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Posts posted by Frankster65

  1. I plan to have a PBEM going in each one to keep variety, and because they are both unique. I don't see CMSF whithering away. In some ways I still like it better than CMBN in that the combat in CMSF is more fluid. Plus modern as many cool weapons to play with. Once you use M32's MK19's, and javalins it is a little hard to give up those technologies. Bottom line though is ITS ALL GOOD!

    +2 Absolutely true. I'm currently playing an amazing mission in single player titled A River Runs Through It. I'm playing as the US Marines. In that mission, you get a couple of foot mobile TOW launcher sections. I didn't even know they were in the Marine TO&E or in the game. Very cool to watch in action. The detail of the equipment is superb!

  2. I sure hope so...because as much as I LOVE WWII...I find modern to be very fun with it's own unique set of challenges...it'd be a shame to have CMSF totally whither on the vine. I like having all these different games to bounce back and forth between...different flavors for different moods.Mord.

    +2 I don't think it will whither Mord. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said it has its own unique challenges and game style. Personally, I think that CMBN is bringing new people into the fold so to speak and those new guys will eventually check out CMSF.

  3. I think things will perk up around here when the new patch comes and people are finally able to go through the campaigns.

    I agree. I know at least 5 people I usually play PBEMs with who are waiting for the patch to come out regarding NATO missions. We play everthing else but stay away from NATO until certain issues are fixed. There is still plenty of fun and missions to go around with the other modules IMHO. Also, I myself have been working on some missions I had on hold so it keeps me busy.

  4. I've been playing CMSF since the beginning and I am not sick of it...barely messed with the NATO module because I've been waiting on the patch...so it's gonna feel real new again once that happens.


    Yeah, same here. I'm still playing CMSF and absolutely loving it. I have only stayed away from NATO module (have it installed though) due to the bugs and am awaiting patch. Both series, CMSF and CMBN will be on my hard-drives for years to come.

    Both are unique in their feel and style of play.

  5. A most interesting read indeed. 2011 will see them in the headlines more often I suspect. I've been working on a mission in the editor for some time now, actually just the map right now. The idea was to create a mission where the Syrians were attacking an area where the PKK is held up. Syria has better relations now with Turkey due to their cracking down on PKK groups in northern Syria. With the new headlines, I may have to change the focus of my mission yet again.

  6. I play with Iron rules only. I would like to do a turn a day if possible, minimum is one turn per week. I have all the modules. I play any side. Usually set up will involve one player picking the scenario while the other then picks his side. I'm looking for someone who is mature and will actually finish what he starts.

    PM me if you are interested.

  7. Thanks for the suggestion i will use that in future battles :). However if you want to get a whole platoon to hold it's fire do you still have to set covered arcs to each sub unit rather than selecting the whole platoon and set them to hold fire. I still think the command should be considered for future combat mission games.

    All you have to do is double click on the platoon leader team and the whole platoon will be highlighted. Set covered arc for the platoon leader team and the whole platoon has the same cover arc for each sub unit. The same principle goes for company wide cover arcs all way up to battalion.

  8. Part of this problem is that often the motivation level of Blue forces are set really high, while the motivation of Red forces are low. Even when you select the Syrian Spec Ops. It evens out once you a) change the bonuses of the leaders to be equal B) keep your forces in command c) set every attribute (experience, fitness, morale AND motivation) to equal.

    Yeah, I have to agree with this. It has been my experience that many of the earlier missions made by the mission designers had the Red forces so handicapped in terms of experience and morale you really couldn't do anything with them...you just tried to make it as hard as you could for your blue opponant who had that big advantage in weapons, experienced troops and morale. Of course this was probably very realistic as we've seen in the recent wars.

    With the later modules, there were more scenarios which had come out where Red forces became more on par with the Blue forces. The maps or terrain the scenario was based on was better, more defensivable, the Red forces better quality weapons and equipment, better experience and morale. I've fought some excellent battles to a standstill, if not eek out a victory in PBEM playing some of these as Red forces commander.:)

  9. As a member of "The Blitz" I can attest to the quality of the people over there. I've had many a PBEM game with some serious wargamers who love to talk history while trading PBEM fire over well made scenarios. I'm happy to report that members seem to be taking a very postive view of BF's CMBN. There are some superb AARs posted over at the Blitz (not for CMBN yet), but for Tiller Operational Games and the old CMx1 series. Looking at them will give you a good sense of the seriousness of this wargaming community.

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