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Posts posted by kraze

  1. 1 hour ago, dan/california said:

    The Russians could definitely do some amount of this, or commit some other sort of mid grade atrocity in a European capital. However, it would move the visa ban they are so eager to avoid from probably not happening to a dead certainty. They really don't seem to want that.

    Article 5 is more likely in this case since russians are notoriously bad at hiding traces.

    I mean Scholz may BS about how it's better for Germany to do barely anything, but try doing 'just' visa ban when FSB ends up being responsible for murdering 30-40 people in the center of Berlin.

    And russians are extremely awful at timing and targets. Said Albania is a great example - just before the visa talks they mess things up next to another potential hotspot everyone is watching. What a talent to f everything up.

  2. 7 hours ago, BlackMoria said:

    My suggestion - all Russian visitors are subject to a obligatory customs and document check after a four hour wait, and a strip and body cavity search.  

    Russia called the tune.  Time to pay the piper on this one.

    Not letting them in is a much better and simpler solution. Not to mention safer, in the long run too.

    They'll have the rest of the planet to tourrorize anyway.

  3. 9 hours ago, Kinophile said:

    Now,  I'm very ignorant of Air, in general, buuuut.... A10 would be a good fit for for UKR,no?

    Tactically oriented platform,  combat proven and perfectly designed to slaughter SOV vehicles in a contested air space.

    I mean, This is the war it was born to fight. 

    RUS doesn't have air dominance, so tactical UKR A2AD could provide attack corridors,  HIMARS et could suppress RUS SAMs, although not Iglas etc.  

    It also feels like a lower, entry rung on the way up the Air ladder to NATO level SEAD and 4-5th Gen air platforms.  

    Running ops in contested tactical air space is something UKR Air Control already has experience in, so "plugging in"  a better Frogfoot would give them starter experience with NATO platforms, systems and procedures, without the organizational complexity, massive tech requirements and systems upgrades that 4th gen+ air frames need. 


    That's the whole point.

  4. 7 hours ago, The_Capt said:

    Hmm, not sure this matches observed history to be honest.  We had a conversation awhile back on Russia culture and it influence on this war and obviously there are some very strong opinions.

    I don’t think it is easy to paint any culture in one monotone colour, internal divisions and stressors exist in far more closed cultures that Russia (eg NK), it is human nature.  We in North America have a proud tradition of lemming [I know it is a myth but just put that aside: insert Marlin Perkins meme] behaviours.  Ours come from religion and sub-cultures - we convinced ourselves that slavery was a good idea and that God supported it- that have been just as restrictive as any autocratic government.  In fact these “norms” can be more tyrannical than any one leader - plenty of evidence of that.  Also there is the fact that Russia has had 2 major revolutions and a pretty nasty Civil War in 20th century, so I am not all onboard that they are “sheeple”.

    I do believe that Russia appears to have a bit of an addiction to autocrats, democracy has never really stuck in that nation.  We discussed this previously and I don’t think there was a consensus as to why.  I suspect Russians are a product of their environment, so a weird collection of outsiders who have been invaded repeatedly likely has a role to play in them embracing strongmen leaders.

    Regardless, based on history the Russians can definitely “awaken” and pretty violently.  The real question is “what will it take for that to happen?”, followed by “does this insane war qualify?”.  And then finally, “do we need to help that happen sooner than later?”

    There's no consensus because one takes russian self-invented history at face value. And then wonders why nothing makes sense.

    However if one is to draw Russia's roots not from (semi)republic that was Rus (to which it has zero relation) but to Golden Horde as the initial point and go from there up till now - you suddenly realize that 100% of russian history is serfdom. They have zero clue what democracy is, their culture only knew violent dictatorship.

    Historians easily accept that stolen "Roman Empire" of barbaric Germanic tribes was indeed stolen and nobody questions any point in German history because of that. But not accepting Peter I and his exiled Germans that invented Russia and Romanov dynasty doing the same is what leads to this mess.

  5. 15 hours ago, dan/california said:

    The proof that Biden new and believed is the Afghanistan exit. I have zero inside knowledge on this, but I am convinced knowing about Russias plans for Ukraine are why Biden got out of Afghanistan so abruptly. We just would not have been ale to respond the same way with the Taliban suddenly being flooded with Russian kit.

    It may be much simpler that that. Why waste lives (and huge cash) on a country that does not want to change and does not want you there? As was clearly proven by an instant collapse when the big guy was out - everybody rushed towards supporting and joining Taliban.

    Real "Mission Accomplished" was at least a decade ago. Staying in Afghanistan was only helping people that cope with reality by thinking that dictators run the show and not people put dictators in power, hence why people need somebody else to depose that one for them and guide them to Democracy, Liberty and Freedom.

  6. 10 hours ago, FancyCat said:

    The article linked has so much more information on Russia and attitudes to war. The head of former station Echo Moscow, a opposition oriented radio station, which was closed following the invasion, ill quote below, which is only part of the long article. Nevermind, look this stuff as well. Just part of the long article, please do read it all. https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/how-putin-s-war-changed-my-moscow-a-3b5049e7-93fd-4c2a-9c9f-742635ae2099

    I think when looking at Ukrainian anger at Russia, this comes to mind, from article, Ukraine has "Within three decades, Ukraine has experienced five genuine changes of power, whereas Russia has seen none." for a people who have regularly seen changes in government, and experienced two revolutions (Orange and Maidan) since independence only 30 years ago, Russian attitudes towards their government must be near infantile. 

    Also, the article has a interview with Alexander Borodai, who was appointed PM of the DPR in 2014 (after helping to annex Crimea), despite not being from Ukraine, says this: just absolutely dripping antisemitism.


    Worth noting that Echo of Moscow was "opposition-oriented" in name only. It was 100% owned by Gazprom e.g. putin himself and its execs (most of whom were Echo's journalists) had their shows in that media and were really imperialistic and aggressive in their views, especially towards Ukraine from as far as 2007 at least. I guess their goal was to cater to the "intelligencia fascists" that hoped to occupy Ukraine without the war, the ones people in the West mistakenly consider "opposition" - but after the full scale invasion started and it turned out that there's zero difference between russian "opposition" and Z-tattooed crazies - there was no point in pouring millions of $$ into it - spare money russians don't exactly have lying around anymore.

  7. 1 hour ago, Butschi said:

    It's easy to say that in hindsight, I doubt many would have bet money on it before.

    Nah, everything was literally in the open for nearly a year at least. But people, who screamed on top of their lungs that Russia is going to invade soon were laughed at and had buckets of **** poured on them on TV. Intelligence officers daring to claim that invasion is happening soon were fired. It was a literal Don't Look Up for a year.

    When that movie came out - it was extremely painful to watch and we still had two months to go.

  8. 2 hours ago, Butschi said:

    Do they provide actual proof or is it just a claim after the fact?

    It is sad if the CIA or whoever had real proof and nobody believed them but I have to admit I highly doubt everything that comes from a US government saying we know X because of intelligence agency Y. In the past we have been lied to in this way just a little bit too often.

    Also, according to members of the former German government not even the Ukrainians believed in a full scale invasion.

    Any sane Ukrainian knew that Russia was planning a full scale invasion as early as spring 2021 (and anyone with a historic background knew they were planning that invasion since 1991). In fact it was pretty huge - russians have pulled nearly 90000 troops to our borders under the classic guise of "doing exercises". But in May 2021 they decided 90k rapists probably wouldn't be enough to do a 3 day war, so decided to double that number over the next half of a year.

    Of course I have my view on why nobody listened to Americans in autumn 2021, but I'll keep it to myself until after the victory when heads of the responsible will hopefully fly en masse, so to speak.

  9. 1 minute ago, Harmon Rabb said:


    The important question we have to ask, where these Ukrainian SOF carrying a copy of the Sims 3 ? 😃

    You laugh now but Sims 3 is an officially Nazi approved concentration camp simulator. You put those little russian speaking people (what did you think that gibberish they speak was anyway, lol) into a house... and then you wall them in - without food or the toilet. And then you watch them suffer, as they die praying to St. Stalin, while their parents get a free russian car.

  10. 1 hour ago, Huba said:

    Interesting. AFAIK "state sponsor of terrorism" is not an international standard, am I right? Meaning that this proclamation doesn't have to mean sanctioning anybody doing business with Russia and so on, as US would have to do if it proclaimed RU a terrorist state.


    Latvia also stopped letting russians in and Estonia today as well. Czech did it right away back then. It's a process which will only gain momentum as russians keep pissing everyone off all around the world by being what they truly are.

    Remember how half a year ago I wrote here that russians are all the same and need to get "cancelled" everywhere because all of them are responsible - and some people here were "naaah you are just being bad saying all russians are bad" - but as it turns out it's all about sitting back, relaxing and simply letting russians do what they do best - and they will eventually get noticed. And promptly squished.

    Serves them right.

  11. 6 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    As I said, a combination of all those factors, but in my opinion with killing the enemy as the most important one. In this particular war the Russian mood will start to change when the Ukrainian artillery is starting to slaughter more and more Russian soldiers that can't be replaced and will cause a steady stream of body bags that can't be hidden anymore from public view. Despite all the semantics (not yours) that's what will bring the decison. Killing your enemy.

    They all know they have huge losses, they just don't care. russians aren't civilized people and they do not have concept of human life having any value. When a father gladly exchanges a life of his son for a cheap car - it's all you need to know to stop thinking "public view" changes anything.

    But killing the enemy is the correct way. Less russians is less that can kill.

  12. 1 hour ago, Grigb said:

    Does he understand that it will immediately ignite Civil War? I think yes - he is not stupid. But he (and majority of RU Nats) believe they will be able to murder enough people to force RU population into total submission.

    RU population is in total submission. And they are enjoying it.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Grigb said:

    Parsing RU news found example of RU gov dealing with those who dare to tell the truth. Quote from RU opposition politician Ilya Yashin. He was arrested recently.


    So poetic justice from a regime he was a strong supporter of.

    Yashin is a known russian fascist that for many years claimed that Ukraine is a Nazi country where "in Kyiv on every step a Nazi uniform is being sold, Nazi flags are everywhere". He basically did everything to help putin create a propagandist image of bad and evil Ukraine that has to be punished.

    And now he got what was coming to him for a long time.

    I hope all the other "opposition" politicians like him will follow in his steps.

  14. Poor russian stepmother that is clearly not a supporter of evil putin's regime cries over her untimely stepson's death who was forced to go and kill Ukrainians by the evil putin:


    1. "they gave us money only for the coffin and a monument". How a russian family struggles to get any compensation for the death of a soldier?



    2. "never hurt anyone in his life, why him?"


    3. Fridge with a Ukrainian warranty ad sticker, clearly looted by the evil putin himself.

  15. 6 hours ago, Grigb said:

    Not going to waste my time disproving an initial extremely inaccurate assessment. 

    What I am going to do is to put several quotes:

    1. Pro-war Nat Girkin: RU population will stop supporting the war because they do not really understand why RU started the war
    2. Pro-war Nat military expert Maxim Klimov (42:46) : ...Regional high-ranking officials discussed the drain [loss] in Ukraine
    3. Anti-war RU Na Nesmyan: ...only 3 percent of respondents said they would be happy to unite the territories in any form...the goals of the entire event [SMO] are perceived distantly and indirectly by the absolute majority of the population.

    It is very clear that there is no deep public support for the war. There is shallow and fragile support of convenience

    it doesn't matter what russians say or write (e.g. lie). Reality is that they support every single war they start wholeheartedly and proof is that since 1991 there was not a single anti-war movement despite wars in: Moldova, Chechnya (twice), Azerbaijan, Georgia(twice), Syria, Ukraine and many other more minor stuff like russian troops exterminating Armenian parliament or taking part in Srebrenica massacre.

    On the other hand there are constant marches and events supporting every single war they start.

    Today russians murdered another civilian crowd in a peaceful city. Guess how many russians did something to stop that?


    Words mean nothing. Only actions do. And actions prove that russians are pro-war.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Grigb said:
    1. No
    2. No
    3. No
    4. No

    Those are great counter-arguments but since 1991 Russia invaded a dozen of countries, committed countless warcrimes, Yeltsin in particular was a humongous warmonger, starting a new war or two EVERY year - and had an insane support among russians up until Russia lost the war in Chechnya. In fact if it didn't - Yeltsin wouldn't have lost people's support, wouldn't have been poisoned, stayed a Tsar and you'd be blaming him for the war in Ukraine today and putin would've stayed a nobody.

  17. 30 minutes ago, Grigb said:

    Unlike Tsar Putin has a much more competent public suppression system. And he is actively using it. So, there will be no public show until everything "explodes". It is like USSR collapse - hardly any signs and then it just disappeared.

    Hardly any signs to the outside maybe. It wasn't an information age so no way of knowing for anyone outside (and many inside) about the non-stop local wars and uprisings that were going back and forth through that former russian empire.

    This time it's different however because the return to the old days of barbaric ideology of Muscovy mixed with 20th century Nazism found very strong support and response among the russian populace. Because soviet ideology was built on lies about the bright future and everybody in the world living in poverty, while a "soviet citizen" was living the best life ever - and that didn't fly because it wasn't true. Current russian ideology, founded by Yeltsin, offers brutal truth: yes we are poor af and there's no freedom - but who cares - let's invade everything, rob, rape, whole world is there for the taking, it's all free - we got nukes and nobody will ever stop us. And thus you see an absolute unity among russians in favor of all the wars since 1991.

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