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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by LemoN

  1. I guess it all boils down how much is this "missing " feature worth? Going by some reactions you'd think the game was fatally flawed. It's far from that. I can see BFCs perspective on this. They are other things I'd much rather have first....like horses! ;-)

    It's not the game but the multiplayer that is fatally flawed for many.

  2. Yes, but wego also prevents you from fixing a situation that unfolds unexpectedly. Like if you move into an ambush. You might not be able to give any orders for a long time. That's not very realistic either. Also, if the troop AI is too good you start moving into the world of command level games. Those can be boring.

    Actually that is rather realistic. At last far more realistic than being able to immediately react with all assets and having a Sherman fire at a spot where you know are enemies but the Sherman doesn't know. I don't think you realise how "slow" real warfare is.

    Both RT and WEGO have their advantages and disadvantages, no doubt, but saying either one is more realistic is simply false.

    WEGO gives you the ability to make up for the lack of AI in some cases, although sometimes this can be a bit too much.

    RT gives you a better "game flow" and allows you to react to unexpected things faster.

  3. I don't give a rip about Wego multi-player. Playing in real-time is far more realistic and lets you finish a game in a few minutes instead of hours or days. I used to play CMBB and I dreamed of real time play. Now we have it and it is an improvement not a problem.

    The problem is that in real life there's one very important difference.

    I real life you could simply tell this AT gun to look for a hull down position on the left flank so they can cover that farm and the adjecent field and they'd go out and do it themselves. This isn't possible in RT. The AI simply isn't good enough, and won't be for another 10 years+.

  4. While I fully appreciate that its not in the game for the excellent reasons you state, infantry did ride on tanks in Western Europe, even into battle. I cant find a specific quote right now (at work) but the Irish Guards certainly started out Operation Market Garden riding on their tanks and went into combat on them, several being killed in the process.

    Now here's the problem, there's a difference between riding on tanks against known enemy positions and actually riding on a tank during an operation and getting ambushed.

  5. What am I doing wrong?

    You can't let infantry ride tanks in the game.

    While it was done IRL, the soldiers would dismount before the actual battle... unless they're Soviet. :D

    In addition to the questionable historical use, it would present the game with a lot of problems. Like, what happens if the tank fires it's maingun? Can it fire it's maingun? Will the infantry automatically dismount once under fire? Etc.

  6. Using 'Closing the Pocket' and setting 2 Allied 60mm Mortars. I set one to Direct Fire on a spot it has LOS to, and 1 in C2 with an HQ with a LOS to target... I saved game loaded it ten times and all ten times the futherst off target they were was about 80 meters, and within 3-5 shots and turn 2 they were spot on!!!... Don't see any problems here...

    I did notice that the Mortar team at the begining of the turn fiddled with aligning the mortar before droping the first shell... it was kinda cool :)

    I honestly don't think you even partly understand what I've been writing.

    Anyway, just did another quick test in Busting the bocage.

    The first 1-2 rounds of each mortar in a PRELIMINARY firemission were off by ~200m. I saved the game with the rounds in-flight.

    So, who should I sent this file to?

  7. By the way, what do you mean with falling 180° away from the target?

    The mortar pointing in the exact oposite direction of the target area. After 3-5 rounds it will turn around and hit the target area spot on.

    Also, note the up to. Most of the time the first few rounds are only off by 50-500m but sometimes they're on top of my own units or even in the exact opposite direction of the enemy.

  8. Send them a save file if possible. Makes things easier.


    Where to?

    Actually, this isn't really needed.

    Just set preliminary strikes with any on-map mortar, save the game during the setup phase and see the first couple of rounds fall up to 180° away from the target. This doesn't always happen though. Load that savegame 3-5 times, watch the mortars closely (and where their first rounds fall) and you'll see what I mean.

  9. I think many of the problems people are seeing are in some way linked to "user error". However, it is possible there's a very, very specific bug linked to some combo of factors that doesn't usually come into play that way. If so, we haven't been able to isolate this within testing. Yet. So far every report we've made about wildly inaccurate artillery results was explained when we dug into a save game file more deeply.

    My bug definitely is no user error and I have reported it 5 times now with people simply ignoring it every time.

    There is a high chance for on map mortars to shoot their first 3-5 rounds up to 180° away from the targets. This mostly happens in preliminary strikes.

  10. I'd say your main error was that you waited until the tanks arrived.

    The thing I found works best in both scenarios is speed, speed and more speed!

    Use arty to stun the defenders and then immediately advance and rain down hell on any suspected enemy position. You should be able to get into the village even before the US side gets their 105mm spotter. Same with busting the bocage, 105's on the right flank and rush through as quickly as possible, using your Shermans to suppress the hedges. You should get to the German HKL as soon as the 105's end, which is around 10 minutes time. After the arty stops advance to the next hedge and keep the momentum going. So far I've only taken losses if I let my advance stall. Never give the other side even a short moment to catch breath and recover. This also keeps your forces safe from arty.

  11. Here's what I did on the first play-through (and successive ones too) and achieved total victory.

    Wide spread of 105's onto the village, 81mm mortars medium-medium on the left flank houses and the patch of trees, 81mm smoke barrage in front of the second hedge-line.

    Have both infantry platoons lie in cover behind the ridge and shift the PSW's to the left flank and centre (I ignore the right flank) and as soon as the bombardment is going I send the first platoon in down to the first row of hedges. In the meantime the smoke mortar has run dry and I use it to lay a barrage on the bunch of trees to the right side of the village.

    By this time the 105 barrage has usually ended and I send the second infantry platoon to the first line of hedges and send the first platoon to the second line of hedges. As soon as the second platoon has arrived at their destination I let the first platoon assault the houses and clear the first set of them. After that I use the second platoon to clear the rest of the village.

    All while doing this I kept the left flank PSW's on the ridge to provide suppressive fire on the left flank with the centre PSW's going right down the tree-line to provide close support for the infantry.

    As soon as the Panthers show up I position them on top of the ridge to take out anything that attempts to rush to the village. I keep them there until the Marders arrive, of which I rush three over to the right flank and use one to replace the two panthers on the ridge.

    I then send down the Panthers to mop up anything left in the village and kill any tanks that come too close.

    Result: Total victory

    1xPSW lost

    8x infantry casualties

  12. The 60mm's blew sh%^ out of everything I targeted. Didn't see any truly wild rounds. You sure you're doing it right?

    Had no problems with mortars.

    I suspect though that if you have incoming in say 3 minutes and smoke/dust obscures the spotters view say 2 minutes out then obviously he would be unable to see the spotting rounds and consequently cannot make adjustments.

    I learnt this in CMBB and CMAK where this very thing would occur,in the desert with all that dust it could become quite tricky getting rounds on target.

    As already said, this even happens with preliminary strikes, which rules out any kind of outside influence.

    It's an obvious bug in the mortar targeting system.

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