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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Whole Donetsk and Luganks oblasts barely contributed to 15% GDP and that was before the invasion. The actual invasion of 2014. Since then their contribution to GDP was even smaller. Russians have been creeping to Kyiv too, taking much more land than they took in the Donbas region this time. If they will keep "winning" like they "won" at Siverodonetsk and Lysychansk - they soon will either have nothing to "win" with, or will have to resort to asking China to give them their T55s and T62s back. Because they already lost nearly 50% of their whole tank force they have in their country.
  2. Israel has just as violent and aggressive neighbors that all want to see them dead. Nobody there bothers to sign many agreements - because there aren't many topics to negotiate about. Same goes for agreements with russians. They want to see us dead. It's them, who are categorical about it. And they make sure we know it too, through all the "creative" warcrimes committed daily. And it sure isn't government there on the ground doing those. So just as with Israel's case - there aren't a lot to agree on with russians.
  3. Do you find it strange that you can't repeat this same argument to Jews about their immediate neighbors? millions and millions of Ukrainians dead over the past 100 years (and quite a lot before that too, just nobody counted) would've been happy if you were right, I'm sure. But reality is much bleaker than you think. Living in safety with no genocidal neighbors, where mass murder, rape and torture is an inherent part of their culture, promoted and honored by their very poets - is a very different thing.
  4. Snake Island is a key area, a control of which is required for assaulting Odessa from sea. Yet nobody trusts russians here to start demining the beaches. No agreement with russians is possible, they always break those
  5. russians leaving Snake Island as an "act of good will" is unfortunate. We wish they'd rather stay. Our HIMARS crews need training.
  6. Yeah but Azerbaijan was willing to play ball with russian-armenian occupation of their land - and now that attitude is all but gone. As for Tokaiev... In a criminal world of dictators things like these aren't just forgiven and aren't done once. Especially when dealing with a very barbaric empire with an insane old man leading it, who all but proclaimed himself the emperor. So if one starts rolling that ball - he better be seeing it through to the end. While there's an opportunity.
  7. Nah, it's not that. Long before that Navalny supported the invasion of Georgia and called Georgians "rodents". And he also didn't say something vague, like politicians do, like "we will resolve the problem with Crimea when I'm in power - and it will make Ukrainians feel OK about it" - he stated quite clearly that "it's ours now, forget about it". Plus when he made his Crimea statements - there was no criminal article yet. Not to mention that in Russia you don't need any article to put a person in jail or into the ground. Law is just a wishlist. Navalny is imprisoned only because he attempted to grab the throne. Nobody in Russia really cares about statements, as long as you are aligned with the winning side. Girkin pours buckets of **** on top of putin's head every week, a lot worse than Navalny ever did - and he's alive and not even in jail - make a guess why.
  8. That perspective may become very realistic when Russia loses this war. You see - russians expected to occupy whole Ukraine in under a week, the mythology of an unstoppable "second army" was at an all time high - but suddenly it turned out that lots of that was BS and stakes are now extremely high. When Russia loses the war here - it may (and that's a rather large 'may') start a chain reaction in less stable regions of the empire. Because if Peter Vladimirovich Stalin couldn't defeat Ukrainian "untermenschen" - what will he do to us, hot-blooded Dagestani guys - for example? You can see it in Kazakhstani and Azerbaijani dismissive attitudes towards Russia already. The empire has just lost two of its biggest vassals. Russia losing some high-stakes war always caused the breakup of the Empire. See Russia losing WW1, then losing in Afghanistan (another war that shouldn't have been high-stakes, because they legit believed they will be fighting donkey riding villagers with hunting rifles) - so losing in Ukraine is most certainly a doom scenario for them. And they know it. And DMS knows it, hence he's so pro-war. And that's why russians will resort to every warcrime imaginable short of WMD. So it's better be controlled at that point.
  9. "Siberians" is also a great example of why Russia is always an empire, either it calls itself a "federation" (with zero actual federal subjects, right) or a "union" (with everybody being "unified" by deadly force). "Siberians" are forcibly russified people deported from Ukraine and Belarus over the past century, with their culture, history and language stripped away. Even worse - they were deported in place of native Asian people previously mass murdered by russians there. Now Russia does that in reverse - mass murders or mass deports people in Ukraine and puts their soldiers and their families of a completely alien culture to live in there to create this grey, blank-ethnicity mix. Classic imperial stuff.
  10. He said that under his rule Crimea wouldn't be freed of russian occupation and keep being a part of Ukraine, because "it's not a sandwich to be passed back and forth". Like "I'm sorry it has happened, but deal with it". That's enough for me. https://crimea.suspilne.media/en/news/942
  11. Nevzorov is an imperialist, who 'made' putin by working as his trusted propagandist for more than a decade and also running his elections campaigns from time to time. In fact Nevzorov said he owes putin as much for saving his life in the 90s. So as a major state propagandist - he's directly responsible for every single russian war since 1991 and in case of Ukraine - directly responsible for all the dehumanization of Ukrainians before 2014, and even after - as he was working on ORT as Ernst's advisor up until at least 2016. Now he just runs that "good russian" psyop we all know and don't love. (Also he's a war criminal in Lithuania for that little thing he did in Vilnius in 1991 together with other red army soldiers) Him getting our citizenship is thus very disgraceful and is the result of that internal struggle where the pro-russian lobby* I mentioned before scored a win. He will certainly lose that citizenship after the war's won. * In Ukraine we still have a strong corrupt lobby that doesn't want EU/NATO and would instead have close ties with a "reasonable" Russia and they see it as one being run by people like Nevzorov, which is, of course, a huge delusion based on not wanting to change - and such delusions die hard.
  12. Both were not different in their imperialistic views. In fact Khruschev almost caused nuclear extinction for the whole human race. So not the best example. And thus in the current case no matter how different Navalny is in his domestic views - his views on restoring the empire are very much exactly the same and it makes no difference for Ukraine or anyone sharing the border with Russia.
  13. Problem is - they will try again. They will always keep trying because they have nukes and we don't - or at least until we get a nuclear umbrella. But unless we are in NATO we aren't getting that. And try getting into NATO fast enough. But hey - I agree it's better than nothing. BUT! The war will happen much sooner than later if the West will decide to play ball with the "new" russian government. It's very obvious that russian mentality and culture are that of an invader and unless those change - there will always be trouble. What should happen is a controlled disintegration of Russia while taking away their nukes. Like if you want sanctions lifted - give away nukes. Period. Anything less - is another war. Maybe not with us - but who cares when it will result in mass suffering again for somebody else? And then it can finally disintegrate, become just another bloody page of history and leave the area in peace.
  14. Navalny is literally the same as putin. There is no difference between them. Navalny doesn't consider Ukraine a country, similar to putin. He is absolutely pro-war and pro-occupation. He just wants putin's throne and that's the only reason he's imprisoned - nobody likes competition in there. So it's another huge mistake by the West due to glaring misunderstanding of how russians tick. Just because someone hates putin - doesn't make him any less fascist. See a good example above. Or see Yeltsin. He wasn't considered "putin" by the West, but he was "putin". War in Moldova, war in Chechnya, war in Georgia, helping Serbians do the massacres, massacring Armenian parliament using russian specops and replacing the government with pro-russian traitors, war in Azerbaijan. Hell his warlist is larger than putin's right now. And yet he wasn't considered "putin".
  15. Ah but that's where you are wrong. Here's just a recent random YT comment on one of our local channels by an absolutely typical russian liberal that hates putin with all his heart: "Should russians take part in protests against the war? No, it should be a protest that demands "wage war properly, f***" instead. Since the beginning of the war I help russian soldiers however I can. From outside it's very hard to understand how hard it is for them to advance against a numerically larger enemy, due to lack of equipment and president and government, which constantly strike you in the back. Ukrainians are being helped by half of the world, russians aren't being helped by anyone, but other russians. More so russian government (especially presidential administration) constantly gets in the way, makes concessions and tries to lead everything into a draw. We can only thank Ukrainian people for the lack of compromise in their position, which made any treaty impossible. Or it would've been yet another "sovereign anti-fascist Ukraine" with Medvedchuks (me: our famous pro-russian traitor) and other fa**ots sitting on our heads. Just thank you. And the more cuckolds-"I'msorry" will leave russian cities - the better. Thank you again. War will be long, no matter how many "cease-fires" there will be. The process of reunification of russian people will continue, even if it will be slowed down or frozen, in 2014 they already tried to freeze it - and it only led to more victims and escalation... But Ukrainians can end the war at any time - just give us back our russian lands and live in your western-nowhere as long as you want. There's no other option. It's our, russian cities, they were founded by our russian ancestors and we will be damned, if we won't do everything we can to liberate them from separatists, traitors and other Ukrainian Mazepas." You just don't know how many comments like these are there. They are countless and they aren't being written by some faceless bots, but by people (who are also for some reason genuine subscribers), who genuinely hate putin. Putin isn't a real problem, he's just a road bump. Because before 2000 there was no putin. There was literally anyone else.
  16. Problem with that framing is is that putin receives whole blame, whereas he's just a representative of his people and simply does what russian people keep him in power to do. Blaming putin (or his cronies) alone is a huge mistake. One of those telegram channels belonging to "Kotenok" has 700.000 subscribers. Few english-speaking YT channels have as many is what I'm saying.
  17. It did happen, they were going to Kyiv with russians, but when the first shots started flying - Belarusian army turned tail and ran away. They didn't expect a shooting war, just a safe ride to Kyiv (like wha-?). Apparently Lukashenko himself didn't expect it will be so serious, as he himself stated at one point that the war will last hours. They did treat us as just being there for the taking. But very small amounts of belarusian soldiers did remain and took part in committing war crimes near Kyiv.
  18. Russians occupied Crimea, proclaimed it's their territory and put nukes in there. Same can be done with whole Belarus no problemo. Belarusian army is in a horrible state, it's almost fully conscript, was purposefully decayed and robbed since USSR (much like it was in Ukraine until 2014, which resulted in Crimea grab and the war) and didn't have the relative luxury of having 8 years to be rebuilt, while learning how to fight russians. So if putin suddenly decided "Belarus is mine now" - Belarusian army will crumble fast (especially with highly pro-russian leadership and infiltration) - and he can then put nukes in there too. I mean technically nukes were put onto a territory of Ukraine, no matter how you spin it - and who knows, who knows - what if one of these days that bridge suddenly goes down, ships will get to meet Neptune with harpoons - and there will be no other way to evacuate those nukes.
  19. They really don't. If you look up in google maps where those russian officers lived - you will find horribly dirty towns in the middle of nowhere. Of course if by officers you mean generals - then sure. But their generals come to the frontlines to die, not kill. Sure quality of life in Europe and US is considerably higher than here - but they have absolute disconnect with Europe and US, they didn't get to occupy much of Europe and thus don't really care about if France or Netherlands live good. But here comes Ukraine, a country they occupied for more than 70 years the last time and did everything they could to turn it into a ****hole - and yet in 30 years of independence Ukraine got ahead of them, adding insult to injury - Ukraine, still being corrupt (even if less so) and supposedly "borderland" - got ahead of them exactly during the war they themselves started. Before Feb 24 a so called "McDonalds burger flipper" was already earning close to average salary in Russia of 500 bucks. While millions of russians still live in wooden barracks. This is what causes envy. They don't care if some Billy from Texas lives better than them. But when some Oleksa from Sumy lives better than them even when working some mundane job - this they can't stand. They are the Empire, the Metropoly, the Center of It All and we are the province and thus have to live worse than them - otherwise wtf is this?
  20. One of the reasons russians were extremely brutal in Bucha is because they encountered something they don't have at home - middle class living alright. In fact they spray painted "who allowed you to live this good?" on one of the buildings. Us already living much better than them, despite being under their occupation just 30 years ago and despite all their "resources" - is one of the major reasons the war began in 2014. Russians are very envious bunch.
  21. No problem - there are nukes in Crimea. Since 2014. Nobody cared up until this year.
  22. Belarus is de facto a part of Russia already. Lukashenko at this point is very much a willing, but secondary, co-criminal that just gets to keep his duchy for not getting in the way and reading from a script once in a while. Of course nuclear capable Iskanders in there are just an empty threat - but only because they may easily be used by Lukashenko himself or any other guy in his place to protect Belarus from Russia. If Belarus is to become part of Russia de jure - then there will be no problemo. It's not like putin or russians care about sanctions at this point, they are in a full berserk mode and can't see the forest behind the trees.
  23. It incites hatred alright, but not for the reasons you think it does. Russians couldn't care less even if it was a hospital for civilians. But they look at that building... and then look outside. In fact claiming that a 'hospital for civilians' in some provincial Ukrainian city dares to look like that is an offense just as deeply insulting as Ukraine having middle class.
  24. Clergy in Russia are military, high rank FSB officers. Always was - since Stalin founded russian church in 1943 and placed top NKVD staff in charge of it. So if Kirill was to get his head smashed as he slipped on that holy water - that's another dead general.
  25. We are talking Russia here. Let's be realistic - they don't have Dominic Toretto.
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