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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. I have also been longing to try something simular...that is formation orders.

    But I belive that for it to be of all that much use other then simply a move to contact function then the AI will need to perform at a fairly high level.

    43 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    That would let us assign the units a reasonably granular plan of attack which, while it will never be as good as micro-ing every last move path and pause, saves a bunch of time at least until things 'get real', and is a lot kinder on the pixeltruppen than (1) above. IMHO.....

    Especially in a competetive multiplayer game....If one of the players  chose NOT to use the group commands and the other player do indeed use them...he will probably be at a notable disadvantage...maybe forcing him to also 'skip' the group commands if he want to win the battle.

    Group command is indeed an intresting idea but if it is implemented i belive it will need to be implemented VERY WELL ! 😎



  2. 3 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    magine how well a battle might go for you if you had to give all of your units, all of their orders, for the entire battle, on the first turn.....Because that is more or less what designers are trying to do with AI plans.

    Yes...and that is indeed the biggest shortcomming of the AI...

    The ONE WAY FORWARD OR NON AT ALL..limitation.

    The AI needs a way the evaluate the battlefield situation and act accordingly...something it currently does not have.



  3. 44 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    First of all, I don't think WW2 commanders and tank crew usually levelled random buildings they "didn't like the look of". If you look at German tank manuals, they tell the crew to conserve ammo and especially HE ammo. It's a long way to Moscow if you have to blow up every single Dacha on the way.


    Obviously we as CM players as well as RL soldiers need to use some common sence..

    If we have no or very limited amount of ammo we can't waste it on maybees...

    But if we do have that ammo...why not use it ?

    And simply because you CAN use it does not mean that you HAVE TO use it...


  4. Having officers being flexible and using their own initiative when it comes to solving a problem as opposed to being locked to ONE WAY to do things...as stipulated in some manual...

    Is apprisiated in most armies today i belive..

    Using MGs to suppres an enemy might work well in some cases...using HE might very well be preferable in others.

    Why limit youself to one option ?

    Using infantry to find unsuppresed enemies might work in some situations....In others using preemptive fire against suspected enemy locations might be better.

    Why limit yourself to one option ?


  5. 15 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    PIR: Priority Intelligence  Requirements, The Acronym is SALUTE: Size of Enemy, Activity, Location, Time, Equipment. Enemy in a house is very like to be for observation. SALUTE is not my invention. Give you the link to learn some RL tactics. 

    Captain DeLeon - YouTube 

    SALUTE or no SALUTE...

    If i'm tasked with taking a village for example and my force includes some AFVs with a decent amount of HE...

    I would much rather use that HE (ROE permitting) to find, kill, wound, suppres, force to relocate etc... an unseen (potential) enemy before they are able to fire their first shots at my advancing infantry. If the enemy is hiding they tend to be able to get the first shot off...before being spotted....even ONE single round fired could cause you one casualty !

    Why not try to avoid that If you have the resources acaliable ?

  6. 37 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Same size as a TRP maybe?

    Works against a single target i guess...but what if you have 2, 3 enemy incons identified in a forrest for example spred further appart than the size of a TRP.

    Now you would need to call in 3 seperate bombarments from 3 seperate assets to be able to target them all...as opposed to one larger bombadment. 

    Not ideal...

  7. 2 hours ago, Blazing 88's said:

    I agree with this part about WEGO and is one reason why I have duct tape on my RT switch after trying it once. 😊

    "...However, this game was designed to be played using the WEGO system. That’s because, WEGO partially simulates the command and control challenges faced by commanders.

    Under the WEGO system you are forced to cede control of your units to virtual commanders (dubbed TacAI), as they attempt to carry out your orders. You cannot react to the battlefield situation in real-time, depriving players of their ‘gods-eye’ view of the battlefield. It forces the player to make decisions based on incomplete information as you cannot instantly react to your opponent’s movements. In this way, WEGO merges the tactical depth and planning of turn-based gameplay with the intensity of real-time systems. Whilst it might not be for everyone, it does add an extra layer of realism to the overall experience and is worth trying out."

    It's a bit of a shame that many of the youtubers that have shown off the game after the steam release are playing it in RT...

    It really does BFC no favours...

    Many of them seem to have a very imited understanding of the game and they play it like some kind off click-fest game in RT...In a simular fashion that they likely are playing other games...consequently it does not look all that great unfortunatelly...

    CM shines in WEGO 😎 and what makes CM...CM...is thoughtful play in WEGO

  8. 1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    That could do it.....The AI doesn't know what's in each group and thus they might be given impossible orders (vehicles through heavy woods etc.).

    Just a thought.

    That was my initial thought also and I still agree that that probably is the reason....

    But its still kind of strange....

    as that would imply that NO waypoint (AI-orders) should be placed on restricted terrain either. Not on any terraintype of map (including wooded ones) as the same things aply to orders (waypoints) as they do to objectives...

    An AI group with randomely assigned armour CAN'T reach a waypoint in heavy Woods for example.

    The manual makes no mention of this as far as I can find.

    And also...If the OCCUPY objectives still remain (as stated in the manual on pg 119 )...why ?

    Vehichles can't reach that either....

    If the fact stated by sgt Squarehead above is indeed the reason for excluding some of the avaliable terrain options in QBs...it might be better to ADVICE designers as how they place their objectives on the map...taking in the considderation of eventual armour in the AI groups...and not remove those options completally.


  9. 12 minutes ago, Freyberg said:

    I just ran a very simple test 5 times. You're right.

    Enemy trigger objectives are ignored, and the touch objective disappeared.

    Such disappointed...

    I wounder why that is ? Afterall the AI plans for QBs are made by the designers...simular to scenarìos.

    The AI doesn't do anything on its own...all the movements and what not are scripted just like in scenarios...If a terrain objective is a touch, occupy or terraintrigger shouldn't reallt be a problem. It's the designer that guides the AI in QBs as well as in scenarios.

    Strange !

    Thanks for testing though...


  10. 1 hour ago, BornGinger said:

    By "ping" do you mean something like @RepsolCBR? If that's what you mean, just type an @ after which you start writing the forum name of the person you'd like to ping. If you did it correctly it should look like the one above.


    13 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Wot 'e said!  ;)

    Just typing an '@' followed by any letter should bring up a dropdown with suggested forum ID's.

    Thanks guys, will try...



    Some of us have a question regarding QB maps. The manual is somewhat unclear on this point...

    - Is it possible to use TERRAIN OBJECTIVE triggers on QB-maps or do those also get changed to the OCCUPY type ?

    Any help will be apprisiated, thanks !



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