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Battlefront Repository

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Everything posted by Battlefront Repository

  1. Monty’s Butchers is a scenario to be played with the CW module. It is a large scale battle on a large map. Best played turn based British player vs German AI or Head to Head. It can be played real time but it is fast paced and hard to be everywhere at once. However, it is by far the most challenging. The scenario takes place in August of 1944. Operation Tractable has begun and Monty’s Butchers need to secure the flank. The town of Grimbosq is the key! More...
  2. A Canadian LAVIII platoon under its way to a presence patrol comes under fire from a village. A hasty attack is due. You are playing V0.9 of this scenario. This scenario will be updated depending on the amount of downloads and feedback that I receive. Known issue at the time of release is scoring not really balanced.Comments/Suggestions/Feedback at realandsimulatedwars@gmail.com More...
  3. This is a patch for the CMFI official campaign "Conrath's Counterattack." The primary purpose of this patch was to fix the Decision Point bug, but several minor balance tweaks have also been made. Please leave feedback on the Battlefront forums: http://www.battlefront.com/community More...
  4. 4 decal options for Tigers in Sicily,Tunisia and Northern Italy from s.Pz.Abt. 504 and s.Pz.Abt. 508. Stock textures improved/modified in contrast, saturation, sharpening and detail. Weathering added. More...
  5. Small infantry battle on a tiny new map. Single player scenario. Allied Only. 82nd Airborne specialist platoons move to capture objectives across the Salito River Bridge. More...
  6. France 2 capitals, Norway 2 capitals, units Waffenn SS, Ukrania, Belgiun in Congo, Belarús, Britis west Africa, Goberment of Nankin, many decisions. Fight, fight, fight. More...
  7. Gridded terrain files for all roads in CMFI for near views using the default CMFI terrain files (CMFI V1.00) based on a 4m grid. More...
  8. Translucent Trees for both near and far trees, with three different transparency options. More...
  9. Gridded terrain files based on a 2m grid for all ground terrain in CMBN for both near and far views, based on the Default Terrain. More...
  10. This mod will replace the game's stock bear claw unit bases with a hex shaped alternative. More...
  11. Gridded terrain files for all ground terrain in CMBN for both near and far views using the default CMFI terrain files (CMFI V1.00) Note the only change in this file was to update the name to distinguish between the 2m and 4m gridded mods. More...
  12. Gridded terrain files for all road terrain in CMFI for near views using the default CMFI terrain files (CMFI V1.00). Note the only change in this file was to update the name to distinguish from the mod with the 4m grid. More...
  13. Gridded terrain files for all ground terrain in CMBN for both near and far views using the default CMFI terrain files (CMFI V1.00) based on a 4m grid. More...
  14. These floating icons are based on the US Army's tactical symbols used during the Second World War. More...
  15. Gridded terrain files for all ground terrain in CMBN for both near and far views, based on the Default Terrain. More...
  16. Gridded terrain files for all ground terrain in CMBN for both near and far views, based on the Aris Terrain Mods. More...
  17. Gridded terrain files for all ground terrain in CMBN for both near and far views using the default CMFI terrain files (CMFI V1.00) More...
  18. Gridded terrain files for all road terrain in CMFI for near views using the default CMFI terrain files (CMFI V1.00) More...
  19. This mod will replace the game's stock bear claw unit bases with a hex shaped alternative. More...
  20. Situation: June 1944… D-Day, Operation Bagration, The Marianas Turkey Shoot, The Warsaw Uprising are all in progress or about to kick off.New Decision Events…-Operation Ichi-Go: The historical attack into southern China, or use the units to reinforce the Pacific front. -Reform the Chinese army: A very expensive DE, but adds units to the Burma theater.-Kamikazes: As the USN gets closer to the Japanese home islands the Japanese can opt to use greater numbers of Kamikazes. More...
  21. A campaign for Combat Mission Afghanistan. Use your abilities to lead mechanized Afghan forces with assistance from the Soviet air-support against the Mujahideen. More...
  22. This is the Round 3 scenario from "The Farm" tournament. H2H only, no AI plans. More...
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