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Everything posted by jcmil

  1. Nice vehicle. One of the icons of WW2 I think. Thanks for sharing the picture. My friends GMC can actually be seen in the first 'Dirty Dozen' movie. :cool:
  2. Gotta love the old GMC CCKW. A friend had a real one of these once, back in the days when people could afford to buy petrol
  3. Some interesting hybrids. All looking good. I think a direct swap of units on existing maps/scenarios would be an easy way to test these beasts Avez-vous les txts EN pour les 3 nouvelles missions Uchronie? URL dans message privé.
  4. Looks good. I want to say a Russian turret, it looks familiar but I can't quite place it.
  5. Ahhh. I thought I read a post saying there were issues integrating non-natively drawn-ToW3 maps into that interface. Maybe I misunderstood. I didn't look too far into it after that. Perhaps converted maps will be OK after all. I hope so! Thanks for the work you are putting into all this.
  6. This all looks awesome Tartari. Makes me wonder about the strategy map & how it would be possible to implement it. Would 1c help? Or would they rather make an expansion/new release? I hope they offer a support pack to the work of modders like yourself. Some tools for strategy map implementation that hook into the ToW1 & 2 maps would be great. Perhaps an extended editor to make all this work easier could be a saleable download?
  7. Looking good. Very glad to see your work is progressing.
  8. I look forweard to seeing your tour de force Tartari. Hope to be able to help test something. Please PM me a download URL or I can send you my email address.
  9. Oui c'est vrai. Changing view of Churchills is probably because of vision slit & restricted LOS. Makes sense. (Which reminds me when will ToW allow for button/unbutton of AFVs...? This is an important element in this type of combat.) The orange streaks occurred when the Daimlers were by the Churchills & I also saw one by the Bren carriers on their arrival. Something causing the area not to refresh the frame...? Both instances intersected the road surface tiles. Had a couple of defeats when I posted about gfx glitches, I like a challenge that allows me a few retries The Germans aren't asleep that's for sure. (& OT) I guess modified view with 'button-able' armour & flame throwers have to go on the wish-list. I hope the devs stop messing about with Assault Squad long enough to focus on ToW again , it's a land-mark in wargaming for me & has the ability for greatness as the work of modders like yourself shows. 1C seem to be slow to support ToW now, if it weren't for Sneaksie helping on the forums I don't know how the game would have survived.
  10. Just trying the mod & I am finding some graphical errors. The Churchills repeatedly disappear leaving only the grey icon & then reappear (I hadn't got the crews to them) but Daimlers were within 3m. Some shell trails (orange lines) freeze on screen & stay visible - other things are moving OK. Maybe my vga drivers are a problem? The boggy ground works to disable vehicles - nice Thanks for the work & a fun mission!
  11. @Tartari - that is an awesome endeavour. Really hope to see your work soon! People like you & Arzok have made ToW better than ever.
  12. Interesting. I will have to find time for experimenting. I agree that it would be great if it were possible to transform ToW WW2 games to the #3 code with the strategic campaign mode. Being able to port individual missions will be a good start though. I hope 1c support this with some add-ons/patches/expansions that give enthusiasts more flexibility to use the engine of #3 for other wars. As it stands I think one could model from the Spanish Civil War through to Viet-nam without fundamental changes to the engine. Maybe a cold-war (WiC style uchronie) game would also be possible in the future.
  13. @Tartari - that is incredible. Does this mean that the ToW campaigns can be ported to ToW3 for solo play or is your mod for building new missions only? I am wondering how easy it would be to do a straight conversion but I believe the map construction would impact a 1:1 change badly - is it possible to take a ToW1 map & add the missing data easily?? I would like to replay many of the original missions in ToW3 form to compare the effects/engine operations. I hope you are able to share your work!
  14. Here is my version 1.0 translation attempt. I have made a few adjustments to the content, hopefully keeping the spirit intact. The Readme - download zip @44.57kb
  15. Great looking tank. Look forward to more of your work!
  16. ОК, я постараюсь также на русском языке I think I'll translate all the texts from FR to EN then I can try the русский язык as I go. (Don't have the eniced translation ..) Mais ce n'est pas aussi fort que mon Français ** Update Heres a sample русский язык for DG01 - хорошее? RU - UC_DG01 - text.zip
  17. I decided to try translating the mission briefings to English. I may have taken a few liberties in trying to keep the spirit without literal translation - the 1st 2 files are attached here. The sub-folder name is prefixed to the file name. Thus they will need to be edited when copied into the mod folders. eg - UC_DG01 - texts.utf8 will become ..theatre of war\Missions\UCHRONIE_DG\UC_DG01\texts.utf8 I will try to continue the translations if people are happy with these samples. (Unless someone has already done all this & I just don't know about it!!) D/L Links will be updated when this happens.. Arzok - do we still need to save after the 'Leak' now mod v2.0 containing 15 missions is available? I will edit out the request to make a special save if not. EN-text.zip
  18. I recently tried MOW AS & altho I liked MOW this latest incarnation isn't as good - to me - but MOW AS has good reviews & I'd really expected to enjoy it. Reviews often aren't so much fact as opinion. Unless they isolate flaws in the software (bugs etc) they can be misleading. Having now played both ToW3 & MOW AS, I prefer ToW3. To me MOW was a fun animated war themed puzzle. MOW AS is more of a combat game, ToW3 is more of a combat sim. I prefer the latter. Matrix's new panzer command is good but not as pretty as ToW In answer to your questions on game mechanics - Mine laying & removal is done via mouse click on a button (or hot key) the units go through a routine & small flags show the presence of mines when the laying operation is complete. Binocular view gives you the worms eye view from the selected unit. Dynamic campaign, in earlier ToW you followed through a pre-ordered list of missions. In ToW3 you select the province to focus on, meaning the missions are 'dynamically' ordered & the order of missions changes on the basis of the strategic level choices. ToW has benefited from major efforts by fans, I hope this will continue with #3. Without those fans I doubt the game would be as good as it is now. I also hope the devs will address any technical issues with #3 (tho I'm not having problems) & add some content. But we all know how patches & the wait for them can be. That said I'm enjoying it as a variation on something I've grown to like a lot since it was first released.
  19. Working File mirror 1.06gb AIO pack Original Post
  20. The Massive Mod Pack was a collection released for modders & contains a lot of stuff for scenario creation. There aren't any pre-made missions tho. Gamefront has a group of files to make up this package. (scroll down the list & pick the necessary files.)
  21. I'd say at £0.78p it's worth giving it a shot...
  22. GoldWave is one of the better sound editors about. Audacity is freeware & does pretty much the same. If you d/l youtube files with jdownloader you can select just the mp3 or wav etc file (Saves demuxing.) & then chop it about & change its' format in a sound editor as req'd.
  23. There are quite a few clips of real weapons on youtube - Pak 36 -could be used if you can cut off the undesirable noises.
  24. Maybe I should have listened to it not just looked at the part number. It is heavier than .30. Given the name & the sound I would say it is likely to be the 1937 RE Boys AT rifle.
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