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Posts posted by kraze

  1. 2 minutes ago, Taranis said:

    On thousands of other chats comparable to those of the anonymous small town, on social networks, for the less cautious, it is the same explosion of sourness: “Where are our famous supersonic weapons? “I am not ready to die for the ruins of Donbass or for Putin” 

    You gotta love these brutal russian protests that make putin scared for his life:

    "Why can't you just murder all Ukrainians with supersonic weapons, why do I have to do it now?!"

  2. 3 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

    We have seen how popular uprisings go. It gets bloody for the guys without guns and tanks.

    Only good outcomes if the guys with guns have at least partial change of heart.

    In that case we need not worry - those protesters that get grabbed right now - will have guns really soon. That will change things.

  3. 7 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

    live stream from a smallish anti war demonstration in Moscow (they stated taking people away already):


    If I point out that 100 "protesters" idly watch a single guy being grabbed by three out of few surviving members of OMOH - and it's the reason why so called russian "opposition" deserves zero sympathy - will it be racist or very racist?

  4. 2 minutes ago, JonS said:

    I'm not angry with him. I think he's a foolish kid who knows he has nothing interesting to say, so is trying to get attention by saying outlandish stuff. In a way it's kinda cute.

    But it's also wrong. All wars end. This war will end. At the end of this war Ukraine and Russia will still be neighbours. Think about what that means for a while. And as you're doing that consider the examples of France and Germany, Poland and Germany, and Israel and everybody.

    Ah I finally get it now. It has nothing to do with "calls to kill" since there are none.

    I'm bad and evil because instead of pretending russians don't rape little children and cut off body parts of living human beings - I keep saying they should be held responsible, all of them must feel at least some consequences - because they support it. Whereas what I should really do is shut up and think about how after the war ends I will be holding hands with rapists and murderers and singing kumbaya and all will be well in the world. Everybody will be friends again and everybody will watch cute cat videos instead of mass exhumations.

    Maybe we will even drink tea with russians on top of a Ukrainianmass grave and laugh and make funny jokes ❤️❤️❤️

  5. 5 minutes ago, JonS said:

    Yeah, right-oh then.

    Tell me, what are elements of the Russian forces 'sowing' in Ukraine again? Thieving of washing machines, rape, torture, and murder - that's what we agreed they're up to, right?

    Because that is what kraze is explicitly and repeatedly calling for for every single man, woman, child, and baby currently living between St Petersberg and Vladivostock.

    Where do I explicitly call for that? Since I do it repeatedly - you will have no problem finding at least one comment.

  6. 23 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

    Kraze has been posting stuff like this since the beginning of the thread. He hasn't received any warning, although in the written official rules here, it is cleary stated as hate speech and a reason to ban someone. On the contrary his posts often get multiple upvotes. Yes, the best war forum on the net... 

    Never once in this thread I ever posted any call to kill anyone like that ever. I have no idea why "all russians should be held responsible for actions of their army they themselves support" is treated as "hate speech" but when somebody posts "I wish putin and all russian army died for what they do" - it's somehow not hate speech.

    Just like I have no idea why I'm repeatedly being called racist whenever I'm not happy with what russians do - when russians themselves are not a race. It's not even an ethnicity. Buryats are an ethnicity. Mongols are a race.

    Maybe when your compatriots (or, sometimes unfortunately) friends turn out to be dead and lacking body parts - it's just problematic to do only Love Speech and pretending it's putin personally running around frontlines and raping women - which is a very comfortable world view, I agree - but how exactly hating invaders (of all kinds) makes me "racist" - I have zero idea.

  7. Just now, Lethaface said:

    he did say it. Look back at what he said. Israel fixing the root cause by killing all arabs.

    Israel is solving the root cause by treating both soldiers and people back home, who dress and feed them equally as enemies. Who are not welcome in Israel. If some peaceful Israeli citizen dies to some enemy soldier or terrorist - Israel makes sure to retaliate in a way that makes it very clear that it's not acceptable and they can get you anywhere in the world. Right now Israel is actively fighting only in one country - Syria - that fully deserves it by supporting "Palestine", similarly to how Russia does it with their own artificial "people's republics".

    How did you even get to a point of "killing all arabs" I have no idea. If you mean "killing all arabs who come to Israel riding tanks" - then sure. They should do it. They have an absolute right to do it.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Lethaface said:

    And Arabs correct? and you are in favour of all of them disappearing right? Don't tell me to give you no bull**** when your spouting garbage. 

    My man, ANYONE, who came to Israeli land to kill and live in place of the killed, should disappear from that land by riding back home in fridges. And Israel made sure they did. And I can complete relate.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Grigb said:

    I mean they totally should. That will save a lot of time and effort for their enlistment officers. Just come to a "protest" and grab any of those "protesters" standing on their knees and begging putin not to enlist them - and enlist them. So that they can tell AFU in person how hard they have fought the system for the past 8.5+ years.

  10. 45 minutes ago, Zeleban said:

    I don’t understand why some participants in this forum are afraid that Ukraine will carry out purges in the territories of the DPR and LPR. Ukraine in 2014 already had the experience of liberating its territories, for example, Slavyansk, Mariupol, as well as a number of cities in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. There was no talk of any purges then.

    Moreover, many collaborators remained in their positions.

    Because any 'western civilization', that is remote enough from other civilizations, does that to your view. Through a twisted lens of comfort people tend to find explanations for everything that will go in line with their worldview. Isn't pure evil is just a fantasy stuff present in movies and it's always two sides who are at fault (which allows to not pick a side and stay "above it")? Here in Europe we aren't raping and brutally torturing people for fun - so why anyone else would? And if somebody is enraged at somebody else - he's the bad guy. After all russians do warcrimes mostly in silence, yeah sometimes they make a video but you can just hit the skip button.

    It's why it's so hard to explain Russia to French or Spanish, but you don't need to say a word to Polish or Czech, not to mention Lithuanian or Latvian.

  11. 43 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

    Well, Russia is going to solve its manpower problem.

    And to anybody talking about morale ext. look at history. War has been fought by men who do not want to fight for millennia. There are well tried and tested "methods" for this. Yes, it is not as efficient but often good enough.

    As long as the home front doesn't collapse from the inside.

    As Steve has calculated - thus far approx. 500.000 russian soldiers have been to Ukraine. And they were much better equipped, much better trained and with a much higher morale than these guys will ever have. Having large numbers of rapists is never an issue for Russia. But there's a reason those 500.000 run out so fast that he needs another 300.000.

  12. 1 minute ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    Other than ad hominems (which I think we agreed are not constructive), what other knowledge do you have to contribute? Pray enlighten us.

    2014 happened because russian empire is an empire and can't exist without expansion. So on 20.02.14 the war began, in Crimea and incl. contributing troops to kill people at Maidan.

    Trying to claim that "russian speaking" people were some kind of a lower caste in a country where Ukrainian music, movies and literature were effectively banned until 2014-2015 (and were unbanned and finally getting protection as a result of the invasion as a law only in 2019) - is exactly what shows the lack of knowledge about the topic.

    So, naturally, nobody ever thought there's something wrong with "russian speaking" Ukrainians, nor did it change, apart from many of those "russian speaking" Ukrainians stopping speaking russian after their homes get smashed by 'russian made' bombs.

    As for russians. Screw those guys - they are not getting free ride into Europe by coming to live in homes of people they (or their army) killed. Deportation it is and nothing else. I hope this is "not ad hominem" enough?

  13. 4 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    In spite of the strong passions roused here, a discussion of this war, and how to end it, is not complete without including the topic of how to handle Russian speakers in the liberated territories.  It's an elephant in the room, it's why 2014 happened in the first place.

    I have Empire Loyalist ancestors in Canada, Americans who departed or were forced from the former Colonies following the Revolution. That was only a small subset, however, of the actual Loyalist population. Most simply pledged allegiance to the new Republic and went about their business. There was no wider 'cleansing' or purging.

    Whether we like it or not, Crimea's 2.4 million people are 90% Russian speaking. Following a Ukrainian reoccupation of Crimea, the vast majority of those would choose to stay as Ukrainian citizens, regardless of when they arrived. Some will not, and will depart.

    There are millions of Russian speakers throughout Ukraine, especially in Odesa. Many have lived there for centuries. Many are fighting and dying today, as Ukrainians, for the Blue and Gold.


    ...But there are hardliners in Ukraine who say, no! Russian residents of Ukraine are inherently disloyal fifth columnists, vipers in our bosom, and must be expelled en masse

    And in any case, *somebody* must pay the price for Putin's war.  As if there was some economic value in vacant homes and farms.

    And as far as I'm concerned, in spite of Russia's war crimes, the justifiable anger at Russians in general for supporting, actively or tacitly, Putin's war, and at their local collaborators, this is a legitimate area for discussion under this topic.

    How can Ukraine win (or lose) the peace?

    Ukraine will not get away today with what Croatia did in deporting all Serbs from the (wait for it!) Krajina region in 1994, in retaliation for Serbian ethnic cleansings and mass murders in Vukovar, etc. But that didn't make it any less cruel, or evil.

    Russia is not Serbia. And this isn't 1994.

    The consequences of Ukraine ethnic cleansing Russians will, in the eyes of much of the world, seem to confirm what Russia has been claiming since 2011 at least.  And it will end terribly for Ukraine.

    That's some amazing lack of knowledge about the topic at hand.

  14. 3 hours ago, Lethaface said:

    So what is the root of the problem? Arabs? Russians? And you have a final-solution in mind for that root cause?

    Yes russians are the root of the problem. Not just putin, not just their army, all of russians. They all caused this, collectively. All must be held responsible - which is where things are going, slowly but surely at least with their neighbors. And not just Baltic countries, but even Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

    Countries sending them all back home is a great damn start - look how enraged they get and how they go from "let's all be friends" pretense to suddenly crying e.g. "Estonia is **** and must be gangraped by our glorious army".

    It's delightful to watch and it's the least they deserve.

    And don't give me this "final solution" BS. Russians came here claiming to "finally solve the Ukrainian problem". In 7 months of outrageous warcrimes nobody in Russia was ever against any of it, even if they pretended there was none of it for 8 years prior. So let them reap what they sow.

  15. 25 minutes ago, Lethaface said:

    Shooting children on the beach with naval guns is perfectly acceptable (or journalists when they report for the other side), or slowly annexing and occupying a state which doesn't exist. 

    I guess better not to include Israel/Arab in this discussion.

    Why not? Israel is a good example of exactly that - a nation, which defends itself against extremely barbaric neighbors, that went through centuries of occupation and genocides - is now deemed bad by some because it gets what the root of a problem is. Even Palestine fits well here - because it is just another faux "LPR/DPR" with a flag eerily reminiscent of a certain Israeli extremely genocidal neighbor, which directly supports Palestine, while actively denying it (also too busy with its country deservedly disintegrating - something lacking in Russia thus far, unfortunately). And Israel retaliates against this "people's republic" a lot calmer and slower than what Ukraine is forced to do.

    When you are threatened with a very very violent extermination by whole generations of barbaric enemies - it's very hard to roleplay that it's just a token Hollywood movie with evil dictators and good people suffering under them.

    By all means I'd more than happily return to the unicorn-infested world of being civilized - the moment russians are not a threat, preferably due to violently cutting off each other's penises in wars of succession.

  16. 34 minutes ago, Butschi said:

    Come on, noone said anything like that. Noone blames any Ukrainian for hating the guts of every Russian soldier who commits war crimes. Or any Russian soldier in Ukraine for that matter. Hell, I'd probably hate the whole of Russia myself in that situation. That was never point and noone is being called a racist for that.

    What some of us take exception to is when it comes to the point of somehow every Russian being a (real or potential) murderer and rapist because that is just how they are and what they can never ever change. Maybe I can even find that humanly understandable. But I don't have to condone it and I can and will say (because I have the luxury of being able to think more calmly about!) that it is factually (!) wrong and leads nowhere good.


    So what you are saying is that they have a very hard filtering for their soldiers to make sure only rapists, looters and murderers get into the army and the other, "good" russians stay away?

    Or, you know, maybe it's the whole culture, the whole nation that gives birth to these - starting with their parents, continuing with their schools and ending (hopefully in the very first combat) with their army instructor?

    This war isn't even the first war this "not-USSR" wages. Since 1991 it's what, 10th? And every time russian soldiers do exactly the same things - rape, loot, murder. So we are talking THREE generations here who do exactly the same thing. And literally every single generation before that who did exactly this in USSR and in whatever their empire was called before that.

    So either only absolutely barbaric criminals are exclusively and perfectly filtered into the army for centuries or... it's the NORM in Russia.

    Whatever makes you feel warmer I guess.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Huba said:

    So let's bet: will he announce war and mobilization? My guess is that he will. 


    This is what I mean when I said for so long that while putin is, without a doubt, 'evil' and completely effed up - he is still a "High Slave", like any dictator really is. His people demanded "to start the war for reals" for at least a month now and now he either will look weak (means death) or he does what population demands to stay alive.

    What will it change though? They will repeat "Russia is here forever" and this time, this time AFU will listen and be like "ok then, let's go home boys"?

  18. 4 hours ago, Letter from Prague said:

    They also had access to modern internet and western media their whole lives. It didn't seem to have helped.

    Meh. People who live in western countries do not understand how totalitarian/slave cultures tick and so they try to find logical explanations like "they are forced to listen to dictator's propaganda" despite every fact pointing to the perfectly free will. Even when they act like complete asshats abroad, where there's no commissar to hold a gun to their heads - an explanation must be found. Or it won't compute.

    A thought of people freely choosing the so called High Slave that will (be forced to) make all the choices for them is impossible to comprehend. No way, it can't be. Humans are inherently good, only dictators are evil. And then Afghanistan happens where people instantly bring back slavery and welcome shariah law with open arms before the last American plane even gets to leave.

  19. 54 minutes ago, Butschi said:

    I think everyone here understands bitterness and even hatred Ukrainians feel towards Russians. Maybe "understands" is the wrong word because we others sit more or less comfortbly far away from the war.

    Anyway, while a lot of hard feelings are totally humanely understable, we don't have to condone everything. It is possible to understand things and still say they are wrong. A red line for me personally is racism. Not just out of principle but also because it leads nowhere useful for understanding the situation and hand. I think the latter is something we strive hard for, here. I won't go as far as calling kraze a racist. But he is at least putting his toes dangerously close to that line.

    Why do I say that? Because he repeatedly ascribes certain attributes, like being murderers and rapists or at least condoning such things, to each and every single Russian. He also denies them even the possibility to ever change their behaviour. Maybe he has good reasons to feel that way. And that is not direct racism up to this point. But if you think it through to the end, if a people is unable to change certain attributes that every member of that population has, then it can't be cultural because culture always changes over time. Then it has to be genetic. And that is effectively what would be defined as racism.

    "Culture changes over time"

    Why is nobody trying to tell that to Israelis about their Arab neighbors?

    I also don't see anyone crying "racism" when somebody criticizes Israeli Arab neighbors putting burqas on women and pulling heads off men?

    Pretty sure Israel should just wait a few more centuries and everything will be OK.

    Or maybe cutting off heads is unacceptable, but cutting off penises, hands, legs off of still alive human being who was deemed to be unworthy because he isn't a part of a superior russian race - is perfectly valid.

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