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Posts posted by kevinkin

  1. 2 hours ago, Centurian52 said:

    You don't really think that the Ukrainians should stop before driving the Russians out of all Ukrainian territory, do you?

    That depends on the manpower costs involved and the overall situation if and when Putin makes some kind of offer. Is taking back every inch of ground worth 10,000 more lives?. Or would something less than that allow Ukraine to rebuild, thrive and protect itself and retake what it might need at a later date. But this is not going to be an option until the UA takes back more of their country anyway. Destroys more of the RA and gets more equipment and training. I think no one is going to trust Russia. So I don't think the ex-ambassador added much. It goes without saying in other words. It would show more insight to say Ukraine should keep their strategic options open and best interests in mind. They will. Borders may nice to regain, but starting the rebuilding process might be better in the long run if everyone knows Russian lost big time. Symbols are nice, but maybe a more defensible border will require taking some Russian soil and in exchange for some Ukrainian soil. So the war does not have to stop exactly where it started. It stops when Russia is defeated. This approach it not passive nor aggressive, just practical. BTW, on another side topic, I saw folks are now thinking of the Israel type security model long term. Not sure if that is just a one off idea or serious. 

  2. OK thanks. I did see those and was not sure between them and the type I posted. An articulated vehicle like that was used in Greenland and across the north to build the DEW line. There are a couple a documentaries on building the DEW line at youtube. Some consider the line as big of a engineering challenge as Apollo. Probably not, but something to consider. It was a massive logistic challenge for sure. 

  3. 46 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    Russian Air Force

    I think we knew that tactically they have been a basket case for years. So, Russia likely took anything of quality (people equipment and airframes etc.. ) into reserve to maintain a strategic threat. NATO knows this and I think we will start seeing more UA close air support. This is a weakness Russia has that needs to be exploited. I posted a few days ago how attack choppers could be able to maneuver in high risk airspace. Using EW, you create brief corridors for raids. This tactic famously did not work in Iraq because (for some reason) attack choppers and SEAD were not part of the SOP. For those interested: 


  4. 18 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    Until attacker begin to collaspse house by house with thousands of artillery shells and heavy bombs

    Yes, that is deadly. And if surrounded the defender will surrender in place avoiding excessive losses. Well, if they are sane. I guess the question is if you have limited mobility where is the best place to survive; open ground or in a concrete building? No good has come from urban warfare, so being on foot and part of light infantry might be more survivable. Food, water and ammo being equal. But not using the tactics Russia has used. 

  5. Who would Zaluzhny be equal to in a historical sense? Marshall. Eisenhower. MacArthur etc. Or select those from other countries. He is not in a "ceremonial" position. But is he 100% military or does he have some political ambitions?  Yamamoto's death has been considered somewhat significant. Not sure what to make of this development. 


    10 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    I hope it has sunk in this time.

    Maybe send me a PM. I still don't know how my online posts the past 24 hours are causing such trouble compared to all the other posts I made over this war. And over the many years frankly. My posts are really benign in the scheme of things.  I am willing to learn unlike many. 

  7. Here  is the post that started all this and I can't believe these words created a mess:

    Or talking head? Give us a break. Please. If the deal looks good that means Putin is out. Take it. She is just another Princeton grad who knows little about the real world. I run into these freaks all the time.

     “If we just stop for a ceasefire, Russia wins because Russia has gained, illegally, territory that it has seized, and that is a problem,” Yovanovitch said. 

    And this is a person that might wear diapers to bed. Like POTUS. I hope the women has no influence on anything. 

    Perhaps harsh and mis-targeted humor. But there is nothing in these words that should cause the response I have been given by this community. Steve told me to cut it out. I did. Now I am responding to attacks on harmless words that I still stand by. Don't people have better things to do? I go back to Battlefront in 1999. Steve is very patient with advocates their product over the years. He knows I can be outspoken and can bring a different POV to any discussion. Let's leave it at that. 

    And Steve I just got your recent recco to me one minute ago. Well said.

  8. 2 minutes ago, billbindc said:

    logical fallacy

    Where was the discussion started? What was the logical fallacy? Don't hide behind other's words. Come to the thread armed to debate. If an 8th grader can mow a lawn, fix the sink, they can understand the basics of everything we are talking about with respect to war and how to conduct it. In fact, their out of the box ideas might be worth a listen to by the ossified brains in NATO. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, akd said:

    This was ignorant drivel:

    Show me the ignorance and drivel in that post please. If you disagree with the points, that is fine. I was not disrespectful to the forum. Foul language - no. Attacking people personality - no. Unless a peach is easily bruised. My view on the war is  consistent with almost everyone here. I just can express it in fewer words. Those words are at times off color. But we have heard at lot worse in this and other forums. 

  10. 51 minutes ago, billbindc said:

    It occurs to me that if you can explain nuclear deterrence on an 8th grade level, you aren't explaining nuclear deterrence.

    It's easy: if I poke you in the eye, I win. If you poke me in the eye, you win - maybe. If we both poke each other at the same time we both lose. Nuclear deterrence has been nothing other than a Mexican stand-off. The fear of losing outweighs the gains of perhaps winning. I demonstrated science and engineering as part community outreach. You would be surprised the light bulbs that go off when you keep things simple and hands on. I was never asked to explain nuclear deterrence. But if I was, my first demo would sound the school alarms and send the kids under their desks like we did in the 60's. Then explain how radiation penetrates surfaces and what they just did was fruitless.     

  11. 2 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

    You posted ignorant drivel, got called out, basically told the moderator to “shut up cause you can’t tell me what to do” like an over entitled millennial. And are now pushing post-truth fanboi lines like they are scripture.

    Show me the quote where that happened please. 

  12. 1 hour ago, The_Capt said:

    Now just for you - go look up Dunning-Kruger and think about it for awhile. And did you just walk into Steve’s house and tell him to shut up and sit down?  Seriously, how does that get right on any political spectrum?  And we are at Ignore.

    Maybe I could comment on the last two sentences if you could re-write them in a way that makes sense. I didn't walk into any house and tell anyone anything. BTW, ever heard of the idea that a little knowledge can be dangerous? There is another concept: if it takes countless paragraphs to make a position, there is no position to be made. Remember the NYTs is written at an 8th grade level. And if one can't explain an idea to a 8th grader, then the teacher does not know the subject. And there is the famous one liner: keep it simple stupid. 

  13. KYIV, May 20 (Reuters) - Ukraine's Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar said on Saturday the situation in Bakhmut was critical, with the Ukrainian troops maintaining a defence in the southwestern part of the city.

    "Heavy fighting in Bakhmut. The situation is critical," she said on the Telegram messaging app. "As of now, our defenders control some industrial and infrastructure facilities in the area and the private sector." (Reporting by Olena Harmash, Editing by William Maclean)

    Report from about 5 hours ago. Is this a good kind of critical or a bad kind of critical? I believe it's good and the Minister is making a rallying statement. 

  14. 6 hours ago, The_Capt said:

    You realize that this sentiment is really the problem, right?

    Let's not over think this. If Putin's Russia opens up negotiations they are defeated.  At that point there won't be a ceasefire until the terms are in the favor of Ukraine and the west. There seems to be a large group having a common interest in the war continuing almost forever. The former ambassador added nothing. What we don't want is to open up talks which would be a sign of weakness. So if Russia does, that's a good position to be in. Be happy and force it down their throat. You don't have to be a Princeton Grad to be wary of Putin for goodness sake.  

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