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Everything posted by Grigb

  1. My argument is that nothing so far indicates any kind of violent strugle, which would be expected if the RU MOD feels really threatened. When RU MOD defends its turf, many people die. On the other side, what we see is pathetic and pitiful. It's actually rather hillarious (like the chat with Evkurov and Alekseyv). Tough guy (zek) would not argue over Evkurov's allegedly irreconcilable tone (that is not true, Evkurov, like other Highlanders, speaks very quietly and nicely in RU when in an unknown setting). Everything appears to be identical to the VGCHP coup (which was not a true coup) - practically identical rhetoric to save the Motherland, same minimal violence approach, same pathetic and pitiful performance of those involved.
  2. We are at HQ. 7:30 in the morning. Under [our] control military object of Rostov including airfield, airplanes that [are supposed] take off for combat work are taking off normally [implies they do not block these airplanes], no problems, medical airplanes take off normally, no problems. All we did we took control so assault avitaion [helicopters] do not strike us but UKR only. Main HQ-main point of troops control works normally, there is no problems at all, not a signle officer is taken from his duties. So, when they say to you that PMC Wagner disrupted the work [of HQ] and because of that something at front lines collapsed - [no] something collapsed at frontline not because of that. When we came here we again confirmed [discovered confirmation] a lot of new [things] [he clearly misspoke, it supposed to be - a lot of old thing]. A lot of territory is lost, a 3-4 times more [RU] soldiers dead than it is reported to higher ups [implies Putin], and what is reported is 10 times les than they say on TV [clearly misspoke again], medical losses [losses from all causes] in some days up to 1000 men per day. This is KIA, WIA, MIA + refusniks who refuse not because they are cowards but because see no other exit from situation. There is no ammo, there is no control . Chief of General Staff ran away from here as soon as he heard that we were approaching the building [let a woman pass greeted armed man who I believe is RU soldier not Wagnerite. The soldier impolitely turns away, Pri slightly humiliated turn to camera]
  3. it is the same video. Here are main points Evkurov and Alekseyv are old farts who decide nothings Prig - they shoot at us, we down them and will down everybody you would send because you are hitting civilians. You just destroyed a bus with civilians. you have no conscience [looks like they talk about RU helicopter attacks. Everybody is calm, MOD guys are calm and curious] Evkurov [a bit confused] - it is first time i hear it and [inaudible - some thing like let us..interupted as Prig turns toward Alekseyev] Alekseyev [in hilariously theatrical way] - I am not going to talk to you! Prig [slightly confused and humiliated old man turn to Evkurov] We were talking using You [plural - respectable form] why we started using You [singular - not respectable form]. Why do you talk to me using You [singular]? Evkurov [confused] Nobody talk [to you] like that. I say do not generalize. Do you talk [to me] using You [plural] Prig - Yes, I talk to you using You [plural] Evkurov - so if we say [inaudible] Prig nodes. Evkurov - Let's think what we should do Prig - One more time, we came here to get [saying a bit theatrical] a chief of general staff and Shoigu. While they are not here... Alekseyev [theatrically joking] take/grab them [like saying they, people of RU MOD, do not need these two, so Prig is free to take them] Prig - While they are not here, we stay here and [continue to] block Rostov Evkurov [absolutely calmly, softly and politely but bit confused]- then I would like to ask you to get your troops out [inaudible] Prig - No! No way. Guys will stay here. Evkurov - We also from this point of view... Prig - We do interrupt you from controlling the troops [in the field] Evkurov - Yes, certainly you should not interrupt anybody from controlling the troops [inaudible] Prig [calmly] Guys are dying because you are pushing them to be meat Evkurov pickups ringing phone while saying to Prig - This is a question... Prig - This is not rhetorical question, because you are pushing them to be meet... no ammo, no thinking, without any plans Evkurov to phone - hallo, yes [listens a bit, then looks confused and cancels the call - looks like some jornos called him] Alekseyev [calmly] - the biggest thing that upsets me most [inaudible something like you give Kiev something to celebrate with champaign] Prig - Nothing to worry about Evkurov [calmly drinks hot tea as if they are at old farts gathering] Prig - party at Kiev with champaign happens when you abandon Izum, Lyman and everything else. That's when party at Kiev happens for a whole week. And we are not running away from anywhere [Says man who ran away from Bakhmut]. Tha't why we came here to stop the shame of the country we live in. This is first [I wanted to say] Evkurov [a bit ashamed] - [iaudible] are you were at [or ours something] Prig - Certainly, Yes, for this we Evkurov - [iaudible] why questions [could be to us] Prig [getting agitated] - listen one more time, if we would talk in normal tone, we would not come here on tanks Somebody behind camera - [iaudible something about shells - you promised us shells] Evkurov - [iaudible something like - you think Shoigy and Gerasimov to blame?] Prig [satisfied] - Yes, absolutely right. We save Russia The whole performance remind me old farts from last coupe (GKCHP) in 1991. The old farts pretending they know what they are doing and serving as cover for Yetsin rise.
  4. I had a brief peek at their dialogue, which is pathetic. A bunch of pitiful old guys debating over pathetic stuff, such as whether Evkurov (RU MOD) has the right to address Prig using a personal version of You (In RU, there are two versions of You, Personal You (single) and Respectable You (plural). It reminds me of an unfunny old clown show.
  5. So far, everything appears to be a show rather than a true fights. I haven't seen a single reliable piece of information that describes something serious yet, literally. Also, everyone agrees that Prig does not have enough men directly under his command to do this. According to reports, the bulk of combat Wagnerites in the UKR are under external control. Few Wagnerites are under his direct control. There is a rumor (so far everything we have is rumors but I choose the most reliable onces) that Prig was in Petersburg. After filming those recording, he is believed to have driven away in an unknown destination with up to 50 guys at most. But the most essential thing to remember is that Prig is not a dumb. So, what is he doing? The most interesting rumor is that he is preparing propaganda cover for another difficult decision and act of goodwill. The Prig show gives the impression to public that RU cannot continue to defeat UKR until RU sort out things in the rear. It shifts responsibility for the decision away from the RU command and onto the shoulders of some disposable individual.
  6. I was away from the internet last night and absolutely missed it. So far, we know that Prig has been talking a lot but hasn't taken any substantial action. However, there is a curious detail in videos of RU generals speeches to Wagnerites - these appear to be interrogation room videos. As a result, there is rumor that these generals are under some sort of arrest.
  7. In the direction of Tokmak, the RU counterattack to stop the AFU assault of Robotne failed. Robotne's situation continues to deteriorate (for RU command). Interestingly, Mashovets believes that AFU may substantially increase the speed of advance, catching RU off guard and causing it to fail to deploy final reserves in time to face it.
  8. I do not have time yet to prepare maps, so here is quick update from today's Mashovets (please look at my old maps from Berdyansk direction) Expect retreat of 395 MRR from 127 MRD from Rivnopil-Pryutne line toward Pryutne-Staromayrske line because AFU most likely already cut road to Staromayrske There are information that AFY reached Nort-East outskirts of Staromayrske itself and Nothenr outskirts of Urozhaine RU command is unlikely to improve situation transferring additional forces because AFU continue to push from other side as well (toward Kermenchik from Staromayorske-Novodonetsk line) and because of "fire influence" of AFU
  9. Sane and intelligent people 1984 is not a fiction. [UPDATE] For those who believe this is a fantasy of some unknown RU Nat, this is Evgeniy Poddubny, the official reporter for Russia's number two channel. The videos in the post clearly indicate RU MOD as the source of information.
  10. Concerning the Chongar bridge, UKR Kovalenko (a colleague of Mashovets) suggests considering not just - IN to Khrerson-Zaporozhye scenario, but also OUT of Khrerson-Zaporozhye scenario. UKR might not be able to block escape route to Crimea in time but they sure can make bottleneck much narrower in the most unfortunate (for RU) moment. RU command will have to reconsider a few things now.
  11. Regarding RU. Women are used by the RU for non-combat NCO duties as well as for medical personnel. But it's not much. First, because chauvinism has permeated society. Second, you do not want to be near RU soldiers as a woman. The Russian army does not acknowledge human desires. That is a soldier issue. Actually, the same is true for officers...It is not a rape; rather, it is a never-ending sexual harassment, often from your immediate superior who is not properly supervised. And, unless you are transferred, there is only one possible outcome.
  12. Fun fact: Because of the RU military's supposed racial superiority over inferior westerners, the RU military has no institutional knowledge of the West's military experience in both World Wars. They would never consider such an Entente strategy.
  13. Yes, have the same feeling. I have some time, so let's discuss Prig and Girkin's inability to adhere to non-bad news policy. Prig is from the FSB clan, while the no-bad-news policy is more or less RU MOD policy. But what is key is the Prig overall strategy to blame everything on the RU MOD (for the sake of the FSB) in order to undermine the RU MOD's power over the army. He kept silent for two weeks to see how the situation would develop, but as it became evident that the situation was dire for RU MOD, he decided to use it for his own advantage. Backlash is unavoidable, and he intends to ride on it. Girkin, on the other hand, complies not because he was intimidated, but because his ego and determination to do everything it takes to save the Motherland are widely known. It is commonly known that if he feels it would rescue Motherland, you can persuade him into doing anything. So he was most likely told that the situation is disastrous and that Motherland does not want him to aggravate it. He is not, however, foolish, and his obedience is not blind. He determines what truly harms and benefits Motherland. He appears to be willing to cooperate in specifics but not in evaluating the broader situation. Also we should not forget that he also want to ride on the wave of backlash.
  14. Dmitiry already translated Prig comments about real situation. Here is confirmation that situation for RU is very difficult - from "agent" Thirteen (infamous RU soldier in Kherson-Zaporozhye area) [EDIT] For those who do not want to spend time listening to Prig here are main points: Pyatikhatka is under AFU control [is not new for us] The northern section of Robotne is under AFU control [is new for us] Urozhaine is under AFU control [is not new for us] Prig concludes that the UKR controls huge areas of land AFU unit (50-10) is located near Tormak in the Sadove village [is new for us] RU MOD has no control over anything [is not new for us] Total shortage of weaponry and ammunition (including anti-tank weapons) [is not new for us] AFU advances [implying successfully] toward Molochny Lyman [village on the Azov seashore south of Melitopol - if AFU reaches it, the RU grouping will be split in half]. [is new for us] AFU begins crossing the Dniepr - there were recon parties at Hola Prystan [a town south-west of Kherson] and now the main troops begin to arrive [is new for us] RU suffers casualties but no reinforcement [is not new for us] RU units are understaffed by 50-60% [is not new for us] Everything up there has been hidden from everybody. The Russian military command is fooling Putin and the Russian people [is not new for us] Disparaging Shoigy and the RU MOD, concludes the Russian army is being destroyed [is not new for us] The UKR counter-offensive causes significant losses for RU, which is not being acknowledged [is not new for us] Bla-Bla-Bla [is not new for us]
  15. To be fair here is new quote from RU MOD
  16. The highway is a bit of a stretch, but there is Kulbakino airfield near Mykolaiv. I believe that would be suitable for an F-16. To go to the Tokmak and Berdyanks Directions, you'll have to take a detour first, but let's look at the numbers. From Vinnnytsa to Vekyka Novosylka - 625 km From Kulbakino to Vekyka Novosylka - 395 km From Vinnnytsa to Orekhiv - 560 km From Kulbakino to Orekhiv - 315 km
  17. While reading RU BS I realized something - Looks like I do not see RU VKS work. Is it due of my prejudice, or are they truly missing?
  18. Interesting RU opinion regarding losses of Mobiks drafted at fall 2022. Out of 10 mobiks hit 1 would be killed. 1 would be discharged 3 would take a long time to recover 5-6 would return in two weeks to a month. As a result, RU units have shortfalls in personnel since half of the soldiers hit are lost either permanently or for an extended period of time. As a result, units fighting from October 2022 are substantially smaller now - battalions are companies, and companies are platoons. The AFU, on the other hand, is continually replenishing unit losses through training and reserve units.
  19. RU are still fending off UKR attacks at Pytikhatka. [UPDATE] Just in case - I mean, some RU military reporters still say that the RU controls Pyatikhatka and repels UKR assaults (they must have forgotten to read their new directives).
  20. Yes, it is a different village. The liberated one is just north of Makarivka (to the West of this one).
  21. Sober assestments of Pytrikhatka battle are now emerging (These are Ru Nats soldiers). First Second
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