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Posts posted by Ultradave

  1. That "squad" is a MG team set up at the gap in the bocage. There is also an AT gun team near the center of the map. They both will consistently suffer similar fates. It's a lot easier to see what's going on if you run it at Basic Training level. Then you get the identities and god-like spotting, and can also see if they are in C&C. (They are).

    I've run LOTS of tests with this and with the Roadblock scenario that was also listed as a problem. The only thing I can get consistently to happen is the crew-served weapons teams breaking and running toward the enemy under HE fire (like the Churchill firing in Scottish Corridor). Reported for confirmation on the Beta testing forums. Several of us have run numerous tests to try to find the common factor.

    Also, in the Roadblock scenario, while I see the behavior in that save file, when I run it myself from the start I cannot under any circumstances recreate it. And I've very hard placing multiple teams and squads in those positions, static and moving. They all behave "correctly"  HOWEVER, there is no HE fire being directed at them and that's the only times I've seen any odd behavior.


  2. 2 hours ago, WhiteWolf65 said:

    Yes, I could not agree with you more. It keys you up so much that sleep is like "what's that". I have to take at least 2 mg of Xanax at night just to shut my brain off. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

    I hope that your cancer is in remission. My girlfriend is a breast cancer survivor.


    It is yes. I had 6 rounds of chemo. PET scan after round 3 showed almost all gone. Post treatment PET showed complete remission. It is a type that can (probably will) return, however, that means more treatment. Oncologist said to consider it more of a chronic condition, not a death sentence. Feeling pretty good now, other than still working to get my energy back. I get tired much more easily these days. They say it takes up to a year to feel back to normal. Thanks for asking. Best wishes for your girlfriend as well.


  3. Cheers. Last year I was being treated for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Prednisone is given in combo with chemo. 100mg/day. Big dose. For about 5 days, then cut off cold. It then as you say, takes about a week to ten days to get back to normal. I didn't have the aggression " 'roid rage "  but I was so tired I could barely function. Spent about 15 days of every 3 weeks on the couch, then started over again at 3 week intervals.

    Bottom line - I hated the prednisone effect, which for me was like staying up for 2 days straight and then drinking 6 or 8 cups of coffee to make up for it. And you stay in that state for about 2 weeks. Horrible.

    So to make a long story short, I sympathize. It seems to affect people differently. Take care and best wishes for recovery.

  4. I could not get this to happen in the Roadblock scenario no matter what combinations I tried, in multiple attempts. However in the Scottish Corridor first scenario, it's pretty consistent, in two places. I related this in the beta forum with a idea of what is happening and how to reproduce so that someone besides just me can check. Also, I'm on a Mac. Occasionally Mac vs. PC makes a difference. In this case I would bet it doesn't. It's a logic thing, not graphics.

    Posting this here so that people know that when something like this gets posted, it does get looked at right away, reproduced, and acted on (acted on for right now would be posting a bug report to the database).  It appears to be some specific sets of circumstances to me. But that's why others need to verify it. I could also be wrong 🙂

    Saved game files REALLY help, if it's something reproducible so that you can get a save. That way we can compare the save to us running it fresh.  In this case it was much easier to see what was happening by running it myself at Basic Training level, because I could see all the Germans and what was happening to them.

  5. When we lived in England, occasionally (twice I can think of not too far from where we lived) someone found unexploded WW2 sea mines on the beach  (well, they WOULD be unexploded right, because an exploded mine,....    ).

    People did the right thing. Didn't go near it, called the local constables who immediately called the Royal Engineers. Common enough that everyone knows what to do. This was on the northwest coast on the Irish Sea.

  6. Yes, you occasionally get messages on your computer when starting up an application, something to the effect that this version will not work in the future and to request an updated version from the developer. Many already are 64-bit. Many though are not and will have to be updated. Presumably, developers would be working on doing this, so as not to lose a sales base.


  7. On 6/15/2019 at 9:04 AM, PIATpunk said:

    thank for your time on this @Ultradave most appreciated!

    I'm on win10  if it matters but I understand this is one just instance.  I'll have a look at other CMBN bocage scenarios in 4.02 and see how things play out.  I was expecting an improved response to the same situation with 4.02 compared to 4.01.  Glad at least you saw the same issue!  Just to confirm, I started the campaign fresh under 4.02.

    cheers Chris


    Ok, I've been able to duplicate this and posted on the beta forums to have someone (or two or three) double check me. Also a couple thoughts on the specific situations that are happening (I'll hold that for now until I'm sure or someone confirms what I think I'm seeing). 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Holman said:

    People should note that this patch does NOT (as some recent updates do) automatically find your installation location.  It installs to the default location (which some players don't use).

    If you're seeing apparently un-fixed behavior, make sure that you've actually patched the installation you're playing.

    Good point. For BN, in the bottom right corner of the menu screen, you should see "v4.02,   Game Engine 4"

  9. 9 hours ago, PIATpunk said:

    Still seeing same behaviour as 4.01  - I started a fresh Scottish corridor campaign with 4.02 and once the bullets fly the AI German outposts are running towards my positions... (see western edge of map for behaviour)  

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/gta5hjdn9abpofk/The Scottish Corridor 003.bts?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/mb6a5awjxpwwuhg/The Scottish Corridor 004.bts?dl=0

    ps do you need more testers.  Happy to help.

    Interesting. I replayed your saved turns and see the fleeing toward the enemy behavior.

    I started my own Scottish Corridor campaign 5 times and did not get this behavior. So far the only German soldier I've found in that part of the map ran backwards from the hedgerow when fired at.  There were not the 4 or 5 guys that are in your save - no idea if there are different German setups for the scenario and we randomly got different ones. That's why I ran it 5 times and seemed to see the same setup each time. The campaigns weren't changed in the updates/patches.  I'll post this in the beta testing and see what happens with someone else.

    One other point. I'm on a Mac. I don't *think* that would make a difference but there are both Mac and PC testers.

    [edit] there WAS quite a bit of testing and there was a concentration on exactly this type of situation and it appeared to be fixed. I ran a dozen scenarios just in BN alone and did not see this, so I'm not sure what happened here.


  10. On 6/6/2019 at 11:41 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Try 'Tankovyi Desant' as the Soviets.....It's a great little scuffle.  B)

    PS - Don't be scared of the difficulty settings, if you are new, go straight to 'Iron Mode', it's actually no more difficult and you will learn how the game really works (as opposed to how you might think it works) a lot faster.

    Second this. Great small sized scenario to play from the Russian side and you have plenty to accomplish the mission as long as you aren't (too) reckless.

  11. Yes. If  you post something that clearly sounds like a bug in the title, beta testers will key in on it. If you can add a saved game file that reproduces it that's ideal. That's not always possible, I know. Or some good screenshots. If it's something like TO&E that's incorrect, just a detailed description is probably enough.

    The beta testers do have an application to submit and track bugs. So fire away if you've got something.

  12. 8 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Elvis, I'm waiting for your reaction. Steve mentioned some time ago that he would ask the guys working on the modules to make some screenshots. He apparently thought it is a reasonable request. Since you're the new kid in town, could you answer my post please? Two or three screenshots per module would cause a lot of joy among those who are waiting, I'm sure. Shouldn't take too much time.

    And before some people will state that it will only cause an endless discussion and thousands of questions, we could simply agree that we're not going to discuss them. Just post them and close the thread.

    That's what Steve did for SF2. We were all invited to upload a variety of screenshots for him/them to pick from. (When he felt it was the right time, and to not show something that was still to be fixed or not ready for prime time). 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Ivan Zaitzev said:

    If you have all this complicated changes, and they are trying to implement them in the game, then the logic thing is to write it down, get it approved and then implement it according to the approved document. I can't see why this isn't the logic way. It doesn't have to be a single document, you can create one per force or per year, I don't know. Then have testers check the units against those documents. Lack of knowledge by the testers can't be an excuse, you have to give them the tools to know if something is wrong. That or hire professional historians as testers.

    But I'm a bit confused about what the standardization that has been thrown around means? Is it that units where created using different methods in each game and they have now decided to use a single method across the games even tough units are composed differently in terms of men?

    I'm just a beta tester and do not have that kind of knowledge. There are a couple who have encyclopedia like knowledge. They aren't me 🙂  I only wanted to point out that there are a lot of variables. 

  14. 10 hours ago, Ivan Zaitzev said:

    Why didn't you hand down the TO&E with timeframe as it should be in a PDF and have the testers check against that? Someone must be using a master at some point, I can't believe you are creating the formations as you go.

    One of the issues is that TO&E and unit types available change by the year and sometimes by the month. To take Fortress Italy as an example, multiple countries involved, each of those with arrival and withdrawal dates of types of units and those unit types TO&E changed many times as time passed. You theoretically could write an all encompassing TO&E document. Theoretically. If you had someone to do it.🙂

    9 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

    I want the freaking patch done so we can start hoping on new modules.  

    I think it ok to say that the patches and modules are being worked on simultaneously (without getting into gory details or violating any confidentiality).

  15. 5 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

    Back in the '90s there were two flight sims focussed on the A-10, A-10 Attack and A-10 Cuba. I had great fun playing them both even though they fell very far short in the realism department. One of the ways that it stimulated my skepticism was the way it modeled engine noise. To me it sounded like nothing so much as a sewing machine of some kind!



    I don't know what it's like in the cockpit but from the ground underneath them it's like the buzz of a 1000 lb bumblebee. Not really jet like at all. I loved those 2 games as well. Had them both way back when.

    Back when I was in the Army A-10's were instantly the groundpounder's best friend. 

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