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Posts posted by Frankster65

  1. Yes, I am posting on the outer board. I always promise myself it will be the last time.

    You know that scene in Zero Dark Thirty when they are in the chopper going to clip OBL? And the lead Sgt (whatever) asks "who here has been in a chopper crash" and all the hands begrudgingly go up? That is pretty much the response you would get in the CM Beta forum if you asked "who here has been in a firefight".

    Do we all agree on the issue at hand? No,been a debate for about 15 years. But here is one thing most will agree on; nobody "does" what another someone staring from the sky think one should do in a fire fight. One could argue the name of the entire game is to position yourself so that the enemy and not you is reacting to fire.

    Paraphrasing Rommel "if they hit the beach we are in trouble". Same can be said for combat in general. If your little guys are caught in any other position other than cover when the steel starts flying you are in real trouble...so avoid it. It isn't AI it is crappy tactics (in game and in RL). Guys dismount out of a IFV into an open street directly into fire...they are more justified in questioning the commanders "AI" than we are of theirs. I could go on about "when someone gets hit" but no need to really dig that up except to say again no real way to predict.

    Last point, take a look at history and casualty rates of any given action. Then compare to a CM body count, CM's will be much, much higher. Why? Because in RL soldiers (even US) are much less likely to follow amateur and sucidal orders...you know, like the ones we give every game.

    Want perfect control? Go play chess.


    Spot on! 

  2. How true. Taking pictures of the action is great but sometimes I really enjoy just watching the behind the scenes stuff too.


    I've always liked this myself as well.  I particularly like watching the troops move up to their jump off positions if I'm available to do that in a particular scenario.  Gives me perspective in terms of how big my force really is and how it might have looked in the real world war.  Let me explain; I like many here I'm sure read a lot of military history books.  In those books you might come across a description of a "battalion" moving up into positions and assaulting the ENY.  Well, I had always wondered back then how big really is a battalion of troops?  In some very large scenarios where one gets to play with a battalion of troops, this game can show you just how big that actually is.  And IMHO there is nothing more powerful than a visual example.  You know the old saying...a picture is worth a thousand words.


    This game and its precursor (CMx1) really hammered home the saying above.  My first experience of this was with the CMBB demo.  In that demo, there was a huge scenario of one of the Kursk tank battles.  You had a tank battalion to play with in that demo scenario.  I remember in the set-up phase just moving my view all over the place, viewing the German armored battle group from various positions and being in absolute awe.  So that's what a tank battalion looks like I thought.  Wow!  That is powerful and fearful looking like I read in the books.  This game shines with that kind of experience.  So many more examples I could go into and of course when the lead starts flying...what a game!

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