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Posts posted by scottsmm

  1. Happycat, believe me if I had a choice I would have chosen XP 99 out of a hundred times. Only problem is when the vendor choices to only sell vista, and you need a new computer you don't have a choice. I can honestly say I know XP like the back of my hand. I definitely can't say that about Vista.

  2. I know that this problem isn't related to Pacific theater, but it occurs with all other SC games that are oun on the market (except European theater which I uninstalled). Anyway the problem is that whenever I'm in the notepad part of the editor where it allows you to edit event scripts a message comes up which states that "It cannot create Whatever event your under and it then says to make sure the path and file name are correct. It doesn't matter what game of the SC series your in, or what campagin your in. Whenever you try it always comes up with the same error message. It's just gotten really annoying, and I've tried contacting tech guys at dell and trying myself to figure out what I had to do to anwser this problem, but nothing has worked. If you need a further justifcation of what the problem is, because I was either not clear enough or you don't understand the problem please let me know. My guess is that I'm the only one with this problem. If anybody else has experenced this problem before, or know what the anwser is please tell me I can use all the help I can get.

  3. Stitch, not sure, but if you are new to the SC series you might want to consider going easy on yourself. A lot of the people on this site have become hardend vets, and can therefore do the impossible. Sometimes you shouldn't follow history, because this series is mainly what if's (that's what's great about having the editor to design your own mods). Knowing my like though your probably like me, and have gotten the SC games from another site (Amazon, ebay, etc) and just appear to be starting out in the SC war game series. Which by the way is often an advantage in multiplayer games :).

  4. Timskorn, The truth is this game isn't totally to scale of what real history was, because if that was the case it would be impossible for Japan to win (unless of course the allies fell apart, or totally ignored the Asian/Pacific theatre). So I guess I'm thinking a bit like Yamamoto, but how else can I think If I playing as Japan, and of course want to win.

    Blashy, good luck, and out of all those three make sure that you have the third one for the entire game. If you don't have it your doomed for defeat.

  5. I'm going to buy it. I haven't missed one of the SC series so far and certainly don't intend to. I'm sure your right, but from my experiences with other games of this nature + the demo I don't see much resistance offered by the allies. On top of all that I think it's accurate, because the Americans didn't become fully commited until 1943 and 44' in there island hoping campagin. With that being said if you take Hawaii and Midway, you should be able to limit what the US can do unless they achieve near total naval superiority (which I promise I won't let happen), because if they don't have these three things (Midway, Hawaii, and naval superiority) I fail to see what they could do to substantially defeat the empire of Japan.

  6. Timskorn, I couldn't agree with you more it's just I'm very careful about making purchases over the internet, and therefore I'm still waiting for money to transfer into my paypal account so no private info has to be revealed. In other words let's just say Christmas is going to be a little more special then what it usually is.

    Blashy, I'm sure your right, but in truth I'm not playing aganst time in the demo it's only half a year so I don't have to actually worry about making a defensive stand. Reasons for this is my biggest opponent is the troops in the Phillapines, and maybe China but the Chinnese are just like Russia in the fact that they have big numbers but are lacking quality fighting units.

  7. Hubert, I do know that the demo goes to something like June 7th and your right you don't see much at all from the US. However when I was talking about the effects of the loss of Midway and Hawaii I was more wondering if the US would launch an automatic task force out to reclaim them as soon as possible, or if the US would simplay bypass them and fight other battles instead.

    Bill101, Japan has a huge navy, and because of that and the casulties that the US navy will take at Pearl Harbour, it will ultimatly give the Japs the chance to fight in multiple areas with their navy. The other thing is the time at which you take them. I personally succeed at taking them around Febuary 42' so the threat of the US navy really doesn't exist. I guess I've made it pretty clear of what my strategy is for this great game, but so be it.

  8. If you've played the demo you've noticed that besides the US moving it's new navy units from San Francisco to Pearl Harbour, and that's about all they do in the campagin minus fighting a defensive fight in the Philippines. With that being said Hubert, do you think it would be a good strategy to conquer Hawii and Midway, or should you just bypass them all together? When I say this I'm mainly talking about the early part of the campaign, and what would the effects be to the US abilty to counter-act any of my future movements, because of there base being another 1,000 or so square miles away. Would it slow them down or speed them up to retake Hawii and Midway?

  9. arado234, I get your point however you would be pushing me a bit if it was your way to condense what thetwo said which was an excellent set of posts by him.

    Blashy, I highly dobut that "greed will kill us all" and I believe greed is one part of nationalism and war, but I will NEVER accept it as being anymore then just one part of it.

  10. I agree Burma is the worst. Only two possible ways out of that problem. One would be to cheat, and turn the weather off, or to move units elsewhere. I prefer a little cheating every once in a while, but typically move units to Midway to carry out an assault on Hawaii. Then I use that as a base to go to the states, and effectively decide how the campaign will turn out in the early stages, rather then find out later on down the road.

  11. bonenw, I'll anwser this question to spare Hubert, and his team from anwsering it. It totally depends on areas in the game that have joined your side, or by what you set occupation value efficencies percentages. In other words if an ally joins Japan in her fight for world domination then your carriers would be able to reinforce fully there (if it has a supply of 10). The other way would be to go in the editor, and go to countries under Japan's control and up the occupation efficencies. To do it this way just click on campagin then edit countries, then go to the top right of the editor page where you will see Max Occuptation efficency % and set that to 100%. Hope that helps.

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