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Posts posted by scottsmm

  1. I just want to take a guess that in two weeks time this game goes gold and ultimately preorders begin to get accepted. By the way my last guess for PDE was exact for May 8 th mainly because of it's day's importance in history. I asked Hubert though and he told me it was a coincidence so who knows if I'll get lucky this time. Anyone else have any guesses all are welcome.

  2. First Arado for Hitler it never was enough that's what I think greed is the continuing non-stopping want to do better and better. Secondly if Hitler did achive it, then in less your 100% Aryan German your not alive because you either died in a concentration camp or your parents where killed before you were born. Thank god I had to use the word "if".

  3. Rocko1 good point however we are not talking about medical fields. By the way I'm not denying human nature it's just greed is the want to get more and more and eventually you find out that because of your selfish greed you have doomed your country because your want to better it had actualy buried your own country six feet under with no way to dig itself out. In other words in World War Two if Hitler only wanted to take a part of the world he would have succeded at that but he continuely wanted more until his own alliance couldn't win and as a result Germany, and Japan were left in ruins with Italy not faring to much better. You can see this by going to these countries and looking at there infrustructure and then asking yourself why are all there buildings only about 50 years old at the most?

  4. Greed is a major cause of war nobody in there right mind would ever question you Blashy about that, but the problem is there is no way to get rid of that emotion or to prove that it's been the cause of all wars that have been started by man. But what we do know and can most likely agree with is greed has been responsible for most human wars and can been seen under the umbrella of many diffrent things (religion, misjudgement, nationalism, etc).

  5. yes the two I don't always have short response questions. Arado234 I would say always anwsers my questions though thetwo, and by the way Arado234 good solid response. You should always cut to the chase as my questions are usually meant to evoke good logical responses. But what I find intersting about this question is it's only about 10 words yet people could write page after page and still be able to write another page. It also has lead-way so that you could debate in the end what I believe is that WWI had many causes and because of the failure of the treaty of versailles and the Germans feeling inferior to there western and possibly eastern neighbors+ an insane man (Hitler of course) who was bond to try his best to redeem Germany lead to the second world war. In this formula for death nationalism was at the center stage throughout both World Wars and on the propaganda battlefront for both sides. So thetwo and Arado234 do you agree that this shows what role nationalism played in both world wars?

  6. my point in saying that was the spark of the first world war came from a couple of things.

    1. want to better your counrty

    2. huge developments in european weaponry that had european counrtries literally trigger happy (other wise how did all of Europe and a good part of Asia get involved in the conflict in the matter of days)

    3. grab land/ establish your country as a superpower (my personal opinion)

    of course nationalism was used in both worldwars (mainly throughout propaganda) from both sides to either join the war on your countries side or to feel that you are superior to your enemy really both of these together. For Hitlers rise to power it mainly I think was revenge in the form of nationalism also desperation by the german people. One thing that is for sure is that in WWI European countries were trigger happy but after the first few years they very quickly felt diffrently. One last interesting point of Hitlers rise to power is that Rommuel said "as long as my generation is alive there will be no other world wars" of course he was dead wrong but it proves that after a while the Germans wanted nothing to do with the war and probably wished they didn't get involved in the Serbian conflict. Intresting thought is that the monarch that was assinated caused not only one World War but two and I can't estimate the losses in life and in money over that one assination. Shows that person was important I guess. I forget his name though and don't feel like googling it hahaha. In short I'm not sure if you could say nationalism played a bigger part in WWII then it did in WWI but it's a question that I'm asking trying to get diffrent opinions and see if it really should be one over the other. I also apologize for any misspellings and gramatical errors I make in this message it's past midnight.

  7. no Kamikazis started officially after the Great marianas turkey shoot but you have to think that officially they started from the second a person decided to (if he was going down) take out as much of the enemy as possible meaning that suicide attacks were truthfully used by both sides and could be dated back to as soon as WWI. And when I mentioned after Gudalcanal I was refering to a "what if" scenario. I agree that suicide attacks are a sign of desperation and will usually only take place by the despreate side in the war but not specificaly that side alone. As for the Chinese pilot theory same thing "what if" scenario as there was no documentation of this but I said mainly because of china's huge population and thought that it would solve any manpower shortage you have. Your also probably right if it did happen they probably wouldn't have gone after any enemy ship but most likely to a neutral or allied country. Only problem with that is the "red meatball" on there plane would make it hard for them to say they were chinese instead of japanese.

  8. Arado 234 when I said what I said about those losses I was mainly talking about maybe from guadalcanal on. Although the Japs could with stand those losses if you think about it by having chinnese fly for them (I know this didn't happen but neither did kamakazes in 37') Truth is the Japs just wanted Jap men reguardless of there combat experence so I would imagine that the Japs would do something similar to as the German Home Army because your right if they did kamakazes from 37' on they simply would run out of men. of course it wouldn't be an army it would be an air force.

  9. not sure about this but was there a small naval battle at Gudalcanal in which the US had a couple of warships but was mainly protecting it's landing force and the battle happenend at night in which the japs won but they didn't know about the landing force so they escaped tragedy mainly by the cover of darkness. Not sure SeaMonkey if this is what your refering to but it seems possible. Although I very well could be wrong my strongest knowledge of the war comes from the European Theatre not the Pacific Theatre.

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