments to the fund: https://prytulafoundation.org/en/home/support_page Meanwhile, Taras Chmut (on the left in the photo), former marine and now the head of Back-and-Alive fund visited USA and met with congressman (and officer) Adam Kinzinger. It's very interesting, maybe some equipment will go to Ukraine through Back-and-Alive, Chmut made some hints thay this can be even several AH-6 light combat helicopters for SOF. So, many people joke that soon we will crowdfund for squadron of F-35 and USA will promote Taras Chmut as future Minister of defense ) Indeed both theese funds turned out in powerful supply hubs with own logistic and storages and works for inceasing effectiveness of whole units on company and battalion level.
  7. Murz claimed this was Bayraktar in the role of kamikadze, but indeed this was UKR designed drone Raybird-3 of Skaeton company for civil purposes (in military use has name ACS-3). This is good toy, which can fly 18-28 hours on the range up to 240 km with control of operator or about 1000 km by programmed route. Since 2016 ACS-3 has limited usage in Ukrainain Armed Forces (though, I never heard and never seen nothing about it during 2016-2021). UAV can carry 5 kg of payload.
  8. No. All what we are launcing now either Soviet time stocks or maybe alraedy foreign aid - Poland and Czech Republic are fromer operators of Tochka-U. Wiki says estimated number of missiles for Tochka-U in Ukraine is 500-800. During the war 2014-2015 there were at least 50 launches. But there is a question how much theese missiles in good conditions. Part of them were older 9M79 missiles with 70 km of range.
  9. Murad Saidov was criminal boss, who up to 2012 lived in Zaporizhzhia (thoug he was Russian citizen) and controled Melitoipol as representatives of Chechen criminal group. After series of showdowns with other criminal groups Saidov was detained by UKR police and deported back to Russia. But despite this he continued to influence on criminal world of Zaporizhzhia oblast.
  10. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor of police (retired) Mikhail Goryaynov. He was a member of some volunteer unit. On 1st of June arrived ti Ukraine. Died in hospital from wounds.
  11. We have BPM-1P with Fagot/Konkurs. In 2016 128th brigade used BMP-1 with AT-3, but already year ago launchers were dismounted from vehicles and I never seen them again. Also there wasn't any report or video about their usage. AT-3 is more hard in guiding, than AT-4/5
  12. The second crash of Su-25 on territory of Russia (this one in Rostov oblast) for last days. This time the pilot lost According to number RF-90958 it was Su-25SM from 18th assault aviation regiment (Chernigovka airfield, Far East, 11th AF&AD Army)
  13. Slovenia sent to Ukraine 35 M80A IFV. This is Yugoslavia-designed IFV, armed with 20 mm canon and double "Maliutka" (AT-3) ATGM launcher, with remote control from the turret. But latter, I think, useless in this war. Slovenia had 51 M80 vehciles, which was going to decomission from service
  14. There is impossible to make some "avaraged" assesments. Even among LDPR regular brigades exists the "core" of motivated experienced fighters and those, who came to army for money. So evem inside their battalions and companies all can be enough different. Many depends from commanders. But this is a fact, that even Russians recognize LDPR regulars have more will to fight, than many "ususal" Russian contract infantry. Among UKR forces, most tough and experienced units are 93rd mech.brigade, 72nd mech.brigade, 95th air-assault brigade, though in this war all fight beyond own capabilities...
  15. Today situation on SE from Lysychansk suddenly got worse. Russians threw in the battle additional forces, concentrated there more artillery and airstrikes and this gave result - they could eithther push off our troops from Toshkivka - Ustynivka line, or even to breakthrough our defense there, due to their further advance. If in previous weeks main attacking forces there were mostly represented by 4th LPR motor-rifle brigade, then several days ago Russians moved here two BTGs of 39th motor-rifle brigade of 68th Army corps (Sakhalin) and units of 24th Spetsnaz brigade (Novosibirsk). Theese forces together with at least two BTGs of 4th LPR brigade after taking Toskivka and Ustynivka today, after short regrouping tried to come with one spurt on southern outskirts of Lysychansk and close the trap behind our troops in Zolote-Hirske area. They partillay had success in this, capturing villages Chykhyrove, Myrna Dolyna and Pidlisne, but were stoppped near Loskutivka and Rai-Oleksandrivka villages. Their advance in direction of Ltsychansk through Bila Hora village also was partially successful, but the village still under our control. Russians also are making preparations to river crossing in area Pryvillia - Synetskyi (from Kreminna - Rubizhne area) toward own goup, which advances along Siverskyi Donets river to Lysychansk through Bila Hora from SE. Crossing forces - elements of 55th motor-rifle (mountain) brigade (Tuva republic, 41st CAA) and 40th engineer-sapper regiment (the same 41st CAA). PS. Information according Konstantyn Mashovets, UKR military analyst
  16. No. "Regular" LDNR brigades often have combat experience, higher that regular Russian infantry. I read, that Russian sappers are learning from them, because their combat experience of Syria didn't work in Ukraine. Though, regular LDNR troops have more problems with discipline and supply.
  17. Russians now are trying to compensate a lack of infantry by esteblishing of "volunteer battalions" in own territorial units. I read about at least four theese battalions of Tatarstan Republic, Bashkiria Repuplic, Northern Osetia Republic and Tuva republic. Probably local authorities and enlistment soffices of other republics and oblasts also has a duty to form such volunteer units. In all cases media pointed the number of personnel in theese battalions - 430 men, looks like this is standart TO&E for them. In Russian social media recently was issued a scheme of how Russia takes manpower without mobilization. There was a post "how you can participate in special military operation", where offered 5 ways: 1. Official contract with army in enlistment office. 2. To enlist in volunteer units of "Donbas Volunteers Union" 3. To enlist in volunteer cossack unit 4. To enlist in DPR/LPR units 5. Contract with PMC So, looks like now we have 6th way - volunteer units, established by local authorities
  18. About Russian fleet along the western shore. It could be did for air defense purposes. Reportedly, after UKR hit the rigs, locals in Crimea concerned that UKR forces will strike on Crimea too, so Aksionov hastened to calm them dowm that Crimea has strong AD. So, maybe Russian command considered new opportunity of UKR forces as serious threat and move the ships to shield additionally to the ground AD assets western direction and intercept possible missiles on military objecst in Crimea
  19. Javelin launch on BMP-3 Time-lapse photo of Javelin launch
  20. Anecdotical incident, but it shows how situation can be changed. One UKR unit got some new uniform and boots and put its in storage to some barn in own close rear. When combat medic of this unit returned soon to this barn to take a boots for himself, he saw that eight LDPR conscripts were looting the storage. One of them already had a time to put on boots of this medic. UKR soldier shot at one of them in the leg, other immediatelly surrendered
  21. Last update about Russian fleet, reportedly (RUMINT!) they lined up not far from western shore of Crimea and probably is preparing to mass launch of missiles
  22. NASA FIRMS. The rig in the flame. Grey dot to the west - Zmiinyi island with no fire.
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