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Posts posted by ridethe415

  1. I am absolutely loving the use of choppers. You hear them come around, here a missile launch and suddenly something blows up. Most amazing thing ever. Course, when I am on the receiving side of that experience, I'm probably not going to enjoy it. But the whole experience is so much different than the WWII titles, which I love.
    Fantastic game. Wow.

  2. They look fantastic in game.


    One thing though, I stand to be corrected, but as I understand it, GaJ isn't going to support BS.  Not sure why, but speculation is cost related.

    I believe when CMRT was released and mods started being uploaded, the traffic to his site increased hosting costs.

  3. Its always this way. Every single release takes longer than they thought it would.  Their being pushed on Shock Force demonstrated its a BAD idea. SO....... patience young JEDIs, and would be lieutenants.  The game will be along to shatter your delusions soon enough.


     I would rather wait and have it done well than go through the ordeal we just went through with the bad updates files for CMRT and CMBN. I'm waiting for the first "Downloading Now" Fake post...

  4. I downloaded it, today, unzipped and put in my campaign folder, but can't see the file.


    Think this may have something to do with the 3.11 patch issue? I am currently stuck at 3.10 until they sort this out (Mac issues with unit names)




    Oh. I re-read the above. Vehicle pack and 3.11. Guess I will have to wait...

  5. Honestly in this day and age I have given up on discs. Pretty soon you won't even have a disc reader so I just store the download in multiple locations including cloud storage. Besides it is much easier to reinstall electronic copy.


    Copies on Dropbox, external discs and Google drive. The cloud is your friend.

    Safe from everything but the zombie apocalypse.

  6. There is a version 3 upgrade, which costs $10. If you do that, then you upgrade using the 3.xx


    BUT, there are some issues with the 3.11 patch. The 3.11 patch completely screws up the unit labeling on some Macs. There is also an issue with PBEM files not working regardless of platform. Check the Tech Support forum for CMBN...you'll see what is happening

    You can go to V3.0 for $10 and leave at that for now. Once the patch issues are sorted, then you can do them.

  7. Hi all,

    I have been playing a game today called "This War of Mine" in which you control a group of civilians living in a bombed out house in Eastern Europe during a civil war. The group scavenges for food and supplies during the night, and spends the days resting, improving their shelter, or manufacturing items they can use or trade. Each day is a struggle to keep fed, healthy and warm. Some members of the group are smokers or coffee drinkers, and get miserable without their daily fix, but coffee and cigarettes are also valuable trade items, so it's a tough choice to consume them. Sometimes raiders come in the night to steal supplies, and sometimes the group is faced with the moral dilemma of whether or not to become raiders themselves. It's a bleak but artistically beautiful game that really makes you think about the civilian casualties of war.

    I thought I'd mention it in case anyone wants to try this game whilst waiting for CM:BS. It will give you a new perspective on what life would be like for civilians in a NATO-Russia war over Ukraine. I highly recommend it.

    Looks interesting...the POV might not work for some people.

    Reminds me of Fallout.

  8. First and foremost I think that mistakes are going to be punished. One bad turn, one misunderstood line of sight, one misjudgment about how long a position can be occupied and an entire mech platoon or equivalent will be smoking wreckage.

    I'm already experiencing this in BN and RT...I guess I can expect it to happen even faster now

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