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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. 19 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Our confidence that an early war game can do that is low.  We've got plenty of better "bets" to make with that amount of time.



    Where do you guys draw the line for "early" ? 

    Do you considder summer 1942 (case blue  🥰)  to be to early ?

  2. 3 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    The problem is that for a 1941-1942 game pretty much all of the units and organizations have to be created from scratch.  Limiting the scope of forces for both sides certainly reduces how much new stuff we have to come up with, but the minimum is still a large amount of work for (in our view) a questionable return for our time.  Again, it's not just about sales it is also about what else we could be doing with our time.  I bet we could do better with Space Lobsters.  And yes, I really would like to do something like that sometime before I call it quits on doing games.


    Yepp...I understand that pretty much the entire unit roster will need to be started from scratch if you start on Barbarossa tomorrow but ones you get over that first hurdle you will have quite alot off opertunities to move forward 😊...

    - Somewhat smaller efforts needed to progress through the rest of the months on the eastern front.

    - Some crossovers that could  perhaps make North Africa a possibility ! 😁

    From there...

    - some crossovers that would simplyfy the Early War...



  3. 3 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    First time I watched the CMBB demo I was appalled by how ugly it was. A couple of weeks later after buying the game it was the love of my gaming life. That will never change.

    CMBB it one of the best computergames ever made ! all catogories included 😍

  4. 4 hours ago, t34577685 said:

    There are too many thing need to do on the eastern front before 1943

    Take the Soviet army as an example, different formations, different uniforms, ssh36 helmets, kV, BT, T-26,  Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland etc.

    I'm sorry but this just isn't true...Why should these demands all of a sudden be the case with any pre 1943 Eastern front games when that in no way has been the case previously.

    The first Normandy game came with very limited forces, the first Shockforce game came with limited forces, CMFI came with limited forces, RT came with limited forces...as well as limited timeframes.

    Why would a pre 1943 Eastern front game all of a sudden need to include all of the stuff right from the get go ? Things like minor nations would be perfectly fine as additional modules like in all the other game families.



  5. 33 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

     Red Thunder does good, solid sales... but it isn't the game that's keeping our lights on.


    Judging eastern front intrest by the sales of RT is not quite fair imo...

    Most people that are not seriously intrested in WW2 have most likely never heard of Bagration (RT)...

    But the vast majority of people with ANY intrest in WW2 have most certainly heard of Barbarossa. 🥰

  6. 3 hours ago, benpark said:

    Yes- those were bridges were added as a specific. They served a purpose beyond the ornamental, which is probably why they made the cut. It takes time and capital to make these things- they are sensible about what can and can't go in.

    Every title gets a full pass on the art. In FR we did get 3D terrain asset stuff that was made specifically for the module- I'd say the rubble walls are the specific add- but there are lots of buildings (middle-European churches, a factory, and a few more details I'm probably missing off the top of my head).

    Will the factories have floors on every.....floor 🙃 ? or will they be like two, three story buildings without internal floors ?


  7. 16 hours ago, Vacilllator said:

    @RepsolCBR what did you think of this one, it sounds good?  Found a cheap paperback version for sale so might give it a go.


    I never got that book unfortunatelly...The order got cancelled because of the book being out of stock.

    Last time i checked it was still not avaliable (in Sweden) but i will get it one some day soon, hopefully.

    The other two books by the same writer (also covering Kursk) that i mentioned above was VERY GOOD...I'm sure that this one will be of the the same quality...

    Go for it...i say 😎



  8. 33 minutes ago, AnnRayTac15 said:

     is there anything else beside make your men inside?

    No not for the occupy TRIGGER but when used as an occupy OBJECTIVE you need to make sure no enemy units are left inside the objective area in order to score the points for that objective.

    37 minutes ago, AnnRayTac15 said:

    I heared about that there is a additional rules about determing whether your troops have enough firepower or manpower to occupy the area something.

    This is so far only a wished for feature and not currently in the game. To one day get a feature like this would however be most welcome...hopefully we will get it one day (soon 😎).


  9. 18 hours ago, BornGinger said:



    Have the ability to use triggers without a timed move order, The way it works now we use a trigger, for example trigger by enemy, and a timed move order. This timed move order seems to work as an insurance that the AI-group will move. And the AI-group will later on move even though no enemy has touched the trigger. This behaviour could mean that the AI-group moves away from its position to the new position and thus opens up a hole in the defense line. 


    If there could be triggers without a timed move order. The AI-group will stay in position and move only when an enemy has touched the trigger.


    Maybe we meen the same thing...😎

    My post was a reply to this suggestion...and this you can do already using the current timing options.

    I agree that more options with regards to triggers would be most welcome though...And not only being able to use several triggers for the same action but rather have several seperate triggers and actions to chose from at each waypoint...allowing the AI groups to chose between multiple possible ways forward...dependant on the current situation....



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