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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Hi Thanks a lot guys this help me a lot (I'm busy to created new icons) and it was a little strange I don't found it nowhere... And thanks again for explanation GL.
  2. Do I have please a small answer about my question:(
  3. Hello everybody 1 In the Original pack (brz files : Upgrade Normandy V200) there are some floating icons, but in my opinion these icons are unused in CMBN CMFI module. I could be wrong in case of what kind of vehicles could be? icon british, usa, german, blue,(red) light truck antitank 1 2 icon british, usa, german, blue (red) light truck heavy weapon 1 2 I think these could be used by CMSF and CMFI but not by CMBN(CW) module? 2 What mean the floating icon british (usa) blue (red) gl 1 (german army don't have it) what mean gl ? (light gun ?) and is this the case what kind of gun is it? (Personly I don't saw it nowhere)?? Thanks in advance
  4. I know you have your pleasure and give your best, the result is always more than best and I hope very very well you continue to surprise (astonish) us This is a message to demonstrated my respect over your job.
  5. Hi guys I would like very well to give my support, if only my knowledge in English and the modding world would be better, just to know, I following your job every day and I appreciate your ideas, and I am sure to the successful completion of your work. However, if I can help you... it would be a pleasure. I hope, you find the right people for your team.
  6. Mord man, You aren't satisfied with your work (and this is good so), you find allways new idee new style when your pictures can speak they can you explains probably something ... I wonder you don't make your's pictures as a gif animed files. But thinks soon...you have a lot of work, when you change always your mind because these amazing work like (kohlenklau Los...and his team) are preparing a new concept about Bulge44 and they need somes imput about you. BFC is preparing to invade Russia linking with Finland Rumainian Croatian...
  7. Yehhh there are looking good and on time ! tks Santa Mord or Morda Claus !
  8. Good Job sad about your situation but courage man Change your mind and give us your best.
  9. Hi Like Mr Darknight_Canuck said "I find them a bit harder to discern (though maybe I'm just getting older and its my eyes too)". I don't speaking about row and column I'm lost or take more time to explain After a cup of month year it will be probably a little difficult to change the old one, but why not... there are looking good and I'm sure you give your best to have a better view, one things (personly), only the allied soldier "must have the view to the left " like the floating Icons. Divisional OR Regimental signs woul'd be good Good Job Mord
  10. Do we have the possibility to play a short movie instead a screenshot and a music sound at the start up from CMBN...?
  11. It is obvious only one installed of each is more easy we have only to "play" with the zz mod folder thanks I have to thinking about
  12. For my part of view I use more drive E drive is only Games I installed an ORIGINAL GAME from CMBN CMMG CMSF without forgot to patched it. S (drive is for me a test game drive) I make a copy from my vanilla game drive E (above in this drive) and make a copy to my S drive, than I can changed renamed delete added some mods music...for a specific module change background music sound for a specific mod exemple: only Market Garden CMBN MG or Gustave Line CMFI GL or the new wonderfull Bugle 44 (from kohlenklau) it's mean there is lot of game module installed, when is something wrong after I tested it, I have only to delete it again::eek: to the E Drive CMBN Module Battle of Normandy (renamed personly) Overlord (played as a Allied player) folder specific for the Allied (sound music screen background vehicle loop ... Der Atlantik Wall (played as a Axe player) folder specific for Axe (sound music screen background vehicle loop ... CMBN Module Market Garden (when I played as a Allied player) Arnheim (when I played as a Axe player) CMFI Module Fortress Italy CMFI Module Gustave Line and Bugle 44 It's mean 4 modules installed of E (drive) and 2 installed of s (drive) One CMBN and MG One CMFI and GL All modules take of course a lot of place but I don't mind, and it's work and I don't have conflict with differents update, I keep only the "things" I need for the period, when it is working I can change what I want where I want. When a module work (how I want) I make a copy again in my E drive and delete the old one and delete the s drive again in this case I don't have to reinstalled all complete game, but only make a copy from the old one and delete the last one from my S drive in this case I'm certain that the game work again, because I keep allways a copy of the last one, in case of... In fact, there is allways 4 modules installed ...,difficult and complicated you will say but effectiv. What about you?
  13. Hi So I have already download the file Like Tom Konczal said there is a problem to download it,therefore I refer to the recommendations from Whiterider and it's true it work with (izarc) BUT: The file is already download in my CMSF scenarios folder but this one don't appear in the game, to be sure I make a copy in my save game folder too, but when I start it it don't appear in the game, (like it don't reconized it ), can you explain this? :eek:
  14. Whoaw ! Another big work, I love your job it's a pleasure to look another theater new skins new uniforms new voices new flag...CMSF world is bigger that I thought... please lend me a hand to created new bmp files... I would like to created Jordanian and Iranian army perhaps some new European nation like Danemark or another civilian people for the first... Other ready theater like Mali, Korea, Pakistan, Russian, Taliban... are very useful to.
  15. Gentlemen's,(ladies), it's time to give a flower or a bottle of wisky to our best or best crazy moder's. In your opinion who are the most of work? The best or the crazy moder on the forum, not only the most mods but the tiiiiiiiiime to make a mod or prepare a full campaign? I wonder if this guy's take the time to play himself CMBN CMMG CMFI CMSF... Users of photoshop, moders..., you know, how much hour, day, month(s) you need to make something when you give your best (the top of the top). Keep in mind : 1 the most of work 2 the crazy finding 3 the most userful tools mods in the game. Anyway thanks a lot of all of you to give yours best (mods, scenarios, campaign, voices, noises, idees futur patch...) and let us enjoy your work. Criticize it is easy but doing something makes proud.
  16. Dear Mr Mord and DC :mad: You are crazy But we love you.
  17. Hi Very good I love it Uniforms and sounds of CM series games are always my favourits.. Have you others nations to futur mod in your mind?
  18. Allied and Axes Flamethrower, used further to US vs Japan
  19. Sorry for the delay When you put one folder ONLY one CMBN OR CM(MG) for Market Garden... in your Z drive. You will see at the time your games is on load, at the start (like Para said) : "It looks like it replaces the normal bar with a progressive date...July 44 August 44 September 44 etc" it's mean you can read at this time the date on your screenbar. For this. Use folder CMBN if you play CMBN and Commonwealth module. Use folder CMMG if you play Market Garden module. These screenbar is already in your game, I made just a copy and when you put it in your Z drive the game read a least and load it and of course replace the old one. Juju have himself made some modifications on it, I took it only, and make some modifications to. So, I hope I'm clear enough. You don't have to use it when you don't want or don't like it, then, just delete it. Enjoy !
  20. Thanks to your answer, it is very sufficient for me, I can "created" myself new uniforms and skins.
  21. Perhaps my question was not clear enough! Anyways I'm a ZERO in English apologize about my very bad sentences. But to make me happy the response is Yes, I found in the repository somes files like : (Euroscape v 1.0 file 1 to 6) all files are on base game from the Syrian Army And this is exactly what I want. Thanks to your answer. Next time give me PLEASE more informations. :cool:
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