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Posts posted by Ultradave

  1. On April 2, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Andrew H. said:

    The action is near Chaumont center.


    I'm on a Mac, if that matters.



    I took a look at the second one. The Stug on top of the hill has US troops in front of it, and also what turns out to be a MG team about 5m to it's right. And yes, the second crewman to put his head up is met with a hail of gunfire. But there are enemy soldiers right there. So close that when he backs up he runs over them. So it could be they are trying to ward off close attacks? 

  2. As Raptor said, there are numerous scenarios in the campaigns. I play tested some of the KG Peiper ones. I promise you a challenging time with those. There are even choices you can make that will affect what scenario comes next or how the next one is set up. Really great. Now that I'm done with my income taxes I plan to tackle that beast myself.

  3. 55 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

    Still can´t access the demo download page at Sharefile. If this is indicative for future download opportunities from BFC/Sharefile (....patches and modules), I´ll probbaly think twice, before purchasing CMFB in the near future and likely stick to what I have now. I surely won´t stick to WinXP forever, but if I can´t even test play the demo, due to not beeing able to download it, I do not feel encouraged to stick to BFC products any much longer.

    So far you are the only person I've heard that has had this kind of issue with accessing the download page. A few problems with speed that might or might not have been due to traffic. I don't think it's fair to say it's indicative of future download opportunities. BFC, and any other company for that matter, is unlikely to ever say at this point that WXP is supported. Since MS has dropped support, there are no guarantees. Most things will *probably* work as they did before, but.....

    You might try one thing. Go to another DEMO page (like BN or BS) and see if that opens for you. The FB page has a flash animation of some tanks driving down a road right at the top. The other DEMO pages don't. If your flash player is way out of date, that could be causing the issue. Just a thought. It's the only thing I can see that looks significantly different than other DEMO pages. If that's true you might be able to update your flash player version (I'm assuming of course you have it installed)

    If you can't open the other DEMO pages I don't know what to tell you other than plan on upgrading your OS at some point. Hope that is of some help

  4. 3 hours ago, Vet 0369 said:

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. The text I was referring to is the status text for the selected unit that appears in the box at the left corner of the "battle" screen. I checked a couple other missions, and they have the same color text (it looks OK in those though). Maybe the gray shading of the text box background is off. It seems too light to give a good contrast between the light blue text and the white ground. I've had to move my view so the unit status has trees or something dark as a background. As I said, I found it very hard to read the unit status.

    Oh, so you mean this, shown in the picture below? On mine it appears this yellow color (pardon me if it's green or whatever. I'm colorblind). But definitely not blue and the same as every other title. This is a screen shot from the demo.  I just checked and it appears the same in the full game to me. I wonder what could be causing that.


  5. We'd do a two gun raid and both crews and the fire direction crew (1/2 the fire direction center) could all fit in the 2 blackhawks. M102 howitzer slung under each chopper with enough ammo for the raid. With Hueys it would take 1 or two extra for the extra people and extra ammo. And as passengers it's a sweet ride....smooth. I have a lot of affection for Hueys and rode them more than the Blackhawks overall, but as a passenger in the Blackhawk it was much better.  I never jumped from a Blackhawk though. A number of Huey jumps (falls really), and Chinooks, and whatever the Canadians call a Chinook, but no Blackhawk jumps. I suspect they are the same feeling as a Huey. You just sit on the edge of the door sill and sort of fall out, so I wouldn't think it would feel different.

    A 2 gun raid is where we would take 2 of the 6 pieces from a battery, fly them forward to very close to the front lines to fire farther into the enemy rear, usually for some important target. Get in, pound in stakes (only 2), lay the guns, plot the data, fire the mission, sling up and out in 15-20 minutes. Choppers hover nearby or land in clearing behind ready to come to the rescue. While it may not sound like it, that is very fast time to get it all done, because as the fire direction officer I also had to assume the role of battery XO and survey in the guns while my computer (the E5 in the fire direction center who came with me) set up the firing charts for the location. My fire direction chief (an E6 stayed back with the battery for data for the remainder of the battery.) 

    A Huey is a Willys jeep, and the Blackhawk was like getting it replaced with one of those posh $100,000 Land Rovers.  At least from the viewpoint of the passengers :-)

  6. On March 24, 2016 at 10:12 AM, c3k said:

    I would prefer a round count and intensity call for indirect missions. E.g., "20 HE, rapid" or "12 Airburst, medium". 

    Putting TRPs where previous missions landed is not optimal. In-game, a TRP gives an advantage to EVERY weapon, even machineguns. Instead, I would like a "Linked TRP" which is only usable by the asset which fired. (That would then open the can of worms: is every 81mm mortar firing indirect colocated with the same FDC? What about offmap 155mm? Should they be considered the same asset? Or, if I have 6 81mm indirect tubes, do they all have individual "linked TRPs"?)

    Another solution would be to keep it internal. E.g., after that one particular unit fires at the hilltop, it, and only it, would be able to fire at the hilltop with a greatly reduced delay. But, how would that information get relayed to the player, and should it?

    Currently, to represent monstrous ammo depots for artillery support, the designer can add reinforcement indirect assets. I.e., at turn 20, 6 more 105mm batteries become available. That lets/prompts the player into blowing through all the ammo that the initial 6 105mm tubes have, since he knows he'll get more. If the TRPs are linked to the first 6 tubes, then all that targeting benefit is erased when the "new" tubes show up. (Remembering that the new tubes are used to buff up the ammo stocks, not necessarily trying to show that a new battery is suddenly available: the old one just has double the ammo.)



    This is a good point. The 155 battery will have the data for the target that it fired at and could very quickly re-fire the mission, however the infantry mortars on map WILL NOT have that data. A battery or mortar section will only have the data that they fired themselves. The "data" is deflection and elevation of the tubes (and time for a time fuse air burst), so that of course varies with where the battery is physically located.

    So if it's a different firing unit, they don't have the data. If the original firing unit moves, they no longer have the data and have to recalculate from their new location (not an issue in the game for off map artillery, but certainly an issue for mortars on the map.

  7. Cool. My time was in the 82d. I was a FIST Chief in A/1-320th FA (supporting C/1-325PIR (used to be the old glider regt), then a FDO in B/2-321 FA, and then Asst S3 in 2-321. In between a Fire Support Officer for 3rd Bde.  This was way back in the day when the two division's (82d and 101st) FA units were all mixed up regimental wise.  We had 1-320, 1-319, 2-321 in the 82d. There have been organizational changes since then. Loved my time, especially in the 2-321. We had a terrific Bn Cdr and an equally great Sgt Major. Great unit, great people.

    M102 towed howitzers (105mm and towed by Goats), or carried by Hueys (and then we got Blackhawks and thought we'd died and gone to heaven).

    The motto on the crest translates literally to "Do not touch me"  We preferred the looser translation of "Don't f*** with me"

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