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Posts posted by kevinkin

  1. Steve


    I truly understand the point you are making in the drunk driving analogy above. It's just the loss of life touches many families including mine.

    Perhaps another example would have been more appropriate. Society may not consider all drunk drivers "evil", which is true. But don't ask the families

    that will never be the same.   



  2. Jason


    Nice to see some of the doctrine we all read about put into CM perspective. Thanks for the OOB and timing above. I would imagine this force would be for the latter part of a Soviet breakthrough transitioning into a full exploitation? If correct, what type of field fortifications would a designer place in their path to support the Germans. Would remaining German trenches and mine fields be well to the rear leaving just quickly dug foxholes and perhaps some wire?



  3. Womble. The player did have to be careful when forming up and make sure their troops stayed in cover. MadMinute was only real time so the command was important to use. But the distances and automatic weapons make disengagements nasty in CM. Not to mention command and control over more spread out units compared to say Gettysburg et.al.

  4. Womble you're right that guilty might be too strong. Perhaps obsessed.


    Given much of our readings on military history outline alternate courses for the subject events, it's natural these courses become part of wargaming. They really become interesting when the historical stakes are very high. With Combat Mission, the player can play out some key parts of critical battles But generally the tactical level is suited to understanding how to achieve a positive local result with weapons and terrain at hand. One great thing about a well trafficked forum like this is there are many interested in history in general and that makes for topics not really related to the details of playing Combat Mission. Like in this forum, the east front WWII as a whole.     



  5. You can search on the Natziger Series of paperbacks from a retail point of view. I am sure there are others of interests in print.


    Also, right here at BF:


    These forums are also a good starting point.



    PS I have TM- 30 - 340. Perhaps you made a typo Kip?

  6. So if all paths after Barbarossa lead to Germany's eventual demise, wargaming battles and operations on the east front and west front afterwards is largely irrelevant I suppose. There is fun and lessons to be learned at the tactical level but that's pretty much it. And I would agree the ground war was decided with the

    victories of Bagration and Overload. I generally do not game beyond those time points myself. Anyway, It seems we agree around May 42 was one key timepoint for decision in the East. As Yogi said: when you come to a fork in the road - take it. For the Germans, any path leads to destruction. With hindsight we know this is be pretty certain, but at the time it was not so certain for those responsible for planning and recommendations to Hitler.


    Back to the start. If we put hindsight aside and "sit" at the war game table after 2nd Karkov sipping French brandy, how would the folks here proceed in the East?  It's just about the summer and a decision is required.



  7. I am not saying that the entire German Staff thought the war lost. It's just not inconceivable that a faction would have advocated a different strategic direction after the Soviets failed in their spring 42 offensive. Sure, that faction may never ever have convinced Hitler to stop attacking. But if they did, would it have prolonged the war to a point were a very uneasy peace would settle on the East? And what would that "peace" look like.



  8. But again at the time, May 42, not all of this stuff was known to the German Generals. And the notion of a pack with the west must have been making the

    circuit. It's just an option to save their people after realizing the outcome of Barbarossa - that's all.



  9. The way I have seen it over the years changes need to be "cool", fairly easy to implement code wise, enhance gameplay, and are overlooked features.

    BTW the MadMinute Civil War games had a "form up on me" command that was great. In these real time sims you could concentrate attacking in one sector, hold in the others, hit "form up" and then fight in the areas holding. When you go back and look the units are formed and skirmishing. Ready for human commands again.




    PS Any single thread related to community ideas re: improvements? 

  10. Hess's flight has been seen as a possible overture to the West. Will never know if it was personal or he was the "front man".

    The nature of the post is to put yourself in the lead of German armed forces after the Soviets failed May 42. Perhaps surrender should be another option - but what fun is that to consider.



    American journalist H. R. Knickerbocker, who had met both Hitler and Hess, speculated that Hitler had sent Hess to deliver a message informing Winston Churchill of the forthcoming invasion of the Soviet Union, and offering a negotiated peace or even an anti-Bolshevik partnership.[73] Soviet leader Joseph Stalin believed that Hess's flight had been engineered by the British. Stalin persisted in this belief as late as 1944, when he mentioned the matter to Churchill, who insisted that they had no advance knowledge of the flight.[74]

  11. Why would we have done that?

    Well, there was an anti-communist movement in the West. Churchill and the flight of Hess etc.. Stalin at least as evil as Hitler and the Germans historically more aligned with the west. Not a likely switch looking at the situation now. But at the time an opportunity the German high command must have dreamed about after the fact after the Sixth Army was lost. If only Hitler were out the way they must have wondered.


  12. Sorry ... it was late.

    Let's take the 3 squads in a German rifle platoon and split one on the squads. Given the resulting fire power and

    maneuverability (or lack thereof) is it best to use the full squads as a base of fire or the split squads?

    I ask since I rarely split units but feel I am missing a tactical opportunity. I know the devil is in the details but in thismost simple case it appears the splits move to flank the enemy.


  13. I tend to agree with you which is why I mentioned a temporary stalemate and east front arms race. Perhaps the war would have been longer with the West changing sides to support the Germans. But one could also argue that the German's only hope was to keep attacking to prevent Soviet strategic reformation.


  14. Holien

    I too thank you for the post. A lot of work goes into campaigns and if true that they are sometimes impacted due to engine updating we need to know. I think even small OOB changes (omissions) can have a big impact on balance and playability. Has BF commented on the observations made? I am working on a campaign right now - as are others. Should we stop and wait to

    make sure the designs will remain as intended?


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