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Posts posted by scottsmm

  1. as we all know PDE is available for pre-order now and is scheduled for release in May. My question is what part of May if predictable and will people who pre-ordered the game get a little bit of a jump start as in strategic command WAW where we got I believe 12hrs last time.

    p.s congratulations to the #1 seed Canadians but you might want to watch your back for next year because the Bruins will be back and won't be shell shocked in the first and last game in the series.

  2. ya I typically in the early part of the campaign buy corps and would invest in infantry and anti tank weapons level one. Then let them entrench themselves and hope they can delay Germany while I set up my heavy units to counter-attack in the Russian winter and build as many fortifications around Karkov, Stalingrad, and Moscow. Truly with the Urals being re-built and the British convoy event why invest in losing your best units in the Ukraine if thats what your asking cause the first year of the invasion decides what happens in the next. Hope that helps.

  3. Same here I have to say that the atomic bomb was the key factor throughout the cold war and today so if a country falls behind in that research area I think they should be penalized somehow (that's up to you) So i think the atomic bomb should be added in somehow in the campaign. Also I was just wondering if you could work on the paypal payment for this great expansion (since for some reason or another it doesn't work and I want to pre-order this). other then that I think this expansion would be very successful.

  4. Moderators and administrators Please look!!!!!!

    so I go to pre order sc2 expansion Patton drives east but of course I forget my password so I click on the link where it says forget password. enter my user name and email address and it tells me that there is no member under name currently registered under that email and user name. Does that mean when I signed up no moderator approved me or that I'm just not registered at battlefront period. Just wondering. Oh and I tried like 8 times on re-entering the information I even copied my own user name from one of the post that I posted. Same response every time. Should I just create another account or is there a peaceful way to go about this.

  5. the reason for that Armuss is that the USSR is not cooperative with it's allies so they don't get supply from their ports the same thing happens vice versa the royal navy doesn't get supply in USSR ports. Although if you wanted to you could change that in the editor by going to country data then go to USSR and place a check in the cooperative box and save changes so you don't have to do it repeatedly.

  6. ya I know that but if the allies every did anything on mainland Europe it would be a huge mistake Cause by that point most likely Russia is defeated so if they did choose Denmark they wouldn't capture Copenhagen so they would run low on supplies. But what don't get is how would they threaten Finland since it would be blocked of by the Copenhagen port. Oh and if they attacked Germany then that would obviously put me in decent position to counter-attack just as long as they didn't capture both capitals if that happened I would just surrender because there would be no point in fighting on with just the damned Italians.

  7. ya actually I think level 5 could kill anything including destroyers I've done it before. I had three subs attack a British destroyer fleet each sub took 2-3 strength points after the attack but the destroyer was sunk. Although you really shouldn't do this but I was in the middle of trying to destroy a HUGE American fleet. It had 5 armies, 4 corps,3 HQ's, 1 artillery, 2 tank groups, 2 special forces, and 1 paratrooper. I was determined to destroy this convoy and these destroyers kept getting in my way also I wouldn't be able to send a sufficient force to counter what would be D Day since I was fighting for Stalingrad, Moscow, and Leningrad. So I knew that I would lose the war if I didn't destroy the convoy.

  8. well I'm definitely a so called expert on conquering Russia and the biggest thing you have to do is get Turkey to join the Axis send troops there and attack all of the caucuses usually falls in 3 turns including Rostov, and Stalingrad (paratroopers are great for those two cities). Simultaneously invade central Russia and within four to five turns that should fall and pretty much the Russians have no chance to win then. their Mpp should be like 165 per turn with full un-attacked convoys. Then stop and withdrew your air units for the Russian Winter. One other big thing is you might want to invade Russia in mid-April 42' or 43'. Hope that helps it works for me every time against the allies in any Russian campaign. Oh this doesn't work very good with games not played against the AI so you have to be creative there since they will see it coming and will react to it.

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