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  1. Feel your pain. All that time setting up and my opponent surrenders in first turn! I should of looked at what he was doing in his other games as it looks like he has surrendered all of them.
  2. @BFCElvisWhile you are in contact with them find out why my CMRT games were both surrendered by my opponent but the score reflects I surrendered one game? I setup all my f'n troops and then returned the file. Never hit surrender or CF. Got the turn back and right to scoring screen. My opponent got 2000 and I got 2000.
  3. i downloaded all my games from Steam. do they contain all the miscellaneous patches that have been applied to the games over the years. Specifically any map, scenario, or campaign patches.
  4. Anyone else getting server error this morning? error: undefined index: isRankingEnabled Solution: Generic Error Cannot log on to server
  5. Appreciate the help. Has anyone attempted to do this? I just did not want to reinvent the wheel if needed. I can screenshot the map but was also wondering about the height map. Anyone have any experience translating it from CMBO to CMBN as I know the action squares are different sizes as is the elevatiion levels.
  6. @BFCElvis What is protocal here if your opponent has the turns and has yet to return them? I dont think this game is going anywhere and wanted to know if someone needs to be emailed or notified?
  7. I do not see any files in my CMRT game. Does one player get both files to start and then the game commences? My opponent is Sonicgun. Anyone know him?
  8. I am trying to fully understand the scoring system being used here. I know an explanation is being worked on but figured someone smarter than me might have already figured it out. I am seeing 10 or 11 scores that are all the same. Were all these games surrenders, no shows, or something else? I am guessing they are all the same scenario being all scores are exactly the same.
  9. So, they were able to implement this into round one? Would be curious to see the penalty to each score explained. Makes sense if one is returning every 3 days while the other player every day. Otherwise a bad time zone matchup could skew times for one and not the other, no?
  10. I am in same boat as you guys. Three of the four turns in my CMBN and CMRT games show I timed out eventhough I hit CF and all files were with my opponents. My in box was clean.
  11. My CMBN games were both in my opponents hands. Nothing in my box yet scores for CMBN and CMRT show I timed out?? Got screwed because I sent both my opponents multiple PM's here and on Matrix and neither CF to finish the game. So, am I reading this right that three of the four turns were waiting on me?? I thought an email stating everyone must CF was going to be sent out? I never seen one unless I missed it. Divadov 13 T 377 390 eniced73 366 24 T 390 hel45 435 464 899 eniced73 11 T 8 T 19
  12. it is! They are doing it now with the "no shows". Awarding 1000pts. I would say 500pts is more realistic in my opinion but that is a moot point. I do not see this happening very often. I got no problem with what Elvis choose on this. This is why "surrenders" should be discouraged and "cease-fires" encouraged. There is no way someone should be ending up with zero points. I think it would be pretty much impossible if you play through or do a CF. If you get your *** handed to you and with 10 turns to play realize it is "game over", let your opponent take the victory location and retreat. If you surrender, then am I wrong to say the last 20+ turns you played are for nothing as you will receive a zero score no matter how many other kill objectives you satisfied? I know the coding part is not easy. I was not alluding to that. I just see a chance the scoring system could be tightened up and make this more competitive and fun. I just wanted to get the conversation started and hopefully a few people coming up with their own suggestions. I thank BF, Slitherine, and all involved in putting this together. Appreciated.
  13. I did some searches and could not find anything. Does anyone know of an easy or semi-easy way to transfer CMBO maps to CMBN? I am not looking at an auto transfer as I know the two games are totally different along with the action squares. I am just wondering if anyone has attempted it and found some easy tricks. I would like to maybe make a scenario or two and then play someone in both games. I think it would be neat to see how each game plays out.
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