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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. And Putin would seem to know how far he can go. At least thus far. He may of course become overconfident and make a mistake
  2. Opportunities let us say can be created and exploited by, let us say, certain kind of statesman. Look at he wayy Putin created nd developed the South Ossettia situation manouvering Georgia into starting a war it could not hope to win. and Putin's methods in Ukraine are just as machiavellian. Everyone knows he is helping the seperatists who seem, shall we say, remarkably well armed, but there is just not enough evidence to ctually prove that Putin's Kremlin is behind it. And without such proof Western democracies are even less willing to take any action. Putin is astute enough o know that and astute enough to make it very hard to catch him out. This guy is former KGB remember
  3. If it was that command section just behind the Bradley you might have noticed that they had quite a lot of suppression as can be seen n the lttle triangle at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. If suppressin is on the high side units are not so willing to move. Whch might explain the way they behaved. Once they recovered from the shock as can be seen later on (that triangle's colour changes s suppression levels change) the unit was more willing to do what you wanted them to do (i.e. take cover in that house)
  4. He is just not happy with the morale system (maybe he does not even understand how it works)
  5. Yeah, nothing we can do about that it really is up to the scenario author to decide on these issues. If he says that certain units are exausted, have low moral or poor leadership (No 2 plaltoon B Company has a 2nd Lieutenant in hs first command after finishing West Point or whatever) ht is just he way of it. We can do the same thng whebn rating units for a tabletop miniatures game,
  6. Which represents well trained, experienced and well motivated soldiers. No all soldiers are that well trained, led, or motivated. If I want lower quality troops I will set experience, morale and probably leadership lower. Tired veterans who have simply seen too much experience level still good but low motivation. Demoralised raw troops will be low on both experience and motivation - and leadership will likely be poor as well. Those troop quality ratings can be quite significant.
  7. What part of this video are we supposed to be looking at. Not all of us have almost an hour to look at it. And, as I think people have explained before, people who panic don't do the sensible, logcal thing. Sometimes they freeze like a rabbit in the headlights of your car. Sometimes they will blaze away in the general direction of enemy fire. Sometimes they just run. The point is, when your troops panic they are no longer under your control and will follow survival instincts which means getting away from the immediate danger. But they won't consider the danger they might be putting themselves in to as they try to escape. Often people die in disasters due to a mass panic http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/norman-atlantic-ferry-fire-two-british-men-still-not-rescued-from-burning-italian-ship-9947674.html I have actually been in a situation like this. Some years ago the shop on the ground floor of the property next door had a fire during the night and both residential properties hd to be evacuated. I told the fireman I would take responsibility for escorting a young lady from next door toa safe place (so he could get on with his real job of fighting the fire. She was in hystwerics about her boyfriend who was still in the building. I instantly recognised she was about to panic and , if she did, that would endanger everyone as she might do something stupid. Fortunately I was able t assert frm cobntrol of the situation quickly to prevent this situation. Not that I was thinking this through logically - I also was goingg on instinct. I guess some people can stay calm in a crisis and will instinctively d the right things, others won't. And the latter can get people killed.
  8. No it hasn't. Nut Russia has come pretty close to tht levl. The seperatists are clearly very well equipped looking at the footage. Angola was indeed one example I was thinking of but also Central America, this time with the US arming the Contras in secret unil Olver North and the Iran - Contra scandal.
  9. Not intended to be. But Bismarck could be very Maciavellian indeed. Consider the way he manipulated the Ems Telegram to provoke France into the 1870 Franco Prussian War. And compare with the way Georgia was provoked ino a simmilarly foolish war in 2008.
  10. It seems to be a combination of new Western equipment such as the Leopard 2, upgrades Soviet equipment like the PT-91 Twardy (aa modernised T-72M1 and older Soviet era T-72shttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equipment_of_the_Polish_Army
  11. I disagree. Tanks do reverse mre often due to laser threat warnings but infantry don't. I think you need to take a look underneath the bonnet and examine the experience and motivation settings as they were set by the scenario designer. And can you be specific regarding scenarios. Much willl also depend on the amount of incming fire. Given that we are talking about modern weaponry here 300m is pretty clse. If they are in he open and hey are taking a lot of fire that might cause them to panic particularlyif they are already nervous. Look at he triangle at the bottom left of the screen which starts off empty bu gradually fills s a unit becomes nore jittery. Maybe you culd take a screen print showing the status of the unit in question.
  12. Arguably it is or might soon become one. It can becompred to the proxy wars fought during the ColdWar in various parts of the world including Central America, Africa, Asia and theMiddle East. Right now hwe West does not want to do much more than offwer political support to Kiev but that can change. As in the Cold War both sides will want to be careful how far they let it escalate as yousuggest. The West also knows that to push intervention too far risks a direct military clash with Moscow. Mscow lso has to be careful not to push too hard or in to obvious a fashion for much thesame rason. It is very similar to a classic Cold War era conflict
  13. Very dangeous children armed to the teeh including nuclea weapons. Putin is probably a very intlligent idividual and a shred politicin. Sometimes I feel that comparing him to the late 19th Century German satesman Otto von Bismarck could be accurate. At other times it seems more like Kaiser Wilhelm II or Hitler. Kremlin watching these days is perhaps more difficul than it has been since the md 1980s. Then we had geriatrics like Brezhnev. Chernnko and Andropov in charge. Putin is clearly more vigourous a leader than they were and at 62 much younger. He seems to be aiming for a Eurasian Union, possibly a rebranded andrbuilt Soviet Union or Tsarist Empire. Certainly he wants to restore Russia as a World Power at least to the 1980s level. That of course brings him into conflict with others including former Soviet Republics who may not want to be subordinate to Moscow again and with US/NATO interests. Russia's leading membership of the Shanghai Co-Operation Organisation gives Moscw at least some political backing fom Beijing
  14. Well, it would appear that the Kremln is saying one or more of the Baltic States have been involved in supplying arms to Ukraine. The question is the significance of this allegtion and wha Moscow's response might be. As we all knw there have been similar allegations throughoutthe conflict about Russian involvment is support of the sepretists. For now we are seeing proxy war with both sides being supplied by outside powers much as we saw during the Cold War in Africa and the Middle East.
  15. This sounds like an interesting development considering Russian claims on the terriory of he Baltic States. In all likelihood Russia is sending a diplomatic message. However, Mscow could have something more siniser in mind in the future. https://en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com/russia-complains-lithuania-arms-supply-ukraine-181242984.html
  16. The Russians could have Marines and Airborne types. Belorussian allies migh be an interesing possibility. Apart from these and the seperatists I really don't see much else tha can be added for them. Nobody is forcing anyone to play British or anyone else but there are plenty of people who do want to play Brits.
  17. The Franco-German Brigade and other Eurocorps units and additional EU/NATO units would be interesting to have. Even a European Union battlegroup or two might be appropriate.
  18. I do want to see US Marines and NATO forces (including East Europeans such as the Polish and perha[s Baltic States) Also the Ukranian Seperatists, Russian Marines and Russia Airborne types. Autumn and winter warfare would however be a most welcome development. I daresay a reconquest of the Crimea and indeed an advance into the seperatist regions would be a part of a NATO counter offensive
  19. Doesn't seem to be shwig up in the files section as yet?????
  20. Hmm I have seen plenty of individual cowererers. Firepower has two effects. First and most obviously it has physical effects killing, wounding and breaking thinks.Secondly the psychlogical impact. Troops come under fire and they start to take cover as one actually would. You cannot expect your squads and platoons to be as brave (or stupid) as you in real life You come under what you feel is pretty heavy fire and Sir wants you to advance over that open field, No Sir, we aren't doing that. You want your troops to advance? You are going to have to give them some help. Such as coverng fire to suppress the enemy fire (i.e. keep their heads down so they don't fire as effectively as they were. In other words Fire and Movement tactics. The most basic infantry drill since the First World War!
  21. Infantry are good in suitable terrain such as urban warfare, trenches etc. And you need them to clear defended positions. And unlike tanks the infantry won't reverse out of sight when lased. They will often have ATGMs or Light anti ak weapos so they are more than capable of taking on enemy armour succesfully. You just have to work out how to use them as part of the combined arms packge on the modern battlefield. That means using them in suitable terrain such as woods and built up areas. Out in the open infantry that are not dug in or supported effectively by armoured support will stand little chance. So don't put them in that position!
  22. And so the world ended! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VG2aJyIFrA
  23. http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/land/army/2015/02/19/russia-armor-tank-ukraine-europe-poland-baltics-abrams-bradley/23555365/
  24. That only works if conventional detterrance works - as it did during the Cold War. During the 1980s ubnder Margaret Thtcher Britain re-armed and re-equipped the amed forces. That is when tanks like Challenger I came into service
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