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Posts posted by Ultradave

  1. 1 hour ago, Thewood1 said:

    My Mom lives in the Rangley mountain area of Maine now.  Zero cell and she just got DSL a couple months ago.  Those rural areas are the forgotten parts of the US.  Our download society leaves them behind.

    One of two places I've seen the Northern Lights. Camping at Rangely Lake State Park looking north over the lake to Rangely. Stunning.

  2. 7 hours ago, Mord said:

    Another glitch I have noticed. When I click on the forum community link on the main page it sends me to the CM 2 General Tech Support forum instead of the Home heading with the list of all the forums. It does this on both my computers.




    That was something I reported in Beta. It appears to be fixed when I click on the link to the forum I get the Main forum page now instead of Tech Support.


    [edit]  Oops should have read farther before replying

  3. 2 hours ago, Topkick said:

    Got a new password and still am getting the "we are moving etc" message on the storefront, can't access any of my prior downloads.

    The "get a new password" is only for when the NEW website goes on line. There are instruction right on the main page of it that will walk you through getting a new password. Pretty sure changing your password on the old store site isn't going to do anything for you. 

  4. I don't know. I ran a few seconds at a time, and checked to see who had info on those German troops. The only way the recce unit could was because right at the end of the turn the BN HQ had the info. But it didn't pass from the MG section through the MG PLT LDR. He has no info.

    As for the second one, the magical transporting vehicle, I've never seen that before, but there's definitely something wrong there.

    I'll take these the the FI beta forum to have a look and submit a bug report - definitely for the magic levitating vehicle. Not sure about the first - while I agree it's almost telepathy, I think you could find many similar instances.

  5. Also, many of the scenarios have been reworked with new AI plans, adjustments in forces, better (and yes, much more visually appealing) maps. They don't even feel like the same scenarios from SF1 in some cases. The Quick Battle system will work like all the other titles. And if you have all the modules of SF1/SF2, the QB possibilities become almost endless.

  6. That's unfortunate. If Steve couldn't fix anything I doubt any of us will do better 🙂  GSClean usually will do the trick. I've had to go that route a couple of times with Phil helping me (with what, I can't remember but it wasn't SF1, I don't believe). 

    Well, with a little patience there will be a bright shiny SF2.   If you like SF1 you'll want it anyway 🙂

    Just for reference I have a 2015 MacBook Pro, running OS High Sierra, 10.13.5.  Haven't had any issues during any testing with Mac OS updates breaking anything. Hopefully with new installers that will be a problem of the past.

  7. I have a MacBook Pro and am a beta tester. I didn't have any licensing issue with CMSF1. Is there a forum link I could look at that describes this? Perhaps I can duplicate it with my CMSF1 installation.

    Possibly good news though - with the CMSF2 alpha and beta, I was able to just enter the license key and have been good to go the whole time. I think we had to relicense once but that was a 'feature' not a bug. (meaning it was done purposely). These aren't done with installers though, so it may work differently

  8. You are right about aerospace being the exception. When I was teaching nuclear engineering at NC State, our research reactor, besides doing lots of esoteric research,  also did a side business in NDT by "x-raying" (Not really x-rays but close enough for the layman's purpose)  EVERY turbine blade that was eventually going into GE jet engines. EVERY SINGLE ONE. 

    As we've so recently seen, the effects of a mechanical failure inside a jet engine can be deadly to catastrophic. And a sheared off, high velocity turbine blade getting loose from the confines of the engine cowling is about as bad as it gets.

    One of the few cases where statistics to determine a representative sample are not used. The risks of even one faulty blade are much too high.

    I"m sure Rolls-Royce does something similar. When I was working in England, we had to make occasional trips for meetings at Rolls-Royce in Derby. We were there for reactor design, but right next door in the same factory complex was jet engine manufacture and testing. They do a destructive test on the occasional engine where they explosively sheer off 3 turbine blades simultaneously on an engine in a test stand that's running at full throttle. It's absolutely amazing to watch. The goal is that no part of that engine can escape from the engine cowling when that happens. I have to say, seeing that test, and knowing the work our reactor group did at NCSU gave me a feeling of confidence that everything possible is being done to ensure the quality and integrity of jet engines. And yes, that drives up the cost tremendously. Worth every penny, in my opinion.

    [edit]  Cool, found one. Here's the destruction test of an A380 engine. 


    Apologies for straying a mite off topic

  9. 3 minutes ago, MANoWAR.U51 said:

    Did some of you beta testers try how unmodified engine 0 campaigns behave in CMSF2? Presumably they are somewhat easier due to the proactive AI improvements but that would be no problem. I talk about breaking stuff like nonfunctional AI plans or ATGM emplacements that look into the wrong direction for example.

    Reason is this whole CMSF2 thing did reignite my Shock Force flame again and I found some neat custom campaigns I never played before. Doubt they will get upgraded soon up to CMSF2 E4 standards so I consider if I wether should play them on old school CMSF right now or if I´m better waiting and then fire them up in CMSF2.

    I think it's ok to say that the individual scenarios have been given a good working over, but that the work on the campaigns is not complete. But that would only be the campaigns provided originally with SF1 and the modules, not any user developed ones from the repository. Those would need a scrub by whoever created them once SF2 comes out.

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