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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Kyivan Rus didn't spawn Russia. Mongols did. That's where that "go wrong part is". Muscovy didn't even get to occupy former Rus lands up until late 15th century really and even then they didn't think there was any connection, it was just all conquest as vassals of Mongols. Remember - there literally were no russians until 1721 when Peter I decided they aren't some backward land that washes clothes in rivers but an empire now.... ...lol
  2. People, who right now rape, loot and murder in Ukraine are russian youth. Most were 10-11 years old when the war with Ukraine started. Generational slaves don't tick the way free people do and shouldn't be compared, expecting the seemingly logical results you are used to at home.
  3. "They won't invade, will they" - russians about the imminent possible liberation of Belgorod People's Republic. 2022. Times we live in.
  4. According to treaties we can't have nuclear weapons on our territory - so of course it will be delivered back to the losing side using the fastest possible delivery method.
  5. As you can see russians also included Nakidka in the first lend-lease package. They also became the first country to support Ukraine with modern MBT. I think others should follow suit.
  6. Because some idiots still believe that once putin is gone - it will be possible to trade, deal and be friends with Russia in general again. As long as you don't piss off the next imperialistic government that, of course, will be more reasonable because, ugh, Yeltsin was (he wasn't). And trust me, sadly, this "putin bad russia good" isn't exclusive Germany's issue by far.
  7. When I look at anyone near the tsar - all I see is a bunch of russians not dying a natural death.
  8. See? He is already trying to reform russian army
  9. So Armenia is learning the hard way that CSTO is for attacking its members, not defending them.
  10. Apparently it was an act of some private Moldovan airline. Government banned that flight renewal almost immediately. Or so the news go. Either way that's not on the table now.
  11. Speaking of full mobilization. That commie, who was screaming for full mobilization because it's war and not "special military operation" and russkies are losing bad - got absolutely smashed in comments all over the russian internets. People were demanding for him to get arrested, go fight the war himself or just die - in no particular order. As it turns out your typical russian "civilian" is more than happy to watch people get killed on TV from afar deep in his wooden barrack, but somehow doesn't want to take part in regroOpings and good will gestures himself.
  12. Considering that Azov contains an incredible amount of historians and intellectuals (like not kidding, some university profs in there) - that would be fitting in more ways than one.
  13. That's because in Australia democracy is deeply rooted in the mentality of society - you treat people you elect as temporary managers, not as "strong leaders" you grant an absolute power to "lead" (e.g. do whatever they want with the country). So of course you are not mentally stuck with a familiar face, you want change. In Ukraine we still have remnants of mental trauma from imperialism like that - like people electing the same mayor for 15+ years straight simply because... well... he's kinda a local feudal everybody knows - and the more he stays - the more he's treated as an inherent part of the land in question. Presidents are, thankfully, not so lucky.
  14. who's saying russian elections aren't mostly 'free' in the first place? Sure getting 86% of votes looks a lot better on TV screens (and to whomever is the tsar of russia as you are reading this sometime in the future) than getting 76% or even 66% - but they would still vote for the tsar regardless. Not to mention that huge jump in tsar's popularity with a whatever war Russia started now, as you are reading this sometime in the future, although I do hope Russia simply doesn't exist in your time, my friend.
  15. I mean there was a video where one of those teachers boldly stated that if need arises he will take a sniper rifle and go kill some Ukrainians. So russians said: OK. Best part is that these bastards can't be considered POWs according to international law, just criminals.
  16. I mean AFU did build a pontoon bridge there months prior.
  17. It's true -all NATO is black and English speaking. Especially those fresh guys from Finland.
  18. It's no surprise. Literally every russian liberal thinks exactly like this. The only difference from the other camp is that they are delusional enough to think that the occupation should've happened peacefully. Somehow.
  19. No "mutual" concessions to Russia. Ever. Hasn't the lesson been learned? It doesn't matter who is in power in Russia - he will always be a fascist dictator because russians will accept no other. Russia itself must cease existing. History shows time and again that you can't appease an empire after defeating it - it will always want revenge.
  20. It's supposed to consist of the best, most elite tankers they have. And it does.
  21. One thing I never understood why did they even need an occupation administration made of locals. Russians consider collaborators unreliable untermenschen anyway, so why bother? Same goes for referendums. Is it some kind of cargo cult - like if we will hold a "referendum", where everything is already decided, then this territory now has protective runes of the Siberian Bear God making it ours?
  22. He probably played CMx2 and said "meh AI is unrealistic" - so he stopped playing and here we are.
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