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Posts posted by LemoN

  1. And they are the ones that are arguing for a gentle conversational tone? Please...

    I'm sorry but I don't consider ridiculing and being rude or posting spam as posting in a "gentle conversational tone".

    The first helpful response was post #28 on page 3, which got drowned by lots of off topic and non helpful posts. The second helpful post was post #37, which too got drowned by loads of off topic posts.

    My third post (after turning on my PC again and looking at the forums) was a clarification for the many people thinking that my problem was the bocage itself, which it isn't. And still up to this point people jump in and "accuse" me of complaining about breaches, allies not winning, etc. This is simply not true and completely out of context and not helpful at all.

    As soon as I have time I'll do some screenshots of some of my plotted paths, until then I can't do much else than try to defuse or prevent some of the more ridiculous posts in this thread, like Sixxmkiller's post. So where exactly is the "gentle conversation tone" here?

  2. Everyone who has played CMx1 will remember that moving armor through a forest was a nightmare. You had to plot the waypoint of every vehicle, ensure adequate spacing, use time pauses so they would not bunch up, but if there was one misstep, they would pile up into horrible traffic jam.

    Thing is, this is exactly my experience with CM:BN. In addition the AI randomly decides "Screw this waypoint I'll just try to drive through this 3m tall hedge!" creating further chances for massive traffic jams.

  3. Just wait: When the Market Garden module comes out, we'll see posts whining about how having to move vehicles along those exposed, congested, elevated roads spoils all the fun, and why can't players just drive anywhere they want over the soggy fields?

    To each his own, but what a silly thing it is to trash a game because it isn't in some other location or period of the war. Go play something else, then! Either that, or...

    "Suck it up, soldier!"

    You don't seem to understand what I and others have been saying. I'm fully aware of the restrictions and advantages of Normandy, the main problem is that it simply magnifies restrictions and problems of the engine and the pathfinding AI.

    Note: I'm NOT complaining about the theatre itself, I'm complaining about problems and restrictions of the engine that are magnified by the theatre. Like not being able to put foxholes into the bocage. If the bocage wouldn't be there you wouldn't even be aware of it, yet having a heavily bocaged map will make you immediately aware of the restrictions of the CMx2 engine when it comes to fortifications. Similar to the pathfinding, you definitely wouldn't see me complaining about pathfinding in a theatre that's mostly open terrain. Yet the extremely narrow roads make each and every "quirk" in the pathfinding have immense consequences with a huge traffic jam as soon as a vehicle in the column simply decided to randomly crash into a hedge to it's left.

  4. Does *print screen* not work?

    Nope, black screen.

    LemoN, I can understand your frustration with what you regard as unhelpful responses earlier in the thread, but Sitting Duck has just made an offer to see if he can assist you in your enjoyment of the game.

    Perhaps it is an, as yet, unrecognised bug. Or perhaps there is a technique or style of play that could be employed so that you would again find enjoyment from this game. Many a time I have sat thinking "What on earth? Why did that happen?!?" only to find out that it was either something that I was doing wrong, or that I had misunderstood something within the game environment.

    I am not critising you, or saying that you are playing the game incorrectly. All I am saying is that I am sure that (whatever the solution) you would rather enjoy the game than be on the forum continuing to post about something which is causing you to not enjoy it. I am also absolutely certain, without wishing to speak for others, that Steve and all the team at Battlefront would prefer that you enjoyed the game also. With that in mind, faced with (what seemed to me to be) a genuine offer of assistance, I think it would be a shame to turn it down.

    Again, not being critical, just wishing to help.

    Thanks, at last one friendly person on this board! :)

    Next time I play in a bocage scenario with a lot of vehicles I'll see to it and do a couple of screenshots.

  5. I guess everyone has a different "style" of response, yes? One person's "rude attitude" is another's "refreshing." As long as everyone abides by the forum rules, then the only thing left is to not participate.

    @LemoN - can you take a screen shot showing your plotted movement and where the actual movement is going wrong? That would clear up any misconceptions and might move the conversation forward.

    Don't have fraps.

    But then, do I really want to go through the hassle of downloading and installing a program for a developer that doesn't deserve (or want) any help with finding bugs?

  6. The pathfinding on itself isn't too bad, it simply can't handle the narrow bocage properly. I'm an CMx1 "vet" and know how to plot movement. I started off with somewhat cruder orders (simply one waypoint along a straight road) but that led to even more clogging so I had to gradually adjust my waypointing until it's in the same league of Cmx1 WEGO waypointing.

    To anyone who thinks I'm "simply clicking on somewhere on the map", no I don't. I carefully plot movement for vehicles along roads only, with normal move or slow exclusively, using the pause function to send them off one by one (I play RT) and leave at last 10 seconds between each vehicle. And they STILL decide to simply drive right into a wall/hedge that's nowhere near their plotted course along a straight road without obstacles. They STILL randomly decide that it's best NOT to take that turn and then only later realise that they have to take it so they do a 180° turn on the road, clogging up passing vehicles.

    This is especially true for the SdKfz.250/251's which have a really low turn ratio which the path-finding doesn't recognise and often sends them off on turns too late.

    Oh and in response to Mr. LOLtester:

    Please read my second post again in order to understand that I think the game is great, it's just the theatre which is opening a couple of engine flaws that otherwise wouldn't be so prominent. For instance I planned an infantry assault in which a gap in the bocage off to my front-right plays a key-role. I open fire, send the infantry through the gap aaannnddd... they turn around! After plotting a waypoint right next to that gap twice I realise that the infantry simply can't go through (it was at last 2-3m wide). Anyway, whenever someone voices criticism the fanboys on here will always accuse the poster of saying the game is broken, that he doesn't have enough experience, that's he's too stupid, etc.

    @Steve How could it possibly be that there's something wrong with MY game?

    Get over yourself and please take a few lessons in customer relations. Never have I seen a developer trying to drive away customers THAT hard. And if you don't treat me with respect then I won't treat you with respect either. Simple. :)

  7. Welcome to Normandy, 1944! But seriously, it can be pain. This is very complex terrain and you need to help the AI out with more waypoints, slower movement orders and plenty of spacing.

    Yup, that's exactly what I've been doing, problem is that by doing this you literally spend 90% if your time plotting and micromanaging movement... which isn't fun at all. Don't get me wrong I like micromanaging, but not if that results in me not really doing much else.

    The more I play CM:BN the more I feel that BFC limited themselves by the restrictions of Normandy and the problems which arise with it. Don't get me wrong I love the game, but for some reason the bocage simply doesn't fit into the overall game, it's too abstracted compared to the incredible detail of the rest of the game and seems to highlight problems with the game engine that otherwise wouldn't be so obvious. Weird spotting issues, pathfinding issues, non-functional fortifications, etc, simply makes me think that BFC would've been better off choosing a "simpler" theatre.

  8. I could start to cry with the pathfinding and the way the reinforcements are positioned in this mission.

    Seriously, whoever designed this campaign is a sadist. Always tiny setup zones, reinforcements that all come in one place and clog up everything, artillery arriving 25 minutes before the battle ends with a call time of 16 minutes.....

    I'm at 22 minutes before the battle ends and I still didn't figure out a way how not to clog up the roads with bogging vehicles.

    EDIT: Ok, I give up, this mission is so incredibly enraging I simply want to keep banging my head at the desk.

    Looks like the German campaign will stay mostly unplayed.

  9. Their must be a way to exploit it then.

    Ive only played the mission once, went to the hotspots and exited. Only on the victory screen does it say all the things that can be seen. Must be a way to do some kind of better recon.

    I've tried 3 times now, the only success so far I had was by using force to make the enemy units fire. Drove up a PSW, opened the hatch, started firing. Shortly after I had a couple of units shooting at it, which got spotted. I tried sneaking around and never managed to spot a single unit, I let my guys lie in the observation points for 30 minutes, not a single unit spotted(with cover arc so they wouldn't lie down and hide).

    Maybe that's because I'm playing on Elite?

    I doubt it though.

  10. Yes, you can trample them into oblivion. The sign will then turn green, and I think the chance of hitting a mine becomes lower as more of them explode. It's not a very recommendable strategy, however. ;)

    So how the heck are you supposed to remove the mines on the second mission? (the one where you assault the bridge)

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