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Battlefront Repository

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Everything posted by Battlefront Repository

  1. In addition to seeing action in the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Spanish Civil War, the Slovak-Hungarian War, and the Anglo-Iraqi War, the L3 was used almost everywhere that Italian troops fought during World War II. L3s were found on the Italian/French border, North Africa, Italian East Africa, the Balkans, USSR, Sicily, and Italy.4 decal options and TONs of dust and sand. More...
  2. PzKpfw III Ausf N tanks were used for close support role. They were either assigned to Tiger Battalions (sPzAbt/sSSPzAbt) as a way to protect them from enemy infantry or to Panzer-Grenadier Divisions. Photoreal samples of mud, a LOT OF dust, stains and Hi-Res Photoshop brushes were used to mod this vehicle. 3 Decal Options. BONUS folder with 4 alternative Splash Screens. Really hope you like it. Enjoy! More...
  3. A large map (3k wide, 2k deep) based on google earth to the East of Menfi. The map is centred on fertile river plain which is heavily cultivated, but surrounded by high ground.The river can be forded by vehicles and man in many place given its shallow nature.No units or AI plans, just a map More...
  4. This is a 320x320 map. A hamlet is located on a small wooded hill. both forces must capture it. 4 houses totalling 50pts each. Designed for short, bloody and decisive actions. Basic brutal AI plans for bonth sides, H2H preferrable More...
  5. This QB map presents small area southeast village Tracy-bocage (scale more or less 1:1). More...
  6. Contains terrain and building mods for Pacific island jungle terrain, specific to my Makin Atoll scenario. Mods trees, bushes, undergrowth and bocage, as well as background sounds and horizon. More...
  7. Turns Syrian Reservists and Militia, Infantry, Tank crews and AFV crews into street clothes wearing fighters. Combine this with my Mixed Combatants mod and you have a nice recipe for civil war type scenarios (Vs Syrian Mech, Guards, Airborne or SF) or insurgent fighters who have gotten their hands on some better weaponry. More...
  8. 12/20/43 (Historical, Huge). A reinforced battalion of US 27th ID must cross an open reef to secure a beachhead in the Japanese fortified zone of Makin Atoll. Play US or H2H only. For best results, install the Pacific Terrain, Japanese Forces and LVT Alligator CW mods uploaded by LongLeftFlank. More...
  9. This quick mod replaces the Canadian M5 halftrack wireframe and textures with the body of a British M7 Priest (with no main gun) to resemble a LVT Alligator amtrac. There are some visual oddities. More...
  10. Mods wireframes, uniforms, weapons, faces and voices to roughly convert British infantry to Japanese SNLF (CoonDog and Permanent666, adjusted by me). Does the same for SS infantry except for the voices. More...
  11. This is just a plain map 1km by 1km based on Google Earch images of Sicily East of Gela. The map is centred around the location: Lat: 37° 3'30.19"NLong: 14°22'26.46"EA view from the bridge overlooking the creek: One of the vine yards near the road: Intersection between SS115 and a secondary road. Over view of the area: More...
  12. This mod contains modified files to make the foliage on brush translucent for all three types of near brush. More...
  13. This is a 1km X 1km map based on a rural area East of Gela. I used Google Earth images to build the map features and contours. The location of the map is centred around lat 37° 3'30.19"N long 14°22'26.46"E.The area features several hills a creak and a bridge as sell as many small farms, orchards and vineyards. More...
  14. US Army Rangers have to clear pillboxes at the northern edge of Gela. Allied Human vs Axis Computer only. More...
  15. This mod contains modified files to make the foliage on brush translucent for all three types of near brush. More...
  16. Enhanced version of the M5A1 weathered in a more "Sicilian" fashion. More...
  17. I wanted to change the smoke of the explosions to be a little more realistic and try so to make the game a bit more immersive.Tell me what you think More...
  18. Updated M3 Halftrack (White Scout Car ingame) for CMFI. No decals, many more weathering effects applied. Interior floors and seats retextured, gear and ropes modified too. More...
  19. This is a completely new, Pea Dot skin for the Waffen SS infantry only. Returning to a more traditional colour tone, and pattern, identified with the M43 PeaDotz: Tan, Brown, and Black. Place the SS_Infantry_PeaDot_Camo.brz file in the ""Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\DATA\Z"" folder. If you do not have a Z folder then create one for this and any future mod. More...
  20. Monty’s Butchers is a scenario to be played with the CW module. It is a large scale battle on a large map. Best played turn based British player vs German AI or Head to Head. It can be played real time but it is fast paced and hard to be everywhere at once. However, it is by far the most challenging. The scenario takes place in August of 1944. Operation Tractable has begun and Monty’s Butchers need to secure the flank. The town of Grimbosq is the key! More...
  21. A Canadian LAVIII platoon under its way to a presence patrol comes under fire from a village. A hasty attack is due. You are playing V0.9 of this scenario. This scenario will be updated depending on the amount of downloads and feedback that I receive. Known issue at the time of release is scoring not really balanced.Comments/Suggestions/Feedback at realandsimulatedwars@gmail.com More...
  22. This is a completely new, Pea Dot skin for the Waffen SS infantry only. Returning to a more traditional colour tone, and pattern, identified with the M43 PeaDotz: Tan, Brown, and Black. Place the SS_Infantry_PeaDot_Camo.brz file in the ""Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\DATA\Z"" folder. If you do not have a Z folder then create one for this and any future mod. More...
  23. A miniature version of Arnhem, British airborne forces must capture and hold two key bridges until an armoured force breaks through. Play as Allies vs AI. More...
  24. This mod will replace the game's stock bear claw unit bases with a hex shaped alternative. More...
  25. In This first Scenario, X Force 4th Ranger Battalion assaults coastal defenses upon landing on beaches directly in front of Gela. More...
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