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Posts posted by Buzz

  1. Moon has told us the setting for CM:SF II is a conflict between modern day Russia and NATO in the Ukraine. I'd like to hear people's thoughts on what the entire Family -Base game and modules- might consist of, and in what order you'd like to see the various forces appear.

    Here is my list of the Main contenders:

    Russian Army

    US Army

    Ukranian Army

    Russian Airborne forces

    Ukranian Airborne forces

    US Marines

    Polish Army

    German Army

    British Army

    My GUESS for the initial game is the US, Russian, and Ukrainian Armies with Russian and Ukrainian Airborne forces appearing in a later module (US Airborne/Light infantry, already having been done for CMSF can appear in the initial game).

    Good question Sequoia.

    I would like to see all of the Main contenders.

    Order -

    US Army

    US Marines

    Russian Army

    Russian Airborne forces

    Ukranian Army

    Ukranian Airborne forces

    British Army

    German Army

    Polish Army

  2. Can't view videos out here in the woods as internet is way to slow.

    Some of the hits I have seen in the videos before concur with "if you keep popping out from the same corner..." your probability of getting hurt and or worse increases a lot. When you add the armor / RPGs / HMGs and occasional fanatical "aggressive action" all in very close quarters .... nasty combat for sure.

  3. "minestrone" preorder made with the house weeks ago. I am also getting that tingly feeling way out here in Rural America.... Home of the Brave, Land of the Free and very sloooow satellite internet. So if Mama's minestrone is ready for Mother's Day ... tingly feeling.... I can watch those small packets dribble ever so slowly from the heavens onto my MBP while fighting in CMSF :D

  4. 8-12 KM is a BIG map. Big Maps can be fun wit the right equipment. 4X4 KM is about the maximum I have fired up in CMSF now (I think) and that is plenty big for a good fight with modern equipment.

    I do not think CMSF-2 will go that big. That would almost be another CM game.

    If Russia is heading into Ukraine they would not be as air defense countermeasure heavy being mobile and on the attack I would think.

  5. Faster movement on roads. I´ve noticed curves slow down a lot the speed of vehicles. Perhaps a new special order to travel by roads is required (it could also avoid traffic jams).

    The tedious corner plotting is not too much in a tiny urban scenario. Make the same urban scenario HUGE and it gets time consuming.To be fair... "avoid traffic jams" hot key would be another AI calculation that serious grogs may not desire.

  6. Thanks YankeeDog.

    You obviously know more detail about modern technology. Thanks for you clarification and detail. I was just joking about using the the F-22 vs. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.... "they would not be the ones dropping pickles in buckets." :)

    My fault for not making my F-22 vs. AQIM comment clear.

    I do hope F-22s are included in CMSF-2.

  7. YankeeDog... Personally, I can see some potential in very short, simple campaigns comprised of less than a half dozen scenarios, really representing an extended battle lasting a day or so...

    This is more to my time commitment capability and personal preference.

    It seems some serious players that have the time would enjoy multi person mega games and if I had the time and someone spent a lot of time constructing one, it could be fun.

    I was wondering about the CMSF-2 Editor and what enhanced features specific to "... a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine...." Having ..." a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen...." there should be some significant Editor enhancements.

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