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Posts posted by Buzz

  1. Aris will (I hope) be back for Gustav. I have most if not all Aris mods for Terrain, effect, Vehicles, for CMBN/CW & CMFI. Some of Aris work looks fantastic in CMSF MAC as well.

    Phil's point is important. Artwork for a module or title on a deadline... produce textures for EVERYTHING, to the style defined by management, and on a schedule = Full Time Work+. Based on what Aris has created, I am sure he has the talent but maybe not the inclination but the wisdom to know what he wants.

    The CM modding community has a rather impressive and enthusiastic collection of talent. I certainly enjoy modifying my CMXX# game experiences. I even have Z folders for specific scenarios, theaters I can swap out. Example... "The complete Eurofacation of CMSF" is a blast and maybe a tease at what is coming soon... CM: Shock Force 2 "a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine."

  2. So how is CMSF2 going to model Drones?

    Do we know that it will? Drones are not really a high intensity war platform. For any first-world military with a modern air force and air defense system they would be fairly easy to shoot down. But if they were included I would think that it would function similar to any other airstrike except probably more precise.

    We don't know if CMSF2 going to model Drones. I hope it does model Drones for completeness. I was wondering about the information gathering modeling as well as the more precise airstrike possibilities.

  3. Probably shoot down a few Israeli jets. Or at least try.

    Probably why the Israeli jets blew up SA-17s 1st?

    I think with our "sequester" US is moving 1 Carrier out of the Gulf but Gen. James Mattis assured the Senators we had enough people and equipment to execute any military options required and we (as well as our regional partners) are keeping "very close" observation of who is doing what in and around Syria and Iran as well.

    So how is CMSF2 going to model Drones?

  4. Gen. James Mattis was subsequently fired for saying that. At least the second and probably the third flag officer to get McArthur'ed over Iran.

    Technically everyone was congratulating Gen. James Mattis on his "retirement" The General was (under oath I assume) unequivocal and very clear that is what he was told by a leader of Sunni Arab state.

    His answers to the questions about a singular Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear development were essentially Israel AND Sunni Arab states are NOT going to stand by and watch Iran nuke up. The US may be involved in a strike but may not as well.

    Gen. James Mattis response to the what about the WMD aka Chemical Weapons was pretty clear. We can expect this to occur and we can try to disrupt it but we can not stop it.

  5. Caught part of some "Incredible Footage" this AM on C-Span. Marine Gen. James Mattis, commander, U.S. Central Command, & Navy Adm. William McRaven, commander, U.S. Special Operations Command in*Senate Armed Services committee hearing on Capitol Hill.

    Some interesting comments. As for the Chemical weapons in Syria.... "We (US) can disrupt the movement but we can't prevent or stop dispersal of chemical weapons from Syria."

    *The*Israeli airstrike in Syria in January is said to have targeted a shipment of SA-17 missiles headed for Lebanon (Shia).*Hizbullah has Chemical Weapons but*lack a delivery system (like*SA-17 missiles) but the real player will be whomever captures the Chemical Weapons 1st. Rebels can sell to the highest bidders. Extremists simply move it up the food chain to be used in their next "ground zero" in their own war.**

    Marine Gen. James Mattis said he had personally been assured by a leader of Sunni Arab state (most likely Saudi Arabia) that they WILL develop their own nuclear weapons if Iran (Shia) is allowed to develop theirs.*He went on to say "2013 will be the year of reckoning with Iran."

    As incredible as the footage from Syria has been, it may become the B-Movie before years end.

  6. Obviously, you've never enjoyed the pleasures of sitting in the piazza of small Italian town, nestled at the foot of the alps with snow-capped mountains loaming over everything, warmed at your table by the sunlight and a bottle of robust chianti which fairly begs to be quaffed, reading something suitably academic, all while admiring the wonderfully athletic legs exhibited by the women walking about the town. Steep hills and high heels have a wonderful effect on the female form; far more aerobically challenging than hopping on a machine at a gym.

    I'm sorry. Were we talking about snow?

    :D c3k. You must have visted Milan as well. Beautiful "architecture" in the steep hills and high heels :D ... and we were talking about snow.

  7. I had the impression they set up cameras on fixed mounts at extreme zoom focal lengths and operated them remotely - so somewhat safer for the operators.

    Yes they did in the long video. The shorter version with 2 tanks firing at the building that the hand held operator was filming from the upper window & "praying" was a bit risky. Great footage but if the tanks can elevate their guns that high no footage!

  8. Baxter state park in Maine has some fairly rugged climbs. Some sections are very steep but I don't remember any in a week of hiking we did that approached 45 degrees. Some of the boulder scrambles getting up to the top of Katahdin may have been close :confused: but these were literally foot hold boost up and on the upper boulder and no one was shooting at us.:) We just had day packs no lugging battle equipment. Add weather like a thunderstorm and almost zero visibility (like when we came down off the top of Katahdin) and no one shooting at us :) it makes one appreciate just how difficult Mountain fighting is. Then think back to WWII and the high tech "body armor" these folks didn't have. Get wounded on the side of a 45 degree slope and you don't get a air lifted off the side of the 45 degree slope.

  9. So I haven't played CM since CMAK and I just got a brand new Mac this week.

    So tell me, should I start out in Italy, or backtrack to Normandy first?

    You could get both. You would not be disappointed with either.

    If you have not tried CMSF it is now available for Mac. CMSF2 will come out but there is so much material in CMSF-MAC now you will not be played out before CMSF2 comes out. Modern is pretty cool especially on a Mac.

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