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Posts posted by kevinkin

  1. Task: Design a Combat Mission Red Thunder scenario OOB where the Soviets attack the Germans in company strength. Each side has a platoon of tanks. Year is 1944. Weather is Hot. Terrain is rolling hills.

    Generic and not perfect but pretty interesting. 

    Here is a possible Combat Mission Red Thunder scenario Out of Bounds (OOB) where the Soviets attack the Germans in company strength. The scenario is set in 1944, during the summer, with hot weather and a rolling hills terrain. Each side has a platoon of tanks.

    The scenario is set on a hilly terrain with some wooded areas, fields, and a few small villages. The map should be around 1000x1000 meters.

    - 1x Company of infantry (around 120 men) equipped with Mosin-Nagant rifles and DP-28 machine guns, with a mix of PTRDs and AT grenades. They also have 1x platoon of T-34/85 tanks (3 tanks) in support.

    - 1x Company of infantry (around 120 men) equipped with Kar98k rifles and MG42 machine guns, with a mix of Panzerfausts and anti-tank grenades. They also have 1x platoon of Panzer IV H tanks (3 tanks) in support.

    The Soviets must attack and capture a key village defended by the Germans. The village is located in the center of the map and offers good cover and concealment for the defenders. The Soviets must capture and hold the village for 30 minutes to win the scenario. The Germans win if they manage to repel the Soviet attack or if they hold the village until the scenario time limit (60 minutes) expires.

    Initial Deployment:
    The Germans deploy their forces in and around the village, with the infantry occupying buildings and other cover and the tanks positioned on the flanks to provide fire support. The Soviets deploy on one side of the map, with their infantry spread out in a line and the tanks behind them.

    The Soviets must advance towards the village while avoiding the German defenses and suppressing their fire with their own weapons. The tanks should provide support and engage enemy positions, while the infantry clears buildings and other cover. The Soviets can use the cover of the woods and the rolling terrain to their advantage, and the AT weapons to take out the enemy tanks and infantry.

    The Germans must defend the village and use their superior defensive position to their advantage. They should use cover and concealment to avoid being spotted and hit by the Soviet tanks and infantry, and use their tanks to engage the Soviet armor and disrupt the Soviet advance. The infantry should hold their positions and use their MG42s and other weapons to suppress and eliminate the enemy infantry.

    The scenario should be balanced enough to provide a challenge for both sides, with the Soviets having an advantage in armor and firepower and the Germans having a better defensive position and heavier anti-tank capabilities. The scenario can be modified by adjusting the number and types of units, the map layout, and the victory conditions.

  2. https://armedforces.press/u-s-sends-hydra-70-rockets-to-ukraine-for-first-time-as-part-of-300-million-aid-package/

    I wonder if the UA has some novel way to deploy the hydra up its sleeve? 


    APKWS-guided rockets are effective against both stationary and moving soft and armoured targets. They can be fired from various platforms, including jets, helicopters, trucks, boats, and weapon stations, and stowed APKWS guidance kits, unlike nose-mounted seeker optics, protect seeker optics from adjacent rocket fire.

  3. 1 hour ago, sross112 said:

    Perun's last video was on hypersonic missiles. In it he talks about their development, cost, and use. The US had a program, but they ended it awhile back.

    I think they ended the boost-glide hypersonic since it was too hard to place on an airframe. But they are researching scram-jet hypersonic weapons: "scramjet-powered Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile, or HACM, program."



  4. Never saw a short order cook so mad. The Soup Nazi turned Ground Beef Nazi. Any Russian viewing all this has to be numb on some form of medication. Can you imagine the look on Xi's face when they show this latest from one of Putin's henchman. Is insanity a defense at a war crimes trial? If Xi thinks Ukraine-Russia just distracts the west to his advantage and is a large scale version of the Hatfields & McCoys, he better think again. His cute strategy is actually disgusting and could back fire big time.   

  5. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    does make sense.


    What puzzles me is the actual target itself. The Kremlin. You could pull off a Putin directed or wink of the eye attack on many other sites and still use that or those as an excuse to do anything against Ukraine. Put yourself in the place of the Russian he is trying to manipulate. "How does a slow moving piece of garbage low cost UAV get any where near the symbolic site of our glorious and would be empire?" Is Putin trying to replicate 9-11 emotions in Russia? Terrorist attack; they don't play fair. This one has a lot of fodder for all sort of speculation and maybe the Razor remains the best way to understand it right now. Which means we need to wait for Russia's response. 

  6. 5 hours ago, danfrodo said:

    But I wonder if we'll have a lot of "is this the big one?" days before we really see 'the big one'

    A lot and a lot has been written on the the "Expanding Torrent" System of Attack Against defense distributed in depth. Much of it has shorter rather than longer timeframes. However, the system may apply here over the next months of good weather. It starts with finding the enemy. For the UA that pretty much been completed, maybe with the exception of RA operational reserves (if there are any). Then to touch the enemy to find weak spots without giving away any particular direction. Grab prisoners and other intel to assess the RA moral at that point in the defense. Widen the gaps having established operational meaning. Then allow the built up potential energy to transition into kinetic energy utilizing mass and velocity (velocity having a speed and directional component). Use the kinetic energy to exploit to the depth of the defense. It's only the last step that may be noticeable as an offensive to traditional observers. Prior actions are subtle. The UA wants to keep Russia guessing until the last moment. Perhaps throw in a very noisy diversionary attack. The subtle moves are probably underway.  


  7. Russia is acting like the traditional bully again. Punch em in the noise and they scream bloody murder, then do nothing. Was thinking that if this type of attack across Russia and timed at critical points in the offensive might cause a lot of useful havoc (distraction). Look how they are reacting to a well placed pin prick?  Let's see if Russia releases a technical evaluation of the UAVs involved. 

  8. The bluster continues: 

    And the Speaker of the Russian parliament Vyacheslav Volodin - an intimate Putin ally - appeared to demand a nuclear strike on Ukraine.

    He raged: "An attack on the president is an attack on Russia.

    "There can be no negotiations. We will demand the use of weapons that are capable of stopping and destroying the Kyiv terrorist regime."

    Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev - now a top Putin security official - called for the "elimination" of Zelensky.

    In a chilling statement, he said: "After today’s terrorist attack, there are no options left except for the physical elimination of Zelensky and his cabal. 

    "It is not even needed to sign an act of unconditional surrender."


    Pro-Putin Just Russia party leader Sergey Mironov added: "This is the very real casus belli - a pretext for war.”

    He urged the “liquidation of Ukraine's terrorist top brass. We have something to hit their bunkers with.”

    Senior politician Alexei Zhuravlev urged: "It is necessary to target the centre of Kyiv. 

    “Destroy the president's office, destroy to the ground the [Ukrainian parliament], the general staff, and the buildings housing the Ukrainian special services.”

    MP Mikhail Sheremet said: “It's time to launch a missile strike on Zelensky's residence in Kyiv.”

  9. I don't know, Ukraine has been very industrious and might find a way to evade Russian AD including MANPADs in special situations. I think Ukraine has been using air assets in limited quantities at low level when they think it's safe to do so. But the lead time would not put A10s in combat anytime soon. 

  10. 42 minutes ago, Centurian52 said:

    (though I'll admit that some extreme right organizations, like Fox, may have an agenda).

    Same holds true for the left as well. But I am starting read about a new race to the center. Someone probably focus grouped and found the public is tuning out to obvious partisan reporting all over the airwaves. If the public tunes out, ad fees decrease. Not at all sure if that trend will hold up moving into 2024. But there is no way to grow market share if you continue to dish out the same product to the same people. And money is what it's all about. It's even second to trying to convince the electorate to vote one way or the other. I agree it would be best for reporters to stay in their lane. However, when to are commenting on public policy and how it is made, the reporter has to wear many hats. Many readers know how news rooms work and can see through lazy or biased reporting, but many also think Joe Scarborough is the second coming of Thomas Jefferson. 

  11. Under promise and over deliver is always a good thing when allowed to:


    Another one of those scenarios:


    Out of patience, a group of former senior diplomats last week urged chronically over-cautious western governments to finally “go all in” and provide better tanks, longer-range missiles and fighter aircraft “to pave the way to Ukrainian victory”. As Haass urged, “it’s time for the west to stop deterring itself”. But it may be too late. Too many politicians have dithered for too long.

    So everything rides on the coming offensive. Already dubbed “Ukraine’s longest day”, it could determine the country’s long-term relationship with both east and west. For now, Zelenskiy, backed by 64% of Ukrainians, is sticking, in public at least, to his maximalist position – that every last inch of occupied territory be liberated.

    Yet even as his troops move into position, Zelenskiy is surely aware of the rear echelon second-guessing and political calculation that is going on between allies behind his back. To end their pain and suffering, Ukrainians may soon be asked to swallow a very bitter pill.

  12. 33 minutes ago, billbindc said:

    would be Ukrainian units controlling the rest of Kherson, the entrance to the Crimean peninsula and then eastwards to the point at which the Kerch Bridge is in range of UA fires.

    That would be great. Maybe the UA just needs to demonstrate they can offensively maneuver where and when they choose without risking the trained troops and western equipment so diligently marshalled. I am one to recommend going for the jugular since opportunities can fade away unpredictably. That's why a purely military analysis can lead in one direction and a cautious geopolitical analysis another. But in the end, let the geopolitics fall where they may and get this God awful war over with. Maybe the west will get out of their playpen this summer and provide lethal assistance and demonstrate to Russian and yes China there is no point in holding Ukrainian territory. 

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