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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. In my goodybox barbarossa area is a new folder with optional UI force selection bmp's for Soviets and Germans. A Barbarossa summer 1941 flavor to them. I always like to use 1/35 scale model box art...
  2. Thanks for the info and report on mdr files. The mds is where I am working. I appreciate the tips and maybe my brain can collate what you just told me and make some new type of progress with manipulation of the mds. I appreciate working with people that are smarterer than I is! Can I please pm you and maybe ask a few questions some time?
  3. Tomorrow is 1 December so I thought a nice snowy scenario might bring a warm holiday joy to you all BARB Kalte Eintopf (Cold Stew) A small platoon of Waffen-SS infantry defend their position against a Soviet assault. December 1941. ...coming soon...
  4. Yeah, I know. But the best I could do is that the briefing says if the Germans get down there to the end zone, YOU LOSE. The sounds of the detonation is the explosives ripped off and thrown in the water? KEEP TRYING!
  5. I figured I would use this thread to document this aspect of modding uniforms in CM. I am working with another modder to jazz up the Italian uniforms for Afrika scenarios. He is awesome with the textures. pitbull is aka @boygarvin Anyway, we used the German M43 with jackboots renamed as Italian M38 and this sets up what pitbull wants as the base for his new texture bmp's for an Italian sahariana jacket but causes issues with gear going poof disappeared. These are my thoughts right now 11/30/2021. A. Each title's game engine code or code knows what items the nation's specific soldier types get. It has a specific file list of the gear names and the soldier types who are dealt the cards for display. this would be radio's for the radioman. holsters for officers. LMG kit for the LMG gunner. canteens for almost every regular grunt. bandolier for truck drivers only it seems. ammo pouch at the belt buckle for italian riflemen. SMG ammo pouch for SMG gunners. bayonet/shovel cluster for most riflemen. It uses the mds uniform file to know where to position them on the 3D soldier body. If the mds uniform file does not list one of the gear filenames, the game code does not deal out that item for display in the game. This is why we usually saw NO GEAR AT ALL when we messed with swapping uniforms from one nation to another. But now I have learned to do a "gear analysis" of the mds uniform files between nations and see what matches by gear filename length. I only know enough to do small tasks and maybe my lack of deeper knowledge heads me down the wrong path. I NOW am cautious to NEVER change the LENGTH of the mds uniform file. I assume it has a "checksum" and if this is altered, the game chokes up and crashes. I do not know of a way to modify the checksum so it does NOT cause the game to crash. So I look for these filenames that are the same length in characters. The double asterisks are "avenues in" where I have a chance to get my foot in the door. italian_cluster-bayonet-shovel-together39 german_cluster-bayonet-shovel-adjacent38 german_cluster-bayonet-shovel-together38 german_cluster-bayonet-shovel-adjacent38 ** italian_cluster-knife-shovel-together37 ** german_cluster-breadbag-canteen-right37 german_cluster-breadbag-canteen-left36 german_cluster-breadbag-canteen-only36 german_cluster-bayonet-only27 german_gasmask-horizontal25 german horizontal poncho24 german_ammo-rifle-right23 german_gasmask-diagonal23 ** italian-ammo_bandolier22 ** german_ammo-rifle-left22 german_ammo-smg-right21 german_ammo-smg-left20 italian_gasmask-m33 19 italian_gasmask-m35 19 italian_ammo-rifle18 italian_breadbag16 italian_ammo-smg16 ** italian_pouch-mg16 ** german_pouch-map16 italian_holster15 ** italian_canteen15 ** german_pouch-mg15 italian_bayonet15 ** italian_shovel14 ** german_holster14 italian_knife13 italian_radio13 german_radio12 In the mds, I focus on these "avenues in" and can copy and paste using HxD program to get the German uniform mds file being used for a modded Italian uniform to show some gear. THEN I use Blender to double or triple up gear with that "avenue in" mdr. It takes tweaking in x y and z to TRY to get it right. So, just some remarks here to show others what I do and see if someone will scream out a better way. I have done this same process with Soviets wearing a German mds. Also the French wearing British shorts. AMF
  6. Well Gary, I am not perfect by any means. Your screenshots are really cool but I think using my phone...I see some late war pants have snuck in...? So many moving parts. I will go edit the scenario and see if I can find it and fix it. I also need to mod the ss zeltbahns to be proper 1941 type. I am having a lot of fun making these mods and scenarios. Many more on the way. PLEASE...ANYBODY ELSE WANT TO MAKE A "BARB" SCENARIO? PM ME IF YOU NEED TIPS OR JUST GO FOR IT.
  7. In my goody box. CMRT FR Barbarossa mod scenario released for download. have fun. play as allies vs axis AI Please make sure to get the barbarossa mods folder AND a special mod in the folder with the scenario... BARB SNOS MOSTA (BRIDGE DEMOLITION)
  8. In my goody box. CMRT FR Barbarossa mod scenario released for download. have fun. play as allies vs axis AI Please make sure to get the barbarossa mods folder AND a special mod in the folder with the scenario... BARB SNOS MOSTA (BRIDGE DEMOLITION)
  9. I was just uncoiling then rigging up some Christmas lights and it sometimes makes me feel like I am gonna blow up a bridge...gave me an idea for a scenario. I should have it done tomorrow... CMRT play as allies vs axis AI BARB SNOS MOSTA (BRIDGE DEMOLITION) ^ The Eastern Front, June 1941. ^ You are Major Mikhail Jagarski, a fully trained Red Army engineering officer. You command a detachment of engineers but have also corralled a platoon of demoralized conscripts straggling back from the previous town. Just now a coded radio transmission ordered you to prepare the bridge over the Bestelnaya River for demolition. The bridge must not fall intact into fascist hands! ^ The German motorized scouting units are visible just out of range. They are sure to soon gain enough strength to press hard to take the vital bridge. Your demolitions sergeants are offmap at the bridge structure and need at least 15 minutes to rig the charges and blow the bridge. ^ Deploy your available forces to hold back the enemy. ^ You have 20 minutes to complete your mission. Points are given for destroying the enemy and preventing them from reaching the rear area touch objective. Comrade, we wish you the best of luck in escaping afterward to further serve our beloved Motherland.
  10. soon in our dropbox... Dziękuję, przyjacielu
  11. I am now working on a set of Barbarossa armor for 11th Panzer Division in Kleist's Panzer Group. I will try to do some weathering and dirty them up. Not my strongest skill.
  12. @Falcon_the_Slut Not a bad idea....But FYI, the OP is not editable at all after I think 1 hour. I went and checked and they all about say what game it is for. I think Falaise said the keyword "Caen" so that must be CMBN. A couple of mine did not say CMRT but said FINN so that screams out CMRT. Please go back and enjoy the thread and see the 16 or 17 links while I polish up a silver platter. EDIT: I had already planned and will make a consolidation post with links and such and to say thanks for all respondents when this closes out on 12/25...
  13. In Blender, working on the sun helmet... First there was the XXXL size he was issued back at the supply depot in Naples. "Take it! Your head will swell in the heat and it will fit fine. NEXT!!!" I had scaled and rotated numerous times but in game it didn't seem to take. The secret was (in Blender) to "apply" the transformations by Ctrl-A and this reset to 0,0,0 as it became an mdr. Then he got this one off a dead guy. Maybe now it is too small. I will go back to Blender and tweak the position and scale and material shininess.
  14. Scenarios! Scenarios! Get them hot and fresh. 2 for a dollar. They make excellent stocking stuffers. Impress your best gal with a scenario, even better than roses!
  15. I don't know, I will go back and try to fix it. It was a long time ago. I went into Blender and just grabbed some vertices and pretty soon I had a bayonet. I actually lucked out and eye-balled it to the proper length on the first try. That's what she said!!!
  16. Okey doke, I will eventually have a hack at it, maybe during the Christmas holidays
  17. My Blender modded PzIIIN that looks like a PzIVD if you squint your eyes ***HAD*** the Afrika Korps jerry cans look (very fashionable in Tobruk) but is now rendered transparent in the latest folder. Also I had done a repair of the vehicle mdr so now the gun blast is clearly from the muzzle versus some inaccuracy earlier you might have spotted. DL it again if you still have the issue. EDIT: Foliage mod is Lucky Strike's. Bloody gorgeous! @Lucky_Strike
  18. A tiny Barbarossa panzer combat teaser scenario is now in my goody box! Play only as axis vs allied AI BARB The Double Zug Hug ^ Near Udachnyy Vystrel, Soviet Union. Summer 1941. An afternoon probe sadly caused by Hauptmann Hartman's zest to achieve the iron cross. Fields as far as the eye can see. Light wind from the east. ^ You are Leutnant Gluckstreffer and lead the 1st Zug of the 99th Reserve Panzer Company out of Munster. You have four PanzerIIIG's with a PanzerIVD in support. Fuel and ammo are topped off. ^ You can see "Alte Harty's" panzer burning fiercely. Herr Hauptmann is presumed KIA along with the Battalion Adjutant Major Schmerzen and the Regimental Veterinarian, Herr Doktor Wenigmachen, their panzers also seem knocked out. Mein Gott! All this just to gain a decoration and impress the frauleins! What caused the loss of three panzers is a mystery you are ordered to immediately solve. The radio also informs you that the 2nd Zug will arrive in 5 to 10 minutes. ^ The farm building is a likely spot for Red Army stragglers. Wipe out any occupants and destroy the barn. Move forward as you decide. ^ You have 15 minutes to accomplish your mission. Points (...and maybe decorations???) are awarded for destroying enemy units and reaching some hidden touch objectives. PANZERS VORWARTS!!!
  19. Download link at the bottom! Give this a try as axis vs allied AI. BARB Mann Gegen Panzer Fall 1941 vs Soviets in a M35 uniform mod and an M36 helmet mod. BARB for Barbarossa! so easier to see in scenario list. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ The Eastern Front, Fall 1941. ^ You have just your Waffen-SS platoon, much dwindled in size since the offensive started earlier in June. Hauptsturmfuhrer Kulner is available with heavy weapons and is monitoring your phone circuit. He will arrive in 10 or 15 minutes. Hang on! ^ The luftwaffe reported that a small tank force with infantry is headed your way. The enemy will approach from the north with the goal to get to a certain few hexes on the southern edge of the map and exit... ^ Deploy your forces, anti-tank mines and foxholes as you desire to best stop the enemy. ^ You have 30 minutes to complete your mission. Points are given for destroying the Soviet tanks and preventing them from exiting. INCOMING MORTARS! Get down...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A big mod folder to grab! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yoptddfhbnym47w/AAC6dl5WOcTGGxN2jm3CuqRAa?dl=0
  20. CMRT Barbarossa Axis Uniforms: I have scraped together a set of SS smock uniforms and helmets (with camo covers and not covered) to have Fall 1941 scenarios. See it in BARB Mann Gegen Panzer I have not YET done that for summer 1941 ss infantry battles. I have not YET scraped together a good heer infantry uniform set. We do have my earlier CMRT Romanian mod that can be used in this 1941 timeframe for minor nations. Coming someday is Hungarians and Italians. If anybody wants to jump on axis heer infantry uniforms for 1941...please volunteer. I guess it is all tunics with jackboots, no helmet covers?
  21. @t34577685 has kindly put many hours into improving my initial work on the Soviet early war uniforms. Thank you Wang! What you can see is: Soviet M36 helmet (first modded by @JM Stuff) which has a weird air vent on top and flared sides. Soviet M35 uniforms. These had normal collars not the usual you know from CMRT, mandarin style collar. The shoulderboards are gone and we have badges on the collar flaps. We modded the M43 and also the new F&R bedroll version (I guess the best we could with no access to Blender the uniform mds 3D file). Wang also added variety with some collar badges being the bright colors and some the subdued colors. He used his knowledge of Soviet medals to make a good representation of medals for 1941. Not too many, etc. @mjkerner had earlier added 2 chest pockets using his skills in Corel. Thanks Mark! Enjoy your CM break, see you in 2023. I added bayonets to the Mosins. It needs some rework as it disappears from one side when viewing! WTF? We just play a trick and the PPsh43 is modded to be a PPSh41 in the game and UI panel. The UI displayed text will ALWAYS stay as the game sees it. PPsh43. No known solution for that AFAIK. We have early war puttees AND jackboots combo pack. I modded the Soviet sidecap of Platoon HQ and Company HQ to be the normal M40 style helmet. So we have good helmet variety.
  22. For anyone else who wants to write Barbarossa scenarios, please do! Use anything I have in my z, change it, do whatever you like. My current approach is to purchase the "adhoc panzer company" and this allows me to get the PzIIIG and then purchase single vehicles PzIIIN which I have Blender modded to be a passable PzIVD. Please squint a lot when viewing the mods! I now think I will also purchase the PzIIL. I have a dream/goal/idea to Blender mod that with the wheels of the Marder and make it look more like the earlier PzIIF.
  23. My focus will be on the battle at Radziechow...more aligned with my current ability and skill set. Still sizable! 30 Soviet tanks were lost and almost as many panzers. EDIT: I think I will depart from this thread and head over to the CMRT forum for more Barbarossa discussion, glad to see you over there and listen to any suggestions you or others might have. Please remember the golden rule here, I have no magic wand, just limited Blender abilities and trickery.
  24. I have a few scenarios written and more on the way... Everything is in my goody box, CMRT Aisle, Barbarossa shelf. Big folder of mods for CMRT Z folder. Scenarios for CMRT scenarios folder.
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