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Everything posted by Northman

  1. A pathfinding issue: http://www.filedump.net/dumped/pathingissue1222637277.jpg I ordered my units to walk through the grassy field. Instead, they wander off to the left of it, in open terrain.
  2. I too have seen this. Tank straight ahead with nothing apparent obstructing line of sight, LOS-tool reports "No LOS" and the vehicle can be seen.
  3. Another LOS bug: http://www.filedump.net/dumped/losbug21222562406.jpg Note that I am tracing LOS from the waypoint. There is no LOS from the unit either, though. EDIT: Here is another shot: http://www.filedump.net/dumped/losbug31222562886.jpg
  4. Looks like LOS is screwed for units positioned on ridges: http://www.filedump.net/dumped/losbug1222552118.jpg
  5. There seems to be a quite serious bug with C2. I'm playing the first mission in the campaign, and all my teams have visual contact to the HQ-unit no matter where they are.
  6. The "abstract cover" units receive seems to have increased significantly since 1.08. Since the game does not visually represent every possible type of cover(for example, no cars) and since the tacAI isn't as good at taking cover as a real soldier would be, this is generally how it should be.
  7. Have anyone else noticed how the behaviour of medics has changed? With 1.08 medic aid did not kick in when the unit was under moderate to heavy fire, which was good. Now medics seem to rush to the aid as soon as someone goes down. I had a three-man sniper team getting ambushed in the open at about 40 meters; one man went down, but instead of shooting back, the soldier carrying the grenade launcher starts performing first aid...
  8. "On Veteran and Elite levels, you will not hear voices of unspotted enemies." About time this got fixed.
  9. Infantry encounters in close quarters seems to be vastly improved and do not result in the one minute long massacres they used to. Abstracted cover seems to have increased and soldiers fire back and move more realistically. So far it seems like a completely different game at this level. I haven't seen units peek around corners though, as was mentioned in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=75317&highlight=corners&page=1. Was this feature taken out?
  10. Most people who play RT seem to play it this way, which is odd, since the main reason for making the game RT was that it forced the player to think while time was passing, and thus making the game more realistic...
  11. Clearly, the time given for most of the missions is very unrealistic, but then again, the pace in SF isn't very realistic either(it's way too fast). This is probably the way BF want it to be(unfortunately), so I doubt we will see much change here.
  12. Will soldiers peek around corners and fire(or use corners as cover while firing), or will they just position themselves better than before?
  13. Also worth mentioning here is the Abrams' reluctancy to fire its 12.7. It seems to stop using it when the ammo count has dropped to 900, at least when given an area fire command.
  14. The yellow ones are the other side's objectives. If the scenario designer has marked an objective as 'known to both', then it will show up in yellow on the map of the player of which it is not assigned to.
  15. *BUMP* Having a feature such as this would make a huge difference when it comes to MOUT warfare, and with units now using ridges and such for cover in the upcoming module/patch, perhaps this isn't unthinkable?
  16. Also according to the manual, one should use FAST to "have a squad sprint across an open road from one building to another, making sure that they do not slow down to return fire". None of the two features mentioned there work yet, hopefully they will after the patch.
  17. Ah, excellent! That's something I've always felt was missing from the infantry modeling. Is the chance of _spotting_ an enemy unit increased by having a small covering arc over that unit, and does this chance decrease with the size of the covering arc? Will hunt with covered arc be fixed in the upcoming patch? I.e. will units continue to 'hunt' as long as the only units that are spotted are outside of the covered arc?
  18. *Bump* Can we get an answer from BF on this one? What is the point of using FAST(with infantry)?
  19. Yes, I have this problem too. The Abrams will never fire its main gun when ordered to area fire at ground. Very annoying when you have targets at long distances, since they often disappear out of LOS, so that the only way to kill them is by using area fire. It really limits the firepower of the Abrams against infantry. Will it be fixed in 1.1?
  20. NO, and that's after giving this game more benefit of the doubt than I have given any game anytime before. Bugs can be fixed, but design flaws cannot. Realtime and 1:1 kills realism more than it enhances it.
  21. There are similar issues with connected buildings that are worth mentioning. Issue 1: In the scenarios I have played so far, there are a lot of these connected buildings that have not been edited so that the inside walls do not have windows and doors so that they cannot be shot or seen through. So this is a scenario problem and not an engine problem. Issue 2: Even if you do remove the windows and doors on the inside wall, you can still use area fire to put a great deal of fire thru the wall. To do this you have to move the target marker around a little to find a valid spot to make it "stick" to. I do not know if this also implies that there are certain spots that can also be traced to with LOS but it does not appear to be so. Issue 3: When using area fire thru such walls you will often kill men in your own squad because most of the fire does not actually go through it. This is also the case if the wall has not had its windows and doors removed, like in issue 1.
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