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Posts posted by scottsmm

  1. You've got a good point Blashy except for the fact all Japs were crazy so I'm not sure if the smart brained generals really cared. If the Emperor told them to try to conquer hell they would devout their forces into a battle for it. As for playing the game though you should do as you say, and simply ignore them unless you have nothing better to attack. Unless of course you were determined to play it historical then you would have no choice, but to attack them.

  2. hahaha, but seriously war is just the tool of Politicians used to gain foreign influence around the world with that nations armed soldiers are simply nothing more than the people that carry out the "dirty work". Needless to say this is over simplifying the matter as you could write multiple research papers on war and why it exists, and then you could write even more, and so on and so on. With that said everybody on this site is one MAJOR politician.

  3. To be honest Ludi, You'll find out that eventually you will know the scripts pretty good as after a few games on each side you will be forced to master them without being physic :). This will occur before any patch is released although it can't be too much longer as the game has been out there for about two months give or take a week. Usually that's a normal time period for the first patch to be released. Which usually fixes all the various bugs, and problems players have reported to Hubert and Co.

  4. Alright this is all beginning to come together. I want to start production of it no later than February 2nd, and so far it's me, you, and Happycat. Feel free to begin to look into the location of units during early June 42'. One last thing is that I need your email so that we can send each other info about the campaign. Other than that welcome aboard SeaMonkey.

  5. SeaMonkey, would you like to join the team to produce this Midway Campaign? I want to get everyone who wants to help me out with this MOD on the "team" by this weekend so I can begin production of this game. I'm more afraid of making mistakes with units in Asia and the islands in the Western to Central Pacific. As I already know where all the major units are (CV's and BB's).

  6. Thank you very much. It's in its infancy stage, and I definitely need all the help I can get. I just need your email. Currently though I want Hubert to approve it, because after all he is the one that created the game, and if he's on board then this has a chance to be a real success. After that I would be thrilled to be the first one to play it with you.

  7. I have found a way to make it more exciting, and if I get support from a few key people I might just create a Major Midway MOD and see how that works. First though I would like to see who is up for the idea, and then I will see if it's worth going for? By the way I never lie especially when I'm talking about playing some type of scenario over and over again. Not that I think you're accusing me of it. By the way I really wasn't told anything by anybody about the problem on another thread topic. I just had a very bad choice of words I think that implied a different meaning. That's also not a lie.

  8. Okay First off guys I wasn't trying to imply that anyone told me anything. In fact I haven't been told anything by anybody. I'm just going off of what other people say, and forming my own opinion. I thought this was mainly about the Russian garrison popup problem in which it wasn't clear enough. As it seems to me like it is going to be fixed when the first patch comes out. Which I doubt will be a very long wait, but I haven't been told anything, and I apologize if I implied this in any way. I also would like to apologize for those of you who aren't psychic :).

  9. Jon what about those of us that want a nice destination when winter comes around? Makin island seems like a pretty good spot. I'm sure the Emperor would approve of its conquest for that reason alone :). Back to reality Jon they have no value, but they prove themselves as vital Intel hubs with long range bombers. Often times they stop surprises that you would get if you didn't have them in your possession.

  10. Big Dog,

    The answer to that question is that Blashy believes it should be left up to MOD makers, and that nobody else on the team has said how they feel about this on this thread. In truth it would be nice to have both, but it appears that it doesn't look like it's going to happen unless you’re a MOD maker.


    Your right after Dec 11, 1941 Germany had no chance to win the war outright. It's just that in terms of playing a game (which this is) it's fun if you could actually play either side, and have a chance of winning. That's just one reason why everybody here has liked SC1, all SC2 games, and now we’re hoping that it might just get incorporated into this game to make it even better then what it already is.

  11. Arado,

    Let's just say if it's tough for the SC team to equal the play balance out they should have me join the team, or at least look at some images I have of campaigns I've made. It's not at all tough I assure you Arado, to equal the play balance with the editor. What's tough is that there will be people who will argue with you that you made it more favorable, and actually gave Japan the advantage to win the war. IMHO that's the biggest problem for anybody to equal the play balance out. I probably should have posted a few games as mods they were equal in play balance as I won outright on both sides Japan and Allies (one was a Midway Major campaign). Honestly though I'm an expert now on how to equal out the play balance it's really not that hard I can promise you that. It definitely would be a fun option to have plus a Major Midway Campaign and it would be a blast.

  12. SeaMonkey,

    As you've been around this series for awhile you should try to fall on your previous experiences with this type of game. Personally though you should like what you've seen as the AI for SCET was at best lacking, and from this it looks like you have your hands full. I guess Hubert and Company deserve a lot of credit for that. What you should know though is expecting that the units that are attacking you are British they won't push for the home islands, and in total Burma, Singapore, Manchukuo, and present day Vietnam aren't important to the overall outcome of the game. In the mean time expect the US to be coming full force at Japan. So I hate to say this (it is a tough decision for you), but I think you need to sacrifice or transport those units in the Burma theater to Japan. You must hold Japan if possible load Honshu up with units so that the Allies (US) can't take it. With that being said I think it would be best to get as many units to fight the US on the home islands as possible. Including naval units at full strength and upgraded. This is however your decision though. The only thing that is certain is you must hold out for one year (Honshu Island) if you do that you win the game, even though the Allies had the might to wipe the Japs totally off the face of the earth. Good luck and Godspeed SeaMonkey. Maybe some sea guerillas would come in handy :).

  13. First, I would just like to say great game guys, but it would be nice I think if sometime in the future the SC team works to create a Midway major campaign. It's just a thought of one road this game could go down in the future. If this actually does go through which I unfortunately doubt it will it will give both Japan and the Allies the chance to fight the war once the beginning part was all over. Sort of like my favorite Fall Blau campaign in SC2. I do know that there is a minor Midway campaign, and I've played it a lot. Like I've said above I'm VERY happy with this game, and I think this would be nice if this could happen to it. Great job once again on creating another great game Hubert, and company.

  14. Seamonkey,

    I'm not sure, but if as the Japanese player you hold Tokyo and Kyoto to the clock runs out you get a minor Japanese victory. So if you've lossed sight of any realistic chance of achieving any other victory conditions then if you don't want to lose totally you should make Japan an "impenetrable fortress". Which with it's terrain and points of attack wouldn't be all that hard.


    Your right Japan, didn't have a chance in the war, but what fun is it playing a game if the AI doesn't have a chance against you. Do you remember PDE, none of that was even slightly historical. So why not just design a modified version of Operation Z, were Japan can have a chance. Also should keep the real campagin for those of you who like playing the game how it really happenend.

  15. K Man, your one of the lucky people (probably the majority of people) that hasn't experienced Vista. The problems that I experience though have to do with a few other games on my laptop. Such as Hitman Blood Money, Company Of Heros, etc. You always have trouble with saving or launching the problem. Although I did have one problem which was releated to SC, and that had to do with the folder I saved the game to. In the end Dell could support their contract it's just even if they do they fix problems which come back 2-3 days later as the same problem. I even have an XPS special support contract which does me little good. In truth I'm better at fixing my own problems then having them help me(anything besides SC), for SC though I've learnd you should always ask Hubert who always fixes the problem (thanks Hubert). When it comes down to me solving problems on my laptop let's just say I'm not the best at it. Hubert, on the other hand is near perfect, and seems to be able to fix just about anything you throw at him. Which with the fact SC is such a great game will keep me on board for life. Back to Dell they love, and boy do I mean love to direct you back to the vendor even though it has to do with Vista, and not the vendors product.

    Off subject I went to Battleship Cove, a few years ago as a high school field trip. Which I believe was a part of Fall River MA. It was a pretty good little WWII field trip destination. I live just outside of Boston so it was a pretty good field trip location.

  16. Hubert,

    Did you hear windows is thinking of moving away from Vistia. Which is just great since I have a system that has it, and also that means whatever minimal assistance I got before from dell will now vanish as soon they won't support dell systems with Vista. In essence my 3 year tech contract with them will become worthless :(. A real bummer for me, and everyone else that currently has Vista, and doesn't want to buy a new system after they just purchased one. That's however a little off subject though then from the great games you've created over that past years. Which have kept most of us who play them addicted to them until 3 in the morning :).

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