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Posts posted by Frankster65

  1. I would also like an update on this. Having just watched a BBC documentary about the entire British involvement in Helmand, from the "Platoon Houses" of 2006 through to the "Clear, Hold, Build" doctrine of today, I would love someone to do a campaign using all these mods.

    For a Helmand campaign you could do a traditional campaign involving a single British Infantry company on its 6 month tour in the country, or you could forget about casualties carrying over and do more of a historical campaign. This would be my personal choice.

    A historical campaign would span the entire length of the conflict: 16 Air Assault in first couple of scenarios, Royal Marine Commandos in the next set, The Grenadier Guards in the next, 2 Rifles in another, etc.

    The aim of such a campaign would be to provide a history lesson covering Britain's involvement in Helmand from 2006 to today, with scenarios typifying the kind of engagements at that time, rather than leading the same force through several battles.

    Excellent idea! Two thumbs up!

  2. I downloaded all on the list that are combatible for me (base + marines), but could not find any of the USMC ones listed in the repository.

    I don't know why that would be. I believe though that the ones I listed USMC are actually those which came with the Marines module. If you still cannot find them...PM your email address and I'll send them to you.

  3. A poster was asking for opinions on good meeting engagements scenarios with respect to H2H play. I've listed a number of excellent, balanced scenarios that I've played with other opponants. Note: Only a few of these are meeting engagements though. By balanced, I mean scenarios where the red force player actually has a chance to win the scenario due to various factors including but are not limited to higher level experienced red force TO&Es and excellent defendable terrain.

    Others in this community are encouraged to add their favorites to the list. Remember, we are looking for balanced scenarios.

    Armour Attacks v10

    Clear the Way

    Cry Havoc v05

    Eid Offensive-Red vs Red

    Just Another Day v01

    Strengh and Faith-Red vs Red

    UK Battlegroup Attacks

    UK Armoured Assault

    UK British Mettle

    UK Cain and Abel

    UK Outmaneuvered

    UK The Crucible

    USMC A River Runs Through It

    USMC Clean Sweep VII

    I will add more as I have time and when I've played them.

  4. If anyone knows of some good HvH meeting engagment maps/senarios I would apreciate some recommendations. It seems there is nothing beyond attack/defend battles out there. I prefer ME battles because they are more dynamic. Both players must attack/defend simutanously. I have not played any ME fights in this, but did in Cmx1. Looking for one to play a friend against.

    Sgt Joch is right. Anything by GeorgeMc is perfect. Also, off the top of my head, try out "Outmanuevered." It is a UK mission which is a meeting engagement. Chainsaw and I had a good fight with respect to that one as well.

  5. Can you let us know on the forum which scenarios are good for H2H in your experience?

    I found a lot of scenarios - though interesting against the AI, where I don't mind winning easily - to be unbalanced for H2H. Though in general the NATO scenarios are a bit better in that respect than the old base game scenarios.

    Sure. Chainsaw and I have played through quite a few CMSF scenarios and there are a few I would indeed recommend. I'll post those here in the next few days for people to view.

  6. Another way to do it, particularly if you want to have something like a company only and do not want the battalion HQ is to make the battalion HQ a reinforcement and have it come into the game well past the scenario time limit. This works with platoons as well when you only want a platoon in game but have C2 with the Company HQ off map.

  7. +2 to Mengjiao. How they did it with CMSF was to keep adding small additional vehicles with each new module. Little extras which were included in the new module which of course introduced new TO&Es. It is not a sure thing but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some of those "out of way" vehicles and equipment with each new module. By the time the fourth module for CMBN series is here, we'll have a well rounded toybox.


  8. Would it be possible to replace the CMSF terrain tiles with those of CMBN?

    I’ve got CMSF and the Brit module and I feel an affinity with the modern Orbats and equipment, but the dratted desert landscape really gets me down. I can almost smell the dog crap and bad drains as I patrol down an alleyway. I don’t have the NATO module, but would definitely consider buying it if I could pick and dump the landscape tiles and run a CMBN with Leopards, Challengers and M1’s.

    I owned the CMBO, CMBB and DAK games prior to CMSF, but I'm convinced it was the lethality of the weapons in CMSF that taught me the patience that's required in CMBN.

    There are some excellent maps out there TrailApe which in my view are not desert, probably more coastal type of flora. For example; have you taken a look at the scenario "A River Runs Through It?" Lots of trees in that one. Also the scenario "Cry Havoc" is a good one. No desert in there as well. My point is there are some serioudly good map makers in this community who have made some seriously good non-desert maps.

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